Showing posts with label Qatar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Qatar. Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Has US threat to force Qatar to expel Hamas out of Doha collapsed the Ceasefire negotiations?

    Sunday, March 31, 2024   No comments

Although the US has warned the leaders of Qatar as early as October that they will need to reconsider the presence of the leaders of Hamas in Doha, the US wanted to use their presence there to strike deals that it wanted. However, with the negotiations for a ceasefire going nowhere, the US administrations wanted to leverage Qatar hosting of Hamas leaders to force them to accept a proposal the Biden administration formulated. 

CNN reported recently that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken “delivered a stern message to Qatar earlier this month: Tell Hamas that they must deliver on a hostage and ceasefire deal that would halt the war in Gaza or risk getting kicked out of the Qatari capital of Doha.” That threat appears to have failed to achieve its goal and worse, it may have backfired.

First, Hamas leaders are now saying that there is no negotiation because their last counteroffer was not responded to by Israel in a way that will allow them to go on negotiating. Hamas and other Palestinian factions insist that there will be a deal only when a permanent ceasefire is approved and guaranteed by the mediators, when aid is delivered to all the people in Gaza, and when Israel forces leave Gaza, when people who lost their homes are sheltered. 

Second, Hamas and other Palestinian resistance leaders took the threat of being kicked out of Doha, the same way they way forced out Turkey, and offered a demonstration of what will happen if they are forced out of Doha: they will settle in Iran. Iran seems to be willing to not only host Hamas leaders, but to host them in a formal manner—something no other host nation has done for Hamas since their days in Syria pre-2012.

Just after the conclusion of the Persian new year celebrations, leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad were received by the highest officials of the Iranian government, including a couple meetings with the supreme leader. The message is clear: you can kick us out of Qatar and when you do, we will find home in a country that recognizes us as official representatives of the Palestinian peoples. That means, if Israel or the US wants to negotiate with Hamas, they will have to find someone else other than Qatar or Egypt to mediate. China and Russia willingness to receive Hamas leaders as official representatives of the Palestinian people make Iran's move less problematic.

Based on events on the ground, Hamas leaders having to leave another country to find refuge in Iran will only make Arab countries, like Qatar and Jordan look week. The daily denotations that are growing by the day in Jordan are a good indication of this trend.

Pro-Palestinian protesters in Jordan, March 30, 2024.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Aljazeera coverage of demontrations denouncin "the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip"

    Monday, March 25, 2024   No comments

Aljazeera provided detailed coverage of people protesting the war in Gaza, but did not provide any comments as to why none of these events is happening in Qatar and other Gulf States.

On Saturday, Aljazeera reported that protesters around the world took to the streets to denounce the "the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip", and provided a list of countries and cities where such demonstrations took place. 

Arab and foreign cities witnessed demonstrations to denounce the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, and the participants called for a ceasefire.

The demonstrators called on the international community to take urgent action to stop the Israeli war on Gaza and send humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people.


Thousands of Britons demonstrated in more than 30 cities in solidarity with the Palestinian cause and in support of Palestinian rights, led by the capital, London, from which 11 demonstrations were launched alone.

The demonstrators chanted slogans demanding an immediate end to the Israeli war and genocide in the Gaza Strip, the entry of aid to its besieged residents, and holding Israel accountable for its crimes.


The German capital, Berlin, witnessed a protest march denouncing what they described as genocide committed by Israel in Gaza.

In the march called for by the Unified Palestinian Committee in Berlin, the protesters denounced Israel's use of starvation as a weapon against civilians. The demonstrators also denounced the German government's support of Israel with weapons.


In the Austrian capital, Vienna, dozens demonstrated in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

On Maria Hilfer Street, an important street in Vienna, the demonstrators carried Palestinian flags and banners reading “Immediate ceasefire,” “No to genocide,” and “Free Palestine.”


In the Swedish capital, Stockholm, a massive demonstration took place in support of Palestine and Gaza.

The demonstrators demanded an end to the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and the entry of humanitarian aid to the residents of the Strip who are suffering from famine.


Dozens organized a human chain in the Finnish capital, Helsinki, in support of Gaza and denouncing the ongoing occupation massacres against the Palestinian people.

The protesters raised Palestinian flags and demanded an immediate end to the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and the entry of humanitarian aid.


