Culling through more than 340 media outlets to overcome anti-Muslim, Western media bias and  reframe the news cycle by: (1) fixing the headlines, (2) amplifying the news stories and perspectives they leave out.

Work: Culling through more than 340 media outlets to overcome anti-Muslim, Western media bias and reframe the news cycle by: (1) fixing the headlines, (2) amplifying the news stories and perspectives they leave out. 

Tagline: Reframing the News Cycle to Overcome anti-Muslim, anti-marginalized communities, media bias. One Story. Fact First. Source Second.

Rationale: The “breaking” feature of ISR content is not reporting about an event before other outlets; rather, in its framing of the news cycle. Research has shown that Western media presents news stories filtered: editors carefully choose the words, headlines, images, and timing to achieve specific outcomes—an outcome that resonates with the political positions of the societies they serve, ignoring the true experience lived by affected communities. We Reframe the News Cycle One Story at a Time. 

History: Started after the break of the 2011 protest movements, popularized as the Arab Spring that turned into proxy-wars for geopolitical purposes, as part of a research project, Islamic Societies Review became a trusted source of news and analyses covering key geopolitical events around the world. 

A decade after its launch, Islamic Societies Review continue to maintain the original essays site, and spun off the section (ISR Weekly) highlighting news stories and brief analysis. 

With no reporters on the ground, the team monitors social media platforms and mainstream media to document some of the most significant events often ignored or buried deep in the inside pages of newspapers. The content published is always cross-referenced to ascertain, as best as the due diligence process allows, that the news story we share is not misinformation; that is why you will often see screencaptures of sources. 

Today, ISR editors manually–not through algorithms and code/scripts–pick through 347 different news sources to curate the daily digest; then, out of the daily digests, the editors selects the top stories, the most consequential stories of the week, which are streamed daily on the website, ISR Weekly

If you would like to join the team of editor, or submit a story, please reach out.

A weekly digest is emailed to subscribers only, for free.

What is media bias?

The subtle: when Muslims (or people of the Global South are killed to the action of Western governments or their allies, the news media just say that "X people were killed"; perpetrators of such violence are edited out. 

The obvious: The media outlet will shamelessly publish a story telling readers that you should be angry and move to act because this bad thing is happening to people like you, blue eyed-while men and women.

And everything in between: Leaving out stories Western media outlets do not want the public to know stories, finding “Prime Time” and "Prime Space" for running news stories, archiving them early, re-editing the headlines, "recalibrating" the language, selecting the right photo…

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If you have a news stories or an articles that meets the standard we highlighted above and you would like to share with our readers, please join in as contributor, or submit your content.

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