Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin kisses the Holy Quran handed to him as a gift from Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov

    Wednesday, August 21, 2024   No comments

Russian President Vladimir Putin was presented a gold-encrusted copy of the Holy Quran in the recently built "Prophet Jesus" mosque in Grozny, the capital of the Chechen Republic of Russia.

Putin arrived at the mosque accompanied by the President of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, and the Mufti of Chechnya, the head of the Religious Administration of Muslims of the Republic Salah Mezhiev.

When opening the pages of the Quran, the Mufti recited to Putin a verse from Surat Al-Anfal - "And you did not throw when you threw, but Allah threw", and translated its meaning into Russian.

President Putin kissed the copy of the Quran before embracing it and taking a souvenir photo with Kadyrov and the Mufti of Chechnya.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Richard Medhurst: I was arrested at Heathrow Airport as a “Terrorist” for My Journalism

    Tuesday, August 20, 2024   No comments

The British journalist revealed on X his treatment by the authorities after being arrested under Section 12 of the U.K.’s Terrorism Act.

The arrest on Aug. 15, came eight days after the F.B.I. raided the home of journalist and CN columnist Scott Ritter in the United States. 

Section 12 of the British Terrorism Act criminalizes holding certain opinions or beliefs. It reads: 

“12 Support.

(1) A person commits an offence if—

(a) he invites support for a proscribed organisation, and

(b) the support is not, or is not restricted to, the provision of money or other property (within the meaning of section 15).

[F1(1A) A person commits an offence if the person—

(a) expresses an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organisation, and

(b ) in doing so is reckless as to whether a person to whom the expression is directed will be encouraged to support a proscribed organisation.]”

Sunday, August 18, 2024

US Air Force engineer resigns: “Absolutely appalled by Biden and Pentagon’s complicity in genocide”

    Sunday, August 18, 2024   No comments

The news website, "The Intercept", reported about the resignation of an engineer in the US Air Force, in protest of the complicity of US President Joe Biden and the Department of Defense with the genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The website said that the engineer Riley Livermore joined the Air Force 16 years ago, and his subsequent career as a flight test engineer took him to "Israel", where he spent two years conducting missile guidance research, but, shortly after October 7, he decided that he "could not continue anymore."

The website quoted Livermore as saying that he was "absolutely horrified" by the way Biden and the Department of Defense were complicit in the genocide, revealing that since late October he had begun the process of separating from the Air Force, as this path is now in its final steps, stressing that once he officially leaves the army, he will never work again in what he describes as the "military-industrial complex."

Livermore's resignation comes in the wake of a long series of resignations within the Biden administration and the US military, in protest of the US role in the genocide. This protest took its most intense form when 25-year-old US pilot Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington last February.


Friday, August 16, 2024

Media review: Understanding Blinken's assessment of when Iran will produce a nuclear bomb and Haniyeh's assassination

    Friday, August 16, 2024   No comments

What do media reports and political statements about state-sanctioned assassinations and the war in Gaza mean in the big picture?


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced, Friday July 19th, that Iran is capable of producing fissile material for a nuclear bomb "within a week or two."

Blinken said during a forum in Colorado (west) that "the current situation is not good. Iran, because of the end of the nuclear agreement, instead of being at least a year away from being able to produce fissile material for a nuclear bomb, is now probably a week or two away from being able to do so."

He explained that Tehran "has not developed a weapon yet, but we are watching this matter closely, of course."

Blinken reiterated that "a week or two" is the estimated time for Iran to be able to produce this fissile material for the purpose of making a nuclear bomb.

He said, "What we have seen in recent weeks and months is that Iran is moving forward with this" nuclear program, reiterating the United States' goal of Tehran never having a nuclear weapon, and "preferring the diplomatic path" to achieve this.

CNN, which reported the same news explained breakout time as being "the amount of time needed to produce enough weapons grade material for a nuclear weapon – “is now probably one or two weeks” as Tehran has continued to develop its nuclear program."

The US government statement was made about a month ago, July 18. If that assessment is correct, not only did Iran has more than two weeks to reach that goal, but also was given more reasons to achieve that goal when Israel carried out an attack inside Iran on 31 July 2024, that killed Hamas leader, Ismael Haniyeh who was attending the inauguration of the new president. Blinken assessment is significant for many reasons, including these two important reasons.

