Showing posts with label Algeria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Algeria. Show all posts

Monday, August 28, 2023

Macron admits the Western dominated global order is being challenged, calls for revised strategies

    Monday, August 28, 2023   No comments

In his annual address to French ambassadors, French President Emmanuel Macron admits the Western dominated global order is being challenged, calls for strengthening of France's diplomatic on Monday.

Macron stated that: "The situation in the international arena is becoming more complicated, which threatens the risk of weakening the West and, in particular, Europe. We need to take a sober approach to this, without falling into excessive pessimism ... There is a revision of the world order, its principles, various forms of its organization, where the West has occupied and occupies a dominant position.”

France needs to consolidate its diplomatic strategies as the international context has become more “complex”, Macron told French ambassadors at a meeting in Paris on Monday.

“Our international order is being challenged,” said Macron. “War has returned to European soil, anti-French sentiment is rife, fueled by anti-colonialism or a perceived anti-colonialism that a double standard is being employed,” he said.

“We need to be clear, without being excessively pessimistic,” he said, citing the rise of “new forms of protectionism” and democratic backsliding due to a rise in illiberal powers.

Faced with these risks, Macron said France’s diplomatic efforts should focus on security policy in the context of the war in Ukraine and in bolstering European independence and strategic interests.

The French president also stressed the need to “avoid partitioning the world” over the Ukraine war, at a time when many countries from the Global South have refused to condemn Russian aggression. We must “avoid a narrative that claims, ‘this is Europe’s war, it doesn't concern us’”, he said.

France also seeks to be a “trusted partner” on the geopolitical front, “our diplomatic efforts should keep it simple. We should protect our interests. We should also stand for our principles and our values, which are universal,” said Macron.


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Thursday, August 24, 2023

Qatar in talks with Algeria to invest in petrochemical projects in the North African Country

    Thursday, August 24, 2023   No comments

According to an Elkhabar Daily report published on 18 August, Qatar is currently in talks with the Algerian government to construct a chemical power plant for Algiers in a bid to kick-start a potential partnership with state-run petroleum corporation Sonatrach.

Qatari news agency Doha News disclosed that Algerian Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, met with the Qatari ambassador Abdul Aziz Ali Al-Nama in Algiers on 17 August to discuss the construction project details.

Arkab revealed to Elkhabar Daily that "Sonatrach is ready to work with Power International to achieve that project, which is part of Algeria's strategy to develop the industrial sector."

This recent development comes after Algeria implemented reformed hydrocarbon regulations designed to entice investors, improve processing mechanisms, and establish a longitudinal vision for the North African country that will boost the national economy and increase employment.

The report further disclosed that the next meeting between Qatar and Sonatrach will be organized in September. In addition, Qatar's ambassador to Algiers emphasized that numerous Doha-based companies are highly interested in investing in integral projects in Algeria, specifically in the sectors of exploration, manufacturing, research, and the petrochemical industry.

Sonatrach generates nearly $2 billion in sales annually and employs around 3,000 people. Sonatrach's petrochemical programs have also led several petrochemical construction projects, as well as consolidating partnerships with Turkiye, TotalEnergies, and a UK-Chinese consortium.

Since 2022, Qatar has sought to bolster relations with countries residing outside of the West Asian region in an attempt to diversify its economy and to alleviate the impact of the global energy crisis instigated by the imposition of western sanctions against Russia.

Last week, Qatar began its construction of 500,000 residential units in the northwestern Nigerian state of Kaduna as part of its Mega Economic City project.

Furthermore, Qatar and India reached the final stages of their Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) agreement earlier this month, which would see Doha providing New Delhi with 1 million metric tonnes of LNG per year.

Keeping our readers informed about the most consequential events in this fast changing worldManage your Subscription; invite a friend to subscribe to ISR’s Weekly Review Bulletin

Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Century Project.. Algeria announces the completion of a road linking its borders with Tunisia and Morocco

    Sunday, August 13, 2023   No comments

Algeria announced, on Saturday, the completion of the “East-West Highway,” which starts from the country’s western border with Morocco and reaches its eastern border with Tunisia, with a length of 1,216 km.

This came during the inauguration of the Algerian Prime Minister, Ayman bin Abdel Rahman, the last section of the road that connects the city of Daraan (Al-Tarif Governorate in the far east) with the Tunisian border at a distance of 84 km, according to state television.

Thus, Algeria has completely completed the completion of this road, which began to be built at the beginning of the new millennium and was called the “Project of the Century”.

According to official figures of the Algerian government, the total cost of the road exceeded 13 billion dollars, and it was supposed to be completed in 2012.

The project experienced delays due to technical and administrative problems, and at that time a corruption case erupted, known as the “scandal of the century,” and the trials ended in 2015 with the Algerian judiciary issuing prison sentences and financial fines against those involved.

And the Algerian authorities relied on the immediate exploitation of every section of the road that was prepared, until it was completely completed, on Saturday.