In northern Italy, hundreds demonstrated in the city of Milan in solidarity with Gaza and denouncing the occupation's massacres against the Palestinian people.

South Korea

In East Asia, dozens of activists demonstrated in the city of Seoul, South Korea, to denounce the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip.

The demonstrators raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against the international position regarding the war in Gaza and the continued massacres.


In the Arab world, Tunisians demonstrated on Habib Bourguiba Street in the capital, Tunis, in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in protest against the continued Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The demonstrators demanded an end to the massacres and violations against the residents of Gaza. They denounced the international silence regarding the crimes of the Israeli occupation, and the continued closure of border crossings, preventing the passage of food and health aid to the people of the Gaza Strip.


In turn, several Moroccan cities, including Oujda, El Jadida, Meknes, and Tangier, organized vigils to demand an end to starving the residents of the Gaza Strip and to lift the siege imposed on them.

The demonstrators called on Arab and Islamic countries to take urgent action to stop the Israeli war and send humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people, denouncing at the same time the inability of the international community to stop the war in Gaza.


In Yemen, the Ansar Allah Houthi group said that more than 148 squares in the governorates it controls witnessed, on the second Friday of the month of Ramadan, massive demonstrations in support of the people of the Gaza Strip, which has been subjected to an Israeli war that has been going on for months.

The Houthi Al-Masirah satellite channel reported in a news item on its website that the capital, Sanaa, witnessed a massive million-man demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian people who are being subjected to genocide in the Gaza Strip.

The demonstrators stressed the necessity of continuing Yemeni military operations in support of the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people is lifted.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Qatar in talks with Algeria to invest in petrochemical projects in the North African Country

    Thursday, August 24, 2023   No comments

According to an Elkhabar Daily report published on 18 August, Qatar is currently in talks with the Algerian government to construct a chemical power plant for Algiers in a bid to kick-start a potential partnership with state-run petroleum corporation Sonatrach.

Qatari news agency Doha News disclosed that Algerian Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, met with the Qatari ambassador Abdul Aziz Ali Al-Nama in Algiers on 17 August to discuss the construction project details.

Arkab revealed to Elkhabar Daily that "Sonatrach is ready to work with Power International to achieve that project, which is part of Algeria's strategy to develop the industrial sector."

This recent development comes after Algeria implemented reformed hydrocarbon regulations designed to entice investors, improve processing mechanisms, and establish a longitudinal vision for the North African country that will boost the national economy and increase employment.

The report further disclosed that the next meeting between Qatar and Sonatrach will be organized in September. In addition, Qatar's ambassador to Algiers emphasized that numerous Doha-based companies are highly interested in investing in integral projects in Algeria, specifically in the sectors of exploration, manufacturing, research, and the petrochemical industry.

Sonatrach generates nearly $2 billion in sales annually and employs around 3,000 people. Sonatrach's petrochemical programs have also led several petrochemical construction projects, as well as consolidating partnerships with Turkiye, TotalEnergies, and a UK-Chinese consortium.

Since 2022, Qatar has sought to bolster relations with countries residing outside of the West Asian region in an attempt to diversify its economy and to alleviate the impact of the global energy crisis instigated by the imposition of western sanctions against Russia.

Last week, Qatar began its construction of 500,000 residential units in the northwestern Nigerian state of Kaduna as part of its Mega Economic City project.

Furthermore, Qatar and India reached the final stages of their Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) agreement earlier this month, which would see Doha providing New Delhi with 1 million metric tonnes of LNG per year.

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Friday, August 18, 2023

Media Review, BILD: Russia, Türkiye and Qatar are preparing a new agreement to replace the grain deal

    Friday, August 18, 2023   No comments

 Russia, Türkiye and Qatar are preparing a new agreement to replace the grain deal, BILD,  reports.

The media leaked memos between the Foreign Ministry and the embassies of Russia and Turkey from July 21 to August 8.

The letters say the Kremlin informed Erdogan in advance of its withdrawal from the grain deal. The new agreement considers the supply of Russian grain to poor countries, mainly Africa. Türkiye will act as an organizer, Qatar as a sponsor of supplies.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan asks Russia to resume the previous grain deal, so that grain is also supplied from Ukraine. Ankara also proposes to act under the auspices of the UN.

