Showing posts with label Nicaragua. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicaragua. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Raisi visit Venezuela, Nicaragua, as part of his Latin American tour

    Wednesday, June 14, 2023   No comments

The Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi, left the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, heading to Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, after the end of his two-day official visit, at the head of two political and economic delegations, as part of a tour to several countries in Latin America.

During his visit to Caracas, my president met with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, and high-level delegations of the two countries signed 25 agreements.

Raisi also met with the Speaker of Parliament and a group of chairmen of the Venezuelan National Assembly committees, visited the science and technology exhibition of Iranian achievements, sponsored the revival of the production line of two Iranian car companies, and met with Venezuelan youth groups and elites.

Earlier today, Tuesday, Iran and Venezuela signed a number of agreements in the presence of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in the capital, Caracas, including agreements related to oil, trade, health and technology.

In a joint press conference with his Venezuelan counterpart, the Iranian president stressed that "relations between Tehran and Caracas are not ordinary diplomatic relations, but rather strategic relations," noting that the two countries have "common opponents" and "common interests and common views in the areas of seeking independence and freedom." and justice.”

Referring to an increase in the volume of trade between the two countries from $600 million in 2021 to more than $3 billion, Raisi said, "The volume of trade exchange can be increased to $10 billion in a first step, and to $20 billion in a second step."

In turn, the Venezuelan president said, "Raisi's visit marks a new milestone in the relationship with Iran, which plays an excellent role as one of the most important emerging powers in the new world."

"We signed 25 agreements during this historic visit by President Raisi, and new agreements are still under negotiation," he said, explaining that "the goal of the sanctions is to make Venezuelan society collapse so that the United States can control its oil."

Monday, Raisi began his tour to Latin America, which includes Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, with the aim of "continuing the policy of strengthening relations with friendly countries and promoting cooperation, economically, politically and scientifically."

This visit will last for 5 days, at the official invitation of Raisi's counterparts in the three countries.

A year ago, on such days, Tehran hosted the Venezuelan president, and the two sides signed a 20-year cooperation agreement.

Iran and Venezuela are two major oil producers and members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which makes them the focus of international discussions on the energy crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine.

Iran is strengthening its orientation towards Latin American countries, within the framework of its policy aimed at "diversifying foreign relations", which coincides with its efforts to strengthen and improve relations with the countries of the region, under the title of "neighborhood policy".

In the face of sanctions.. Raisi from Nicaragua calls for pluralism

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi affirmed his country's readiness to expand and strengthen bilateral cooperation with Nicaragua, stressing that the relations between the two countries are strategic.

Raisi added during his meeting with Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega: "We want to increase and deepen our relations in the political, economic and cultural fields, and in all other fields, especially in the field of science and technology."

He thanked the government for the warm reception and hospitality he received and the delegation accompanying him on his first visit, which began yesterday evening to the Central American country.

In turn, Ortega stressed that Nicaragua and Iran are twin revolutions that have deep roots in defending the identity and well-being of peoples.

When welcoming his Iranian counterpart, Ortega highlighted the perpetual struggle of both countries against empires that throughout history have tried to seize various lands to control the world.

The Head of State reviewed some of the battles waged by the first Nicaraguan anti-colonialists, while he told his Iranian counterpart the different stages of Nicaragua's struggle in defense of freedom and national sovereignty.

"Over the years, the United States has been extremely brutal with Nicaragua in its search for hegemony to build an inter-oceanic canal here, because this route was so coveted by North American businessmen," Ortega said.

Ortega received his Iranian counterpart at the head of a high-level political and economic delegation in Freedom Square in the capital, Managua, during an official reception ceremony.

Meanwhile, the Iranian president called for an end to unilateral sanctions that aim to subjugate people, calling on Latin American countries to bet on pluralism.

In an interview with Telesur, Raisi said, "We have to put an end to this unilateralism, create a multipolar world, and put an end to this oppression against human beings."

According to Raisi, "Sanctions are a declared war against states, and the tool was military. Now, sanctions are used to subjugate people."

He pointed out that "the Americans are looking for their interests in that region and all over the world, and they are looking for their hegemony. And what Trump said is the reality of the United States; that fact is that they are looking to usurp the reserves and plunder them."