Bin Abdul Rahman called for activating road maintenance networks and ensuring that it is suitable for vehicle traffic.

The last section of the road allows for an increase in the volume of trade exchanges with Tunisia, in addition to ensuring the smooth movement of people between the two countries.

The "giant road" is located within an economic and commercial integration scheme drawn up by the Union of Arab Maghreb States, to link the land of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, but the differences between Algeria and Rabat and the closure of the land borders between them since 1994 prevented the completion of the road scheme.

And the Algerian Prime Minister, Ayman bin Abdel Rahman, inaugurated the last section of the road, which connects the city of Daraan (Al-Tarif Governorate in the far east) with the Tunisian border, at a distance of 84 kilometers, and thus Algeria has completely completed the completion of this road, which began construction at the beginning of the new millennium, and was named with the "Project of the Century".

The Algerian Prime Minister said that Algeria "now has the longest road network on the continent, with a distance of 141,000 km, of which 9,000 km are highways, according to international standards."

Bin Abdul Rahman called for "activating road maintenance networks and ensuring that it is suitable for vehicle traffic." The last section of the road allows for an increase in the volume of trade exchanges with Tunisia, in addition to ensuring the smooth movement of people between the two countries.

In this regard, bin Abd al-Rahman said that this road is "the artery of the economy, and we are working with an economic approach to endorse development and end isolation," pointing out that "although the Dhara'an section was completed by foreign institutions, the project involved many competencies and hands." qualified Algerian worker.

The East-West Highway is of paramount importance, in terms of the economic, developmental and social dimension, and its completion means the complete opening of the motorway that connects 17 northern Algerian states, out of 58 states, that make up the Algerian Republic, and also connects Algeria with other Arab countries.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Algeria's Lieutenant General Saïd Chanegriha, Chief of Staff of People's National Army, on an official visit to the Russian Federation

    Monday, July 31, 2023   No comments

And the statement of the Ministry of National Defense stated that, "At the invitation of Lieutenant General Sergey Shoigu, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Said Chanegriha, Chief of Staff of the People's National Army, pays an official visit to the Russian Federation, starting today."

"The visit, which falls within the framework of strengthening cooperation between the People's National Army and the Russian Armed Forces, will enable the two parties to discuss issues of common concern," the statement added.

The visit happens as Algeria’s media outlets reported on increased tension with Morocco, which appears to be using its connections to some Western governments to normalize its occupation of Western Sahara.

The Algerian newspaper, Al-Khabar, accused the UAE of supplying Morocco with a new spying system developed by the Israeli company Quadream, intended to penetrate the phones of officials and journalists in ten countries, as it was installed near the Algerian border, in a detailed report published last Thursday titled “Abu Dhabi.” The capital of confusion,” which is an Algerian slang word meaning “sedition.’

Algerian lawmakers comment on regional security matters: Tensions with Morocco are unprecedented, the return of relations is excluded, and Israel's participation in the US-led African Assad maneuver is provocative

Two Algerian parliamentarians said that restoring relations with Morocco is unlikely, and that they are going through a period of intense tension.
According to their talk, the current tensions are unprecedented in the relations between the two countries in recent years, and they are in contrast to the message of reassurance sent by King Mohammed VI in his last Throne Day speech.

Earlier, King Mohammed VI of Morocco called on Algeria to open the borders between the two brotherly neighboring countries and peoples.

This came during a speech by the King of Morocco to his people, on the occasion of Throne Day, which coincides with the twenty-fourth anniversary of his accession to the throne.

The King of Morocco said, “Our work to serve our people is not limited only to internal issues, but we are also keen to establish strong relations with brotherly and friendly countries, especially neighboring countries, according to a statement that Sputnik obtained a copy of.

"In recent months, many people have been asking about the relations between Morocco and Algeria, which are stable, and we look forward to them being better," he added.

Commenting on what was stated in King Mohammed VI's speech on Algeria, the Algerian parliamentarian, Moussa Kharfi, says that restoring relations with Morocco at the present time is not possible.
Kharfi explained, in his interview with “Sputnik”, that the matter is mainly related to relations between Morocco and Israel, as well as the issue of the Sahara.

Pointing out that the failure to settle the Sahara issue excludes the restoration of relations with him.
The Algerian parliamentarian, Riz
kani Suleiman, says that the relations between the two countries are currently farther than ever from the dialogue table.

Adding: “The statements of King Mohammed VI contradict the reality of relations between the two countries, as tension prevails in relations, which the Algerian president described four months ago as having reached the point of no return.”

And he continued, in his interview with “Sputnik”, that the prevailing tension in relations comes against the backdrop of what he describes as “provocations regarding the Sahara issue, as well as with regard to normalization with Israel.”

He believes that Israel's participation in the African Assad maneuver, led by the United States, came within the framework of provocations on the part of Morocco.

And he went on to say, “Algeria severed its relations with Morocco two years ago and prevented Moroccan airlines from passing through Algerian airspace as a response to the amount of evil that it received from Morocco.”