If US assessment is true, and given the recent development, by Wednesday August 14th, Iran would have had two weeks since the assassination, above and beyond the two weeks between Blinken's statement and the assassination, which is more than the time it needs to reach the stage per US government.  This means that, now, Iran is past the breakout time, and would have enough "weapons grade material for a nuclear weapon". 

If Iran does not produce "weapons grade material" then US assessment is flawed about Iran's ability or wrong about its intention to do so. 

In both cases, this recent development is bad news for Western governments because their next news cycle will be to address Iran with the reality of it possessing the nuclear material or having it and choosing not to build a nuclear weapons. In both cases, the nuclear threat would have moved past it being a threat, since it will be either a reality or a non-threat.

In the light of the nuclear development matter, Iran's delayed retaliation against Israel for the assassination of a Palestinian political leader, Ismail Haniyeh, could be the most strategic response. Iran would have used the timeline floated by high-ranking US official about the breakout time to either make it irrelevant or to create more uncertainty about Iran's capabilities.

The delay froze any conversation about Iran's nuclear program and perhaps allowed the Iranian leaders to add the nuclear option just in case Israel decides to retaliate against Iran's retaliation. Iran does not have to announce that they have a nuclear weapon at this point; Iran could adopt Israel’s strategic ambiguity about its nuclear capability and that would produce the same deterring effects as announcing that it has a nuclear weapon.

Taken in a broader context, the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, in effect, was the best thing that could have happened for Iran for many reasons.

First, Iran now has the legal and moral ground to act on the principle of self-defense.

Second, by holding official religious prayers for the dead Sunni leader, Iran’s brand of Islam, Shia Islam, is no longer a fringe belief, as it has been portrayed by Saudi Salafists. The fact that Hamas leaders agreed to have two formal prayers, one in Tehran and one in Qatar, is remarkable in the view of experts on Sunni-Shia divide.

Third, Iran’s menu of retaliatory options has become more expansive. Iran could strike inside the 1948 border of Israel, since the attack on Haniyeh took place in Tehran. But Iran could hit targets and military concentrations in Gaza, which will highlight the above stated connections, and refocus attention on the primary objective that most governments around the world want to achieve: a ceasefire in Gaza War. Also, Iran could use a surgical strike against an Israeli leader or a military installation. Lastly, Iran’s leaders could forgo a military tactical strike in favor of a strategic decision to adopt a different nuclear posture and use the assassination as a justification for developing a last resort self-defense nuclear option, something it has been unable to do in the past.

When considered from these advantage points, it is clear that assassination is the least strategic statecraft tool, as it tends to diminish the standing and reputation of the state that rely on assassinations and bolster the strategic position of the state whose sovereignty has been violated--long-term. For these reasons, this event may end up being one of the most significant turning points of the century. 


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Al-Azhar, Sistani, world condemn the "massacre of worshippers" in Gaza

    Saturday, August 10, 2024   No comments

Al-Azhar condemned the "massacre of worshipers" that claimed the lives of more than 100 martyrs who had taken refuge in a school building in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City. The highest Shiite authority in Iraq, Ali al-Sistani, also condemned the massacre, saying that it is added to the series of crimes of the Israeli occupation.

Al-Azhar said in a statement published today, Saturday, on its official account on the social networking platform "X" that it confirms "that this treacherous criminal act that targeted innocent civilians who were standing before God in performing the dawn prayer, along with their women, children and elderly; is a crime that all human languages ​​are unable to express its cruelty, heinousness and barbarism."

Al-Azhar added that this massacre "is devoid of all meanings of mercy and humanity," as "this enemy has gone too far in killing the weak and innocent, starving them to death, and has become adept at blowing up their homes and bombing their shelters, in full view of the international community that has been paralyzed and unable to stand up to the terrorism of this brutal entity and its supporters."

After expressing his condolences for the martyrs of the massacre, Al-Azhar called on "all free people of the world to continue to pressure this terrorist entity by all means, to stop its crimes and the acts of genocide that it practices daily against the owners of the land in Palestine." He added: "Let everyone know that history will not have mercy on those who are complacent and silent about these heinous crimes."

In the same context, the highest Shiite authority in Iraq, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, condemned today, Saturday, the major massacre committed by the occupation in the Tabi'in School, and said in a statement issued by his office: "Once again, the Israeli occupation army committed a major massacre in the proud Gaza Strip by targeting those sheltered by (the Tabi'in School) of displaced and homeless people... in a horrific crime that is added to its series of crimes that have been ongoing for more than 10 months."