Likewise, the Iranian president believed that the United States wanted to punish countries that did not submit to its policy.

He stressed that "Iran will not oppress anyone, and therefore will never accept being subjected to oppression," adding, "They do not want us to be independent and self-sufficient."

Raisi referred to "the various damages caused by the northern force in several countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan," stressing "the need to respect the internal decisions of each country."

It is noteworthy that the Iranian president had arrived yesterday in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, at the end of his visit to Venezuela, as part of a tour in Latin America that also includes Cuba, which he started last Monday.

The Iranian President's visit to Nicaragua comes at the official invitation of his counterpart, President Ortega.

Prior to his Latin tour, Raisi said that the position of Iran and the countries he will visit is to "stand up to the hegemonic regime," stressing that relations with independent Latin countries are strategic.

Iran is strengthening its orientation towards Latin American countries within the framework of its policy aimed at "diversifying foreign relations", which coincides with its efforts to strengthen relations with countries in the region under the title of "neighborhood policy".

Friday, November 18, 2022

Burning of the American flag during rallies commemorating the "Polytechnic" uprising in Athens; a reminder of US history of siding with dictators and removing democratically elected leaders

    Friday, November 18, 2022   No comments

The Greeks burned the American flag, yesterday, Thursday, during rallies that roamed the streets of the capital, Athens, to commemorate the forty-ninth anniversary of the student uprising against the US-backed military government in 1973.

The protesters, who burned the American flag, marched to the US embassy in Athens, which they accused of supporting military rule. They also chanted slogans calling for NATO to leave Ukraine. 

The marches were led by a group of demonstrators carrying blood-stained Greek flags, while about five thousand police officers were deployed in the streets of the capital, after confrontations with the protesters.

 These marches are held in commemoration of the 1973 Polytechnic uprising that was brutally crushed by the military junta ruling Greece at the time, and the anniversary is celebrated each year with marches to the US Embassy in Athens.

 Twenty-four people were killed during the army's suppression of a student uprising in Athens, which was launched by the Polytechnic University.

This uprising is seen as breaking the army's hold on power and contributing to the restoration of democracy the following year.

 In recent years, protesters have used the anniversary to protest the harsh austerity measures imposed on Greece by its international creditors, after the global financial crisis.

This year, the commemoration began with a wreath-laying ceremony at the Athens Polytechnic University, the site of the bloody incident of November 17, 1973, when tanks stormed the gates to crush a student uprising that heralded the end of the military junta.

Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou laid a wreath at the memorial and said the anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising was "a reminder that the struggle for democracy continues and is exhausting."

In 1953, the CIA orchestrated a coup of Iran’s democratically elected prime minister, Mohammad Mosaddegh, in order to consolidate power with Iran’s shah (or king), Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Reza Pahlavi established a brutal regime that was overthrown by the Iranian people in 1979. Since then, the US and the Iranian government have been in crisis mode, with the US maintaining a strategy designed to lead to the overthrow of the current government, as stated most recently by Biden when he said, "We Will Free Iran".


In 1954, the CIA orchestrated another coup of a democratically elected leader: Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz. The CIA coup, code-named Operation PBSuccess, replaced the president with military dictator Carlos Castillo Armas


In 1960, the Republic of the Congo (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) declared its independence from Belgium and democratically elected its first prime minister, Patrice Lumumba. The CIA helped facilitate Lumumba’s capture in 1960 and assassination in 1961.


CIA had funded and encouraged the 1963 coup against, and assassination of, the president of South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem.


On September 11, 1973, a military coup overthrew the Chilean President Salvador Allende Gossens, who was a democratically elected Socialist. The CIA worked hard to undermine Allende at the request of President Richard Nixon.


The United States has a long history of meddling in Nicaragua. Between 1912 and 1933, the U.S. military occupied the country. Between 1981 and 1986, President Ronald Reagan’s administration secretly and illegally sold arms to Iran in order to fund Contras, a group the CIA had recruited and organized to fight the socialist Sandinista government led by Daniel Ortega.

Most recently, in 2003, the United States invaded Iraq and overthrew Saddam Hussein’s government. And NATO, led by the US of course, assisted the rebels overthrow the Libyan leader, Mu`ammar Qaddafi in 2011. 



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