And he added, "Certainly no one benefits from the situation, and we all hope for a better reality for relations, especially for the common denominators that bring the two peoples together."

Earlier, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said that severing relations with Morocco was an alternative to war.

On August 24, 2021, Algeria severed its relations with Morocco, after closing the borders between the two countries since 1994 after the “Atlas Asni” hotel bombings in Marrakech, when the late King Hassan II imposed a visa on Algerians to enter the country, which prompted Algeria at the time to close the land borders. Between the two countries, this tension was also perpetuated by the severing of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Africa's new and perennial challenges

The African continent is a state of flux as it seeks to adjust to the new multipolar world order. 

Many African leaders attended the Russia-Africa Summit hosted by Putin in Russia this week. This week also saw another military takeover of the government, the removal of the president of Niger.

Algeria will support Niger in case of external military aggression, according to the Algerian publication Intel Kirby.

They reported on the potential invasion of Niger under the leadership of ECOWAS, stating that Algeria will not remain idle while its neighboring country faces an invasion.

There were already unconfirmed reports that the Algerian army has started increasing security measures and raising its level of readiness on the border with Niger.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune: Algeria had submitted an official request to join the BRICS group

    Sunday, July 23, 2023   No comments

On Friday, the Algerian “An-Nahar” TV quoted the Algerian President, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, as saying that Algeria has submitted an official request to join the “BRICS” group, and that it will become a shareholder in the “BRICS” bank, with an amount of $ 1.5 billion.

Tebboune said, "Algeria has officially asked the president of the BRICS bank, Dilma Rousseff, to agree to be a shareholder in the bloc's bank," noting that "Algeria's first contribution will be $1.5 billion."

Earlier, Tebboune considered that his country's accession to the "BRICS" group would help it in development, more than the assistance of international financial bodies, adding that "the BRICS bank contains $100 billion, more than the World Bank."

Likewise, Tebboune said, on December 22, 2022, that "Algeria is close to joining the BRICS bloc," stressing that the BRICS countries will not mind granting Algeria full membership, and that they have approval from Russia.

The North African country, which is rich in oil and gas, seeks to diversify its economy and strengthen its partnership with countries such as China. Tebboune announced, during his visit to Beijing, that China will invest $36 billion in various fields in his country, including industry, modern technology, the knowledge economy, transportation, and agriculture.

In turn, a South African diplomat said, yesterday, Thursday, that 22 countries have submitted an official request to become members of the "BRICS" economic bloc, adding that countries, including Saudi Arabia and Iran, have officially requested to become members of the "BRICS" group, while the countries that have expressed interest in joining include Argentina, the Emirates, Algeria, Egypt, Bahrain and Indonesia.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

After cancelling a scheduled visit to France, the Algerian President goes to Russia on an official visit

    Wednesday, June 14, 2023   No comments

On Tuesday, the Algerian Presidency website announced that President Abdelmadjid Tebboune will visit Russia for 3 days, at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

And the official website of the Algerian presidency wrote, “At the invitation of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, embarks today on a three-day visit to Russia, within the framework of strengthening cooperation between the two friendly countries.”

  During this visit, President Tebboune will participate in the work of the International Economic Forum, in the Russian city of St. Petersburg.

It is worth mentioning that the President of the Federal Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia, Valentina Matviyenko, confirmed, last March, Moscow's support for Algeria's desire to join the "BRICS" group.

Valentina Matviyenko said, in media statements, after meeting with the President of the Republic of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, that she had conveyed to him an official message from President Vladimir Putin, which included an official invitation to visit Russia.

It is noteworthy that the former Algerian Foreign Minister, Ramtane Lamamra, had declared that "Algeria and Russia are important partners."

And Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced, during a visit to Algeria, that Algeria and Moscow are now convinced that "a strategic cooperation agreement must be signed."

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Algeria's president, Tebboune, signs a decree requiring the full performance of the Algerian national anthem

    Tuesday, June 13, 2023   No comments

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune recently signed a decree imposing the full performance of the national anthem with its five stanzas, to include a stanza containing words bearing a threat to France, and this stanza had angered Paris earlier.

It is noteworthy that Algeria wrested its independence from France in 1962 after 132 years of struggle against French colonialism, as that period was considered bloody in the history of the Arab country and remained a deep wound in the heart of every Algerian despite the passage of generations.

The Algerian national anthem is the only one that mentions another country in its lyrics, as one of its stanzas includes these sentences:

Oh France, the time for admonition has passed,
and we folded it as the book is folded,
O France, the day of reckoning,
prepare and take from us the answer,
in our revolution Separate the speech, and 
we resolved that Algeria would live.
so bear witness, 
bear witness, 
bear witness.


The section was sometimes sung, and at other times the Algerian authorities were satisfied with showing only part of the anthem to shorten it, but Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune signed the decree imposing the full performance of the anthem with its five sections.