The deal is expected to close this weekend in Budapest. It is reported that the head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov is flying to Budapest, where Erdogan is also going.

Sunday, May 07, 2023

Did Syria return to the Arab League or did the Arab League return to Syria?

    Sunday, May 07, 2023   No comments

After a long absence for years, Syria regained its seat in the League of Arab States, after an extraordinary meeting held by the Arab League Council at the level of foreign ministers in Cairo.

The League of Arab States decided to resume the participation of the Syrian government delegations in its meetings, and all its affiliated organizations and agencies, as of May 7, 2023.

It also called for the need to take practical and effective steps to gradually resolve the crisis according to the principle of step by step, in line with Security Council Resolution No. 2254 to continue efforts that allow the delivery of humanitarian aid to all those in need in Syria.

It also demanded the formation of a ministerial liaison committee consisting of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt and the Secretary-General of the League, to follow up on the implementation of the Amman Agreement, and to continue direct dialogue with Damascus to reach a comprehensive solution to the crisis that addresses all its consequences.

In turn, Damascus received with interest the decision issued by the Arab League meeting, and stressed that the positive interactions currently taking place in the Arab region are in the interest of all Arab countries, and in the interest of achieving stability, security and prosperity for their peoples.

The return of Syria is a political necessity imposed by reality

The League of Arab States suspended Damascus' membership in November 2011 with the approval of 18 countries, and three countries objected: Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. Iraq abstained from voting at the time, and the Arab countries imposed political and economic sanctions on Damascus at the time, following Syria's stances towards the war imposed on it.

Several countries, especially during the first years of the war, provided support to the armed opposition. Even during an Arab summit in Doha in 2013, a delegation from the Syrian opposition coalition participated, for once, as a “representative” of the Syrian people.

Today, with the victory of Syria and the recovery of most of its lands with the support of regional and international allies, and the failure of the opposition to manage the Syrian file at all levels, as the opposition parties managed the files based on their narrow interests.

Likewise, the international community, led by the United States of America, failed to overthrow the government in Syria, as the Syrian crisis has become one of the most difficult foreign files for the American administrations (Obama, Trump and Biden administrations).

Earlier, the Lebanese newspaper, Al-Akhbar, reported that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told Arab leaders and mediators, saying that "Damascus is the one who has the right to forgive countries and groups that were major parties in the war and partners in Arab bloodshed. It would be wrong for anyone to think about Syria is ready to talk to any country about its internal situation, as there is no room for any negotiation on the internal Syrian issue.

Today, the decision of the League of Arab States came to end the failed attempts to isolate Syria, based on the political necessity that was enshrined in the changing reality, especially that Syria is today looking forward to rebuilding what was destroyed by the war.

The path of Arab openness

With the change in field equations, since 2018, indications of Arab openness, albeit slowly, towards Syria have emerged, beginning with the reopening of the UAE embassy in Damascus.

However, it seems that the devastating earthquake that struck Syria and neighboring Turkey in February 2023 accelerated the process of resuming the regional relations with Damascus, as Assad received a flood of contacts and aid from several Arab countries, even Saudi Arabia and the UAE sent aid planes, which was the first of its kind. Since cutting ties with Damascus.

Last March, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visited the UAE and the Sultanate of Oman to enhance cooperation and coordination to serve stability and development in the region.

Shortly thereafter, Riyadh announced in March that it was in talks with Damascus about resuming consular services.

On April 18, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan met the Syrian president during the first official Saudi visit to Damascus since the boycott.

Also during the month of April, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad visited several Arab countries, including Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Algeria and Saudi Arabia. During the tour, Tunisia announced the resumption of relations with Damascus.

Likewise, Jordan hosted a meeting of the foreign ministers of Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Egypt at the beginning of the week, and it was agreed to "support Syria and its institutions in any legitimate efforts to extend its control over its lands."

The return of Syria comes after developments in the Arab and regional scene

Regarding the political changes that took place that prompted the Arabs to return to Syria, the deputy director of the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Ayman Abdel-Wahhab, told Al-Mayadeen Net that Syria's return to the League of Arab States can be read within the framework of developments in the general Arab and regional scene, and specifically it is possible to talk about the Saudi rapprochement file - Iran, developments in the internal field situation in Syria, as well as growing indications of the importance of