Al-Sistani called on "the world - once again - to stand up to this terrible savagery," and especially "the Islamic peoples... to unite and unite to pressure to stop the war of extermination in Gaza."

By targeting the "Tabi'in School," the number of schools sheltering displaced people that the Israeli army bombed in Gaza City alone in one week has risen to 6, which has left a large number of martyrs and wounded.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell described Israel's "fatal strike" on Saturday at dawn on a school housing displaced people in Gaza as "horrific," saying he was "horrified" by the images of the massacre.

"Images coming from a school housing displaced people in Gaza that was hit by a horrific Israeli airstrike, with dozens of Palestinian casualties reported," Borrell wrote on the X platform.

"At least 10 schools have been targeted in recent weeks. There is no justification for these massacres," he added, stressing that "a ceasefire in Gaza is the only way to stop the killing of civilians and secure the release of hostages."

For her part, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, said that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in one school after another in the Gaza Strip, with American and European weapons, amidst the indifference of all "civilized nations."

Arab and international condemnations of the "Fajr Massacre" against worshippers in Gaza

Arab and international reactions condemned the Israeli aggression that targeted worshipers at dawn today, Saturday, in the "Al-Tabi'een" school that houses displaced people in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City, which resulted in the death of more than 100 martyrs and dozens of injuries.

Syria: "Israel's" crimes will increase the determination of the people of this region to resist it

The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the horrific massacre in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in the middle of the Gaza Strip, stressing that "the entity's persistence in shedding the blood of innocents in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria will increase the determination of the people of this region to resist the occupation and respond to its crimes, despite all the Western support it enjoys."

The Syrian Foreign Ministry saluted this legendary steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of their occupiers over the decades, while affirming its firm and strong support for them in their just struggle.

Lebanon: "Israel" intentionally prolongs and expands the war

The Lebanese Foreign Ministry condemned in the "strongest terms" the occupation forces' targeting of the "Tabi'een" school, which houses defenseless displaced Palestinians in Gaza City.

The Lebanese Foreign Ministry confirmed that the deliberate killing of these huge numbers of civilians provides conclusive evidence of "Israel's" intention to prolong and expand the war.

For its part, the Beirut Scholars Association said that the crime of the "Tabi'een" school is a described crime that requires the global conscience to put an end to the genocide that the "Nero of the age" is determined to carry out.

The association stressed that "the cost of confrontation, despite the enormity of the brutality, remains less than the humiliating submission that the Israeli occupation seeks to impose on us by force," stressing that "we have no choice but to confront and resist, no matter how high the price and how great the sacrifices."

She also held all supporters of this "criminal Israeli entity that thirsts for murder and is insatiable for bloodshed" responsible for the massacres, saying: "What kind of world do we live in that falsely, hypocritically claims civilization and human rights?"

Yemen: For a strong, deterrent, and earth-shattering response to the occupation

The head of the Sana'a negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdul Salam, condemned the massacre at the "Al-Tabi'in" school prayer hall in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in the center of Gaza City, saying: "We strongly condemn this Zionist fascism and denounce the United States' continued provision of full support to Israel to continue committing crimes of genocide against the people of Gaza."

The head of the Sana'a negotiating delegation pointed out that this brutal massacre committed by the criminal entity is with full American support.

He stressed that Arabs and Muslims bear a great responsibility towards Gaza, while stressing that "shame and fire will befall anyone who neglects his religious and humanitarian duty, and that this neglect encourages the Israeli enemy to continue its unprecedented crimes of genocide."

The Ansar Allah Political Bureau also condemned the new Israeli massacre against worshipers, pointing out that "Arab and Islamic governments are resorting to silence and helplessness as if they do not see, hear or speak in the face of the massacres of the Zionist entity."

The Ansar Allah Political Bureau confirmed that the Israeli occupation entity is persisting in committing bloody massacres, one massacre after another, in an unprecedented violation of Palestinian blood.

He renewed the covenant with Palestine and its people, and stressed that "Yemen continues to provide popular support and military escalation" and will not stop until the aggression on Gaza stops.

For its part, the Yemeni Scholars Association expressed its condemnation of the massacre, and stressed that the occupation's perpetration of a massacre against worshipers at the "Al-Tabi'een" school imposes on all Arab regimes, peoples and armies to carry out the duty of support and declare general mobilization.