The abbreviated version can be performed on certain occasions, such as receiving heads of state during official visits, or speeches addressed by the president to the nation, military decrees at the Ministry of Defense, and others.

The clip had aroused "France's anger", and the French negotiating delegation objected to it prior to the signing of the "Evian" treaty with the then interim Algerian government, which recognized Algeria's independence, but its request was rejected.

The clip was deleted during the reign of President Chadli Ben Jedid during the eighties of the last century, after that the former Algerian President Liamine Zeroual decided to restore it finally in 1995.

In 2007, the section of the Algerian national anthem was removed from school books, which caused great discontent in Algeria at the time.

Indeed, the video of Tebboune's inauguration ceremony and his taking the constitutional oath, in 2019, shows the full performance of the Algerian national anthem, including the passage that mentions France.

It is noteworthy that Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune was scheduled to visit France last May, but he postponed his visit without giving reasons.


Monday, February 27, 2023

Media Review: Military Watch: A “terrifying” Chinese weapon located in Algeria destroys “NATO” tanks if delivered to Russia

    Monday, February 27, 2023   No comments

A magazine specialized in weapons and military equipment published a lengthy article about one of the effective Chinese weapons against tanks, stressing that this simple weapon may destroy the various Western tanks that NATO recently sent to Ukraine.

Military Watch magazine indicated that Western countries pledged tens of billions of dollars worth of new weapons to support the Ukrainian forces, at a time when Washington and European sources claimed that “the Russian army could receive support from China.”

The magazine considered that “this proposition and speculation contradicts Beijing’s neutral position, which is in line with the position of the majority of non-Western countries on the Ukrainian crisis,” but noted that “the wide range of weapons that China can provide, from guided missile artillery to missiles, could change the balance of Powers..although there is a great danger for China through the seizure of its weapons systems and its study by Ukraine and its Western supporters.

And the magazine noted that "if China decides to provide weapons, which is unlikely as it seems, one of the weapons with the greatest impact that it can provide is the simplest in terms of size and back."

However, the magazine considered that the simple Chinese anti-tank type “HJ-12” could cause a major problem for Western tanks supplied from NATO.

According to the report published by Military Watch, the Chinese company (China North Industries Corporation) developed this weapon in 2014, and obtained only one export contract to the Algerian army.

The HJ-12 is widely considered the most capable missile system of its kind in the world, competing with the US Javelin and the French NNB.

The simple shape of the Chinese weapon “HJ-12” allows for launching operations from inside buildings and targeting targets tightly before they are targeted.

The Chinese weapon allows the elements to carry out the targeting process and then to hide directly after firing, and gives them time to re-stock in order to engage a second target, considering that the Chinese weapon is the “most terrifying” for the Ukrainian army.

The magazine considered that the Chinese anti-tank “HJ-12” would be very dangerous for the new categories of tanks supplied to Ukraine, such as “Leopard 2”, “Leopard 1”, “Abrams” and others.

“China has worked on developing the HJ-12 anti-tank with the aim of improving its ability to penetrate and detonate reactive armor, in addition to its very long range of 4 kilometers, which enables it to engage less well-armoured targets at longer ranges at the expense of accuracy and penetration power.”

The missile system combines highly advanced capabilities with extremely light weight and weighs only 22 kg, allowing ground forces to maintain high mobility and great dynamism.

“Missiles are highly maneuverable and are designed to hit enemy vehicles from above where shields are weakest.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov had commented on the allegations of supplying Chinese weapons to Russia, saying that he “does not see any point in commenting on Western reports about discussing the supply of military equipment to Russia by Beijing, as all information has been refuted by China.”

The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, had warned Beijing of the consequences of supplying Moscow with weapons. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance is concerned about the possibility of China supplying weapons to Russia.

Today, Monday, China commented on the US imposing sanctions on its companies, due to allegations of its support for Russia.

"Beijing will take firm countermeasures, and will firmly protect the interests of Chinese companies," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning, according to the Chinese state-run Global Times newspaper.

And Ning urged America to stop spreading disinformation, and to lift sanctions on Chinese companies, according to “Sputnik”.

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Algerian Chief of Staff to an American official: We adhere to the principle of non-alignment and the independence of our sovereign decision in our dealings with our international partners

    Wednesday, February 08, 2023   No comments

Algerian Chief of Staff Said Chenegriha stressed, on Wednesday, his country's adherence to the "principle of non-alignment" and the independence of its sovereign decision in its dealings with its international partners.

This came during a meeting between Chanegriha and the commander of the US military command in Africa, AFRICOM, General Michael Langley, who is visiting the country, according to a statement by the Algerian Ministry of Defense.

Chanegriha said, "I would like to emphasize on this occasion that Algeria clings to the principle of non-alignment, and is jealous of its history full of glories and championships, and is also jealous of its independence and sovereign political decision."

Regarding relations with Washington, he continued that his country “deals, within the framework of serving its interests, with many friendly countries with which it has military and economic relations, similar to the United States of America.”

He expressed Algeria's readiness "to establish cooperation that meets the aspirations of both parties, given that our two countries are engaged in the path of improving the security situation on the African continent."

Without details about the nature of the talks between them, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune received General Langley on Wednesday evening, according to a statement by the presidency.

It seems that the Algerian Chief of Staff’s assertion of “non-alignment” and “independence of the political decision” carries some messages. While Algeria and Washington remain silent, there are media reports of muffled tensions between the two countries due to the intensity of defense cooperation between Algeria and Russia.

A few days ago, President Tebboune announced that he would visit Russia next May, and stressed that his country has good relations with all countries, including the United States and China.

It is expected during the visit, according to observers, to announce the signing of projects to enhance joint cooperation in sectors, including defense.

Friday, February 03, 2023

The Aftershocks of France’s Colonial Supremacy is Empowered by its Current Hubris

    Friday, February 03, 2023   No comments

 France continues to refuse to accept responsibility over its crimes of colonialism in Algeria, refuse to pay reparations for the harm it caused to Algerian families, and refuse to pay for the cleanup of its nuclear waste in the Algerian Sahara that is still causing harm to people and the environment. Yet, French leaders continue to lecture Muslim-majority countries about human rights and insist that they do not have access to nuclear technology, be it peaceful or otherwise. Historical records, however, show how France’s actions have created many of the most perennial problems that it now wants other countries to solve. Among these actions taken by French leaders is how their determination to hold on to Algeria allowed them to help other colonizers develop weapons of mass destruction and shield them from any criticism and safety measures, such as the monitoring of nuclear facilities by UN institutions, while they continue to accuse Muslim-majority countries of being irresponsible with their developing of nuclear programs.

 Here is a good place to start reading about this and related topics:

Specifically, during the mid-1950s France’s control over Algeria—which it considered part of France and not just another colony—was increasingly contested by a domestic insurgency that was receiving substantial support from the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser. Paris responded by eliciting Israel’s help in providing intelligence on the Algerian situation in return for French conventional weaponry. The opportunity to transform this into nuclear cooperation presented itself in 1956 when Paris asked Israel to provide France and Britain with a pretext to intervene militarily in what became the Suez Canal crisis.   

-- From The Story of How American Jews and France Built Israel’s Nuclear Weapons


Friday, January 13, 2023

Western Sahara: The Polisario movement's 16th congress began its conference to renew its leadership

    Friday, January 13, 2023   No comments

The Polisario Front, seeking to obtain the right to self-determination in Western Sahara, began its conference to renew its leadership, in the context of severe tensions between its ally Algeria and Morocco, which controls 80% of this region.

The conference will be held in the presence of more than 2,200 members of the Front and 370 foreign guests over a period of five days, 175 kilometers south of the Algerian city of Tindouf, in the Dakhla refugee camp, which bears the name of a coastal town in Western Sahara, an area rich in phosphates and fisheries at the heart of an ongoing conflict. half a century ago.

Polisario leader Brahim Ghali, 73, who enjoys indispensable support from Algeria, appears confident of his re-election at the conference, which kicks off at noon on Friday.

"This is the first conference since the resumption of the armed struggle" at the end of 2020, Mohamed Yeslam Bessat, the representative of the Sahrawis in South Africa, told AFP.

A decades-old dispute has been taking place over Western Sahara, which Morocco controls most of its territory, and considers it an integral part of its territory, proposing to grant it autonomy under its sovereignty, while the Polisario Front, supported by Algeria, is calling for its independence.

It is a major cause of tension in relations between the two Maghreb countries, as Algeria cut off diplomatic relations with Rabat since the summer of 2021.

A ceasefire resolution in force since 1991 was violated, in mid-November 2020, after the deployment of Moroccan forces in the far south of the region to expel the Polisario fighters who were blocking the only road leading to Mauritania and considered it illegal because it did not exist when the agreement was reached with Rabat.

Since then, the Polisario Front says it is "in a state of war in self-defense" and has declared "a war zone for all the territory of the Sahrawi Republic, including land, sea and air."

The conference takes place at a time when Western Sahara is at the center of escalating tensions between the two powerful states of the Maghreb.

Algeria effectively cut off its diplomatic relations with Morocco in August 2021 due to deep differences over this file and the security rapprochement between Rabat and Israel.

And after the recognition of former US President Donald Trump's administration at the end of 2020 encouraged Morocco's sovereignty over this region in exchange for rapprochement with Israel, Rabat has since increasingly used its diplomatic activity to mobilize the support of other countries for its positions.

The 16th conference is being organized under the slogan "Escalating Fighting to Expel the Occupation and Complete Sovereignty."

And ending with the convening of the conference, the governorship of Ghali, who succeeded in July 2016 the historical leader Muhammad Abdel Aziz, who died a few weeks ago. In addition, Ghali is the president of the “Sahrawi Arab Republic,” declared unilaterally in 1976.