It added in a statement, "We mobilize the human conscience and Islamic affiliation in the face of thousands of bloody massacres committed by the Israeli enemy for 10 months against the people of Gaza."

It called on the Jerusalem, Jihad and Resistance Axis to respond with a strong, deterrent and devastating response to the occupation.

Iraq: The world must stand up to the brutality of the occupation

The Iraqi presidency condemned the "Al-Tabi'een" massacre, noting that after a series of crimes committed by the occupying entity that usurped the occupied Palestinian territories, the usurping entity returns to commit a new massacre, exploiting the silence of the international community and the major countries concerned with maintaining international balance and influencing the United Nations resolution.

The Iraqi presidency also stressed that the blood of the Palestinian people will continue to be shed as long as the occupying entity's hand remains free from accountability and questioning by the international community.

In turn, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani condemned the massacre, as did the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, which stressed that these repeated attacks against civilians constitute a flagrant violation of international norms and conventions and demonstrate the Israeli entity's disregard for international initiatives aimed at stopping the aggression on Gaza.

It renewed Iraq's full solidarity with the Palestinian people, stressing the need for the international community and Islamic countries in particular to take a firm and unified position to stop these crimes.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia condemn targeting of Al-Tabi'een School

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the Israeli occupation forces' targeting of Al-Tabi'een School, expressing its denunciation of the international community's failure to hold "Israel" accountable for these violations.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry stressed the need to stop the mass massacres in the Gaza Strip, which is experiencing an unprecedented humanitarian disaster due to the violations of the Israeli occupation.

The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs also condemned in the strongest terms the occupation's bombing of a school housing displaced persons east of Gaza City, which led to the martyrdom and injury of dozens, stressing that this bombing is a horrific massacre and a brutal crime against defenseless civilians.

It called for an urgent international investigation after the Israeli bombing of the school in Gaza.

Egypt: "Israel" lacks political will to end the war

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry, in turn, indicated that "the deliberate killing of defenseless Palestinians is conclusive evidence of the lack of political will on the Israeli side to end the war in Gaza."

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry condemned, in a statement, "Israel's" bombing of the "Al-Tabi'in" school, which houses displaced persons in the Al-Daraj neighborhood east of Gaza City, and also denounced "the continued Israeli attacks against civilians in the Strip, in an unprecedented disregard for the provisions of international law and international humanitarian law."

It called for "a unified and effective international position that provides protection for the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and puts an end to the series of targeting defenseless civilians."

Jordan: Massacre is a violation of international laws

The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned in the "strongest terms" the Israeli bombing of the school, and considered it "a flagrant violation of the rules of international law, and a systematic targeting of civilians and shelters for the displaced."

The official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sufian Qudah, said that this targeting, which comes at a time when mediators are seeking to resume negotiations, is an indication of the Israeli government's efforts to obstruct ceasefire efforts.

He stressed "the need for the international community to assume its responsibilities, especially the Security Council, to immediately stop the Israeli aggression on Gaza, stop the ongoing and continuous Israeli violations of international law, and hold those responsible accountable."

Iran: The occupation aims to continue the war and thwart the negotiations

The advisor to the leader of the Islamic Revolution for political affairs in Iran, Ali Shamkhani, considered that the sole goal of the occupation entity in killing the worshipers in the "Tabi'in" school in Gaza, and assassinating the martyr Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, is to continue the war and thwart the ceasefire negotiations.

For his part, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanaani, expressed his condemnation of the Israeli aggression on the "Tabi'in" school in Gaza, describing it as "brutal" and a clear example of the crimes of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity that are being committed simultaneously.

The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry also stressed that "the continuation of these Zionist attacks proves once again that the occupation is not committed to any international resolutions and moral and humanitarian principles."

Kanaani stressed that the only way to confront this murderous entity is "taking firm and decisive action by Islamic countries and the free people of the world in practical support for the Palestinian people and their resistance struggle."

Turkey said, "Israel committed a massacre" Turkey, for its part, condemned the massacre, stressing that "Israel committed a new crime against humanity by slaughtering more than 100 civilians who took refuge in a school."

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

OIC: Haniyeh's Assassination Threatens to Push Middle East into Wider Conflict

    Wednesday, August 07, 2024   No comments

The rotating presidency of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) confirmed on Wednesday that the "heinous assassination" of the former head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, the martyr leader Ismail Haniyeh, "threatens to push the Middle East into a wider conflict."

The Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Hussein Ibrahim Taha, said during the opening session of the extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee at the level of foreign ministers of member states, to discuss the ongoing crimes of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people and its aggression against Iran, that "the heinous assassination only serves to escalate existing tensions that may lead to a wider conflict."

He also stressed that "the sovereignty of nation-states and the integrity of their territories are fundamental principles on which the international system is based."

Israel assassinated Haniyeh in a bombing that targeted the Iranian capital, Tehran, a few days ago, on July 31, 2024. The assassination came during a visit by Haniyeh to Tehran to participate in the inauguration ceremony of Iranian President, Masoud Pezeshkian. The OIC declared that the assassination of Haniyeh constituted aggression against Iran.

The OIC released a Final Statement at the conclusion of the meeitng.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

"Does [a non-Western government] have the right to defend itself?"

    Tuesday, August 06, 2024   No comments


Why is so difficult for Western governments to answer the question, "Does [a non-Western government] have the right to defend itself?"


Is Western civilization on the verge of collapse?

    Tuesday, August 06, 2024   No comments

Human civilization has been a topic for historians, sociologists, philosophers, thinkers, and scientists throughout history. The discussion of the rise and fall of human civilization often leads to a look back at the work of the Muslim thinker Abd al-Rahman Ibn Khaldun who is often described as the originator of the theory of cyclicality of human civilization. Although Ibn Khaldun did not take credit for such idea, and many modern researchers have concluded that that idea was not Ibn Khaldun's original idea, it is nonetheless part of his work and his contribution to the field of social history. Related to this topic, we examine and re-present ideas by a scientist from the modern time, one who used statistical data to predict social trends.

On the New Scientist website, Peter Valentinovich Turchin, a Russian-American scientist specializing in mathematical modeling and statistical analysis, presents his analysis of the decline of Western civilization and its causes by studying mathematical patterns in complex systems and applying them to history. Turchin believes that Western societies are rapidly moving toward the brink of destruction, and that they must make important decisions to avoid this collapse. Here are some of  Turchin's ideas and assertions. 

Is Western civilization on the verge of collapse?
The collapse of civilizations seems to have been a natural and recurring pattern in the development of cultures throughout history, with a period of decline and weakness often following a period of prosperity. The closest examples of this are what happened to the ancient Egyptian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Mayan civilization (one of the ancient civilizations that emerged in the region of Central and South America*), and the Qing Dynasty in China, which experienced periods of prosperity followed by collapse, and this seems to be the inevitable path of any civilization.

Today, Western civilization may face the same fate, as there are clear signs of a variety of crises, including widening economic inequalities, political divisions, violent conflicts, and environmental disasters. Some observers see this as a sign of a “multiple global crises” that pose a serious, perhaps existential, threat to contemporary societies.

More than two decades ago, I predicted that this was the end of things, based on studying mathematical patterns in complex systems and applying them to history. Using this approach, I discovered that violent political upheavals follow certain time cycles, one peaking every 50 years or so, and the other peaking every two or three centuries.

Friday, August 02, 2024

In a 'Difficult' call, Netanyahu told Biden: "as Prime Minister of Israel, I act solely according to the security needs of the State of Israel"

    Friday, August 02, 2024   No comments

Axios reported that US President Joe Biden asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during a "difficult" phone call between them on Thursday, to stop escalating tensions in the region, following the assassination of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah military commander Fouad Shukr. One US official said that Biden warned Netanyahu that if he escalated again, he should not rely on the United States to save him.

Axios quoted a senior Israeli official as saying that Biden raised his voice during the call and told Netanyahu that he wanted him to reach an agreement within a week or two.

A source familiar with the matter told the website that the US president told Netanyahu that the region is currently at a turning point and that every effort needs to be made to end the war in Gaza and achieve regional stability, even if the agreement is not ideal.

In contrast, the website quoted Netanyahu’s office as saying that the Israeli prime minister assured Biden that he is only working according to Israel’s security requirements. His office reported that "Prime Minister Netanyahu told President Biden that he appreciates the American support, and as Prime Minister of Israel he acts solely according to the security needs of the State of Israel."

Meanwhile, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation said that great tension dominated a meeting Netanyahu held with the Israeli negotiating team on Wednesday.

The head of the Shin Bet internal security service, Ronen Bar, was quoted as saying to Netanyahu during the meeting, “We feel that you are sending us to negotiate, and then you are making changes to the outlines of the deal.”