The representative of the Polisario Front in Geneva, Omaima Abdel Salam, confirms that “the last word will be for the Sahrawi people during this conference. The position of Secretary-General is not exclusive to anyone,” refuting press reports about a struggle to succeed Ghali.

She explained, “So far, there is no list of candidates for the position of Secretary-General. These are just rumours.”

The Algerian president Inaugurates Nelson Mandela stadium in Algeria and discusses what he said to the most senior officials of the International and African Football Federations

    Friday, January 13, 2023   No comments

Algeria was the first to support Nelson Mandela when he was in prison and placed in terrorist list in Wester countries and now memorializes Mandela by dedicating a soccer stadium in his name. 

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said in a press interview at the “Nelson Mandela” stadium in the Algerian capital, that he informed the top official in “FIFA”, Gianni Anfontino, that Algeria is capable of hosting major international football events and will be committed to providing all the capabilities required to organize high-level competitions.

He added, "Algeria is also ready to be the scene of football competitions at the level of the brown continent, and that CAF President Motsepe can count on our country regarding this matter."

The Algerian president concluded by saying: “The modern, luxurious and international stadiums that were built in Oran, Baraki, Douira, Tizi Ouzou, also belong to Algerian youth and local competitions,” referring to the construction of three other stadiums in Waqla, Constantine and Bechar in the near future.

Friday, October 21, 2022

US Admin: Iranian soldiers are in Crimea to help Russia operate drones to launch strikes across Ukraine

    Friday, October 21, 2022   No comments

The United States said on Thursday it believed Iranian military personnel had been deployed to Crimea to help Russian forces operate Iranian-made drones for attacks in Ukraine, as the West imposed sanctions on Tehran in response.

Drones were used to destroy Ukrainian power plants and other facilities during attacks apparently aimed at disrupting and demoralizing as winter approaches. On Thursday, Ukrainians experienced scheduled blackouts for the first time since the war began, as authorities sought to start repairing the damage.

“Russian military personnel stationed in Crimea are directing and using Iranian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to conduct strikes across Ukraine, including in Kyiv,” State Department spokesman Ned Price told a news briefing, referring to the drones.

"Our assessment is that ... there are Iranian military personnel on the ground in Crimea and assisting Russia in these operations," he added.

Neither Russia's defense and foreign ministries have yet responded to a request for comment. Tehran denied that the drones were Iranian-made.

The European Union announced that the members of the bloc agreed on new measures against Iran in response to its supply of drones to Russia, and Britain imposed sanctions on prominent Iranian military personnel and a company that it said was involved in supplying Russia with Iranian drones.

"Iran's support for Putin's brutal and illegal war on Ukraine is deeply reprehensible," British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said.

A White House spokesman announced that Washington is considering imposing new sanctions on Tehran over the drones and is studying air defense solutions for Ukraine.

On Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova confirmed that the United States and its partners are using rumors about Iran's supply of combat drones to put pressure on Tehran.

"The rumors spread by American news agencies regarding Iranian drones were denied by Iranian and Russian officials," Zakharova said, during a press briefing.

She asked: "Is there a need to comment on these allegations against us and Tehran?", Commenting: "I don't think so, because all this is nothing more than a set of undocumented conclusions and far-fetched assumptions."

The Czech presidency of the European Union announced the imposition of sanctions on three Iranian individuals and an entity, against the background of "Russia's delivery of drones used to bomb Ukraine," according to a statement by the presidency.

"After three days of talks, the ambassadors of the European Union agreed on measures against the entities that supply (Russia) Iranian-made drones that strike Ukraine," the presidency said in a tweet on Twitter. The sanctions will go into effect on Thursday.

These sanctions, according to the list of the Union, affect the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Mohammad Bagheri, the officer in logistical affairs, Major General Seyyed Hojjatullah Qureshi, and the commander of the Revolutionary Guard's unmanned aircraft department, Brigadier General Saeed Aqa Jani. It also targeted the Iranian "Shahid" company for aerospace industries linked to the Revolutionary Guards.

"The European Union is also ready to expand sanctions to include four other Iranian entities that were already on a previous sanctions list," the statement added.

Ukraine accused Russia of using Iranian-made drones to bomb Kyiv and other cities.

On the other hand, the Kremlin denied this accusation and explained that it had no knowledge of its army's use of Iranian-made drones in Ukraine.

In parallel, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian stressed in a phone call today with the European Union's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell that Iran's clear policy is to oppose the war and its escalation in Ukraine.

Amir Abdollahian added that the claim of sending "missiles to Russia to be used against Kyiv" is baseless, stressing that "there is defense cooperation with Russia, but it is certainly not our policy to send weapons and drones against Ukraine."

Amir Abdollahian said that Iran is trying to stop the conflicts in Ukraine through diplomacy and recommended that "the Europeans look at this issue with a realistic approach."

For his part, Borrell said, according to the Iranian Foreign Ministry's statement, that "Iran's position in confirming that it will not send weapons and drones for use in the war in Ukraine is important and deserves appreciation."

On Thursday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian confirmed that Tehran's claim that Tehran sent weapons to Russia to be used against Ukraine is "incorrect."

"I reiterated to the European Foreign Minister Josep Borrell that our clear policy is to oppose the war in Ukraine," Amir Abdollahian said in a press statement.

The Iranian foreign minister pointed out that "Tehran has defense cooperation with Russia, but there is no doubt that its policy is not to send weapons and drones to be used against Ukraine."

The Iranian Foreign Minister demanded that Ukraine provide documents related to the news of the use of Iranian drones by the Russian side in the current war.

Responding indirectly to this issue, the Iranian leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, said: 

"A few years ago, when pictures of our advanced missiles and drones were published, they said they’re photoshopped pictures. Now they say Iranian drones are dangerous. Why do you sell them to so and so?"

On Tuesday, the Iranian Leader's advisor for military affairs, Major General Rahim Safavi, confirmed that 22 countries have sent requests to purchase Iranian drones.

Safavi said: "The current candidate countries to buy rallies are Armenia, Tajikistan, Serbia, Algeria, Venezuela and other countries."

Safavi also pointed out that "Iran, which used to import 80% of its military needs from abroad before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, is now producing 80% of its defense equipment."

Use of drones in Ukraine, Russian forces claim these drones are Russian drones. On Firday, they released this footage of the drones at work:

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Skulls were returned from France to Algeria do not all belong to the resistance fighters

    Tuesday, October 18, 2022   No comments

The New York Times reported, on Monday, that the skulls that Algeria recovered from France in 2020 do not all belong to the resistance fighters, and that these remains all remained French property even after they were handed over.

Documents from the Museum of Man and the French government, obtained by the American newspaper, revealed that 18 skulls were of uncertain origin, among the 24 skulls recovered by Algeria.

These skulls were returned under an agreement signed by the two governments on June 26, 2020, which included a 4-page appendix detailing the identities of the remains, according to Al-Hurra.

The document obtained by the "New York Times" showed that among the remains recovered by Algeria were imprisoned thieves, and three Algerian infantrymen who served in the French army.

Neither government has publicly acknowledged these facts as they seek to extract a "diplomatic advantage" from the recall, according to the New York Times.

And in July of 2020, the Algerian President, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, received a C-130 Hercules plane coming from France, carrying the remains of 24 Algerian fighters against French colonialism on board.

The plane landed at Algiers International Airport, after being escorted by fighters from the Algerian army, where the coffins received an official reception. They drew the Algerian national flag and were carried by soldiers from the guard of honor with 21 artillery rounds.

The American newspaper says that the process of France's return of these remains, which were on display in the Museum of Humanity, was accepted by Algeria, where the two countries celebrated the gesture as a milestone in their efforts to rebuild relations.

The Algerian government did not respond to The New York Times' requests for comment, and it remains unclear why it accepted some skulls that did not belong to popular resistance fighters, especially as it was highly critical of aspects of French President Emmanuel Macron's policy towards the country, at least until Snow melt in recent years.

Macron's office also declined to comment, redirecting questions to the Foreign Ministry, which said the list of the skulls returned was "approved by both parties."

Upon the handover in 2020, the French presidency stated that "this gesture is part of a process of friendship and healing of all wounds throughout our history."

She added, "This is the meaning of the work that the President of the Republic started with Algeria, which will continue with the respect of all in order to reconcile the memories of the French and Algerian peoples."

During a visit to Algeria in December 2017, President Macron pledged to return the Algerian human remains, which are in the Museum of Man of the National Museum of Natural History.

The American newspaper described the process as a "flawed return", which revealed a broader problem than returns, which are often "secret and muddled" and do not rise to the level of correcting the mistakes of the colonial era.

"Diplomatic issues prevailed over historical issues," said Catherine Maureen Desailly, the center-right French senator who has long worked to return mortal remains.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune meeting with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron

    Sunday, August 28, 2022   No comments


Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune announced that he had agreed with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, to "establish a full partnership between their two countries in the light of mutual respect."

During a joint press conference with Macron, who arrived in Algeria today for a 3-day official visit, Tebboune said: "I agreed with Macron to establish a full partnership in light of the principles of respect and a balance of trust between the two countries... We aspire to enhance trade exchange between Algeria and France."

"I discussed with Macron the situation in Libya, Mali, the Sahel and Western Sahara," he added.

For his part, Macron told his Algerian counterpart: "We have a common, complex and painful past, which contributed somewhat to not looking at the future... We have to look at this past with the will of truth... Let's open the archives from the beginning of the (French) occupation to independence without taboos... And this in order to build the future.

The French president considered that "we did not choose the past, but rather we inherited it, and we have the responsibility to build the future for ourselves and for future generations."