Meanwhile, The New York Times published a dramatic editorial declaring "Netanyahu has Gone Rogue",  and explaining that by "Ignoring the condemnation of allies, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is forcing the pace of the war and feeding the revolt of the far right."

Media review: How did Israel track and assassinate leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah?

    Friday, August 02, 2024   No comments

There are many theories now being floated by both government sources and media outlets trying to explain the surgical strikes Israel undertook to assassinate leaders of Hamas and other armed factions. Here is a review of what is now circulating in news outlets and on social media platforms.

Iranian agency: Haniyeh was assassinated by a shell that hit his residence

The Iranian Fars News Agency confirmed that the assassination of the head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Ismail Haniyeh, was carried out by a shell that hit his residence, destroying part of its roof and windows. 

It added that investigations confirmed that Israel planned and carried out the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh.

The New York Times reported that American officials secretly admitted that Israel assassinated Haniyeh in the Iranian capital, Tehran, yesterday, Wednesday.

The newspaper explained that the American officials’ statement came despite the fact that Israel did not announce its adoption of the assassination and refused to comment on the incident publicly.

In contrast, Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari claimed on Thursday that the army did not launch any airstrikes on Iran or any other country in the Middle East on Wednesday.

In response to a question about the assassination of Haniyeh, he said in a press conference, “We did not attack Iran from the air.”

He added, “We killed (the prominent Hezbollah leader) Fouad Shukr in Lebanon, but there was no other Israeli airstrike in the entire Middle East after that.”

However, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards said in a statement that technical investigations show that Haniyeh's assassination was carried out with a short-range projectile with a warhead weighing 7.5 kilograms, fired from outside the place where the martyr Haniyeh lived.

Was a third country involved in the assassination? 

Initially, an Iranian source revealed that the martyrdom of the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran "was carried out by a missile launched from one country to another, not from within Iran."

For his part, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanaani, confirmed that the relevant Iranian authorities are continuing "the necessary investigations to determine the dimensions and details of this incident."

Kanaani said: "There is no doubt that the pure blood of this mujahid, who spent his life in jihad and honorable struggle against the usurping Zionist entity, and on the path to liberating holy Jerusalem and liberating the Palestinian people, will not go in vain."

He added: "Haniyeh's martyrdom in Tehran will strengthen the deep and solid relations between Iran, Palestine and the resistance even more."

Western Sources' explanations

In parallel, the New York Times and the American website Axios published another story, confirming Israel's responsibility for Haniyeh's assassination, but claiming that the assassination was carried out by an explosive device planted by Mossad agents in his room, and detonated remotely.

Public Data Analasys based explanation

The Moment Haniyeh received the call about the death of his children and grandchildren
The competing explanations open the door to speculations given the precision and the timing of the assassination. An alternative theory based on available information that is in the public domain suggest that Israel is using the phones of associates to track the persons Israel has placed on its assassination list. Such analysis suggests that, in its recent assassinations, Israel's security forces targeted the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah by tracking the phone numbers of their companions. Because the high value targets who know that they are on the assassination list are not allowed to use mobile phones, Israel was unable to locate and assassinate them in the past. 

However, a security lapse happened after Israel assassinated the children and grandchildren of Ismail Haniyeh few months ago. Hamas sources broadcasted a video of the moment when Haniyeh received the news of the murder of his family members. In the clip, it showed him receiving the call on someone else's phone and listening to it. 

As the primary leader leading the investigation, Haniyeh used his aid's phone to keep in touch with the Qatari leaders. That number was likely used to track Haniyeh's movement.

The same strategy was replicated elsewhere, Israel stopped trying to locate the persons it wanted to assassinate directly, and focused on tracking their aids who are often in close contact with the targeted person.

This theory explains the precision and speed with which Israel carried out the recent assassination.

 Theories that suggest the use of human intelligence and agents presence on the ground cannot explain the speed and precision. The above theory is bolstered by the unusual step taken by the Israeli government limiting the use of phones by government officials, as reported in Israeli media.

Israel distributes special phones to ministers

The Israeli government has decided to distribute satellite phones to ministers and senior officials. The move aims to limit security threats and to ensure that ministers stay connected in the case of damage sustained by the regular communications network during an attack from Iran and Hezbollah. The latter explanation was opined by the media. The government did not comment.

The Maariv newspaper said: "The government is taking an unusual step, for fear that the communications networks will be damaged in an Iranian attack."



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