French President Macron arrived in Algeria today, Thursday, "hoping to build trade relations and turn the page on a diplomatic dispute," and was received by Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

Relations with Algeria became more important for France, because the Russian special military operation in Ukraine led to an increase in Europe's demand for North African gas, and because of the increased migration across the Mediterranean.

 It is noteworthy that Algeria canceled, today also, the entry visa of the chief rabbi of France, "Haim Corsia" because of his support for "Israel", according to what a reliable source told "Al-Mayadeen", who stressed that "Algeria will not be drawn towards normalization and rejects it in all its forms, and it is firm on the Supporting just causes, most notably Palestine and Western Sahara.

Last July, Tebboune sent a congratulatory message to his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, on the occasion of his re-election for a second presidential term, in which he expressed his "satisfaction with the quality of our personal relationship characterized by trust and affection, and with the developments achieved, albeit relatively, by the Algerian-French partnership."

In it, Macron called for a visit to Algeria "soon, to launch together a dynamic that pushes forward in dealing with major issues, and to intensify and expand Algerian-French relations."

Last March, the Algerian president declared that the "crimes of French colonialism" in Algeria will not be subject to a statute of limitations, calling for a "fair treatment of the file of memory and history in an atmosphere of frankness and trust."

This came after relations between the two countries fell to their lowest level, when Macron said he doubted the existence of an "Algerian nation" before French colonialism.

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

President Tebboune receives President Abbas and Haniyeh in a meeting on the sidelines of Algeria's Independence Day Celebrations

    Tuesday, July 05, 2022   No comments

On Tuesday evening, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune held a meeting that brought together Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas with a delegation from the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), led by the head of its political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh.

According to the official Algerian television, the meeting was held at the Conference Palace, west of the capital, Algiers, on the sidelines of the participation of the Palestinian delegation in the celebrations of the sixtieth anniversary of the country's independence from France on July 5, 1962.

In addition to Abbas and Haniyeh, Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister Ziad Omar, Palestinian intelligence chief Majed Faraj, Palestine Chief Justice Muhammad al-Habbash and Hamas leader Sami Abu Zuhri participated in the meeting.

The television broadcast scenes in which Abbas, Haniyeh and the rest of the leaders appear in one session, with President Tebboune in the middle.

Algerian television did not report the content of the meeting, which it described as “historic.”

Abbas visited Algeria in December 2021, and the two sides announced at the time an agreement for Algeria to host a conference for Palestinian reconciliation that precedes the Arab summit.

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Algeria suspends friendship treaty with Spain amid Western Sahara tensions

    Wednesday, June 08, 2022   No comments


Algeria said its decision was due to Spain's "unjustifiable turnaround" over the Western Sahara region. Earlier this year, Spain recognized Morocco's plans for the disputed territory, sparking tensions with Algeria.

The announcement came hours after Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez reportedly said his government's policy shift on Western Sahara has "improved (Spain's) bilateral relations with Morocco."

In March, the Spanish government shifted its long-standing position on Western Sahara by endorsing Morocco's autonomy plan for the territory, paving the way for easing diplomatic tensions between the two kingdoms.

The new Spanish position "violates international legitimacy, and directly contributes to the deterioration of the situation in Western Sahara and the region as a whole," the presidential statement said.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Lavrov in Algiers to thank "the Algerian brothers for their position on the Russian operation in Donbass"

    Tuesday, May 10, 2022   No comments

The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, revealed today, Tuesday, that during his visit to Algeria, he discussed the development of military-technical cooperation, expressing his appreciation for the position of the Algerian brothers towards the Russian military operation in Donbass.

Lavrov said that "a meeting of the joint intergovernmental committee of Russia and Algeria on economic cooperation is scheduled in Algeria within the next few months," stressing that "Russia is with Algeria in the interest of the principle of state sovereignty, a principle that is ignored by the United States and its allies."

Lavrov announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin "hopes to hold a personal meeting with the Algerian president," and invites him to visit Russia.

Lavrov noted that Russia considers the position of the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, regarding freezing Russian assets, as "theft," stressing that "the European Union no longer has an independent foreign policy, and is completely in solidarity with the policy of the United States."

Lavrov stressed that "Russia will work diligently to prevent the establishment of a unipolar world and the destruction of the foundations of the United Nations." He also valued the "unified Arab position within the framework of the Arab League," stressing that it was "balanced and objective towards developments in Ukraine."

As for the economic aspect, Lavrov said, "There is $3 billion in the volume of exchange (with Algeria), and we have broader prospects than that, especially with great interest from Russian companies (in this regard)," noting that he discussed with the Algerians international files and issues It relates to coordination in international forums, the framework of "OPEC Plus" and the gas-exporting countries.

"We are ready to offer more scholarships to Algerian students," he added.

On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Algeria, where he was received by Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra. Lavrov announced that "Russia and Algeria intend to sign an agreement that reflects the new quality of bilateral relations between the two countries."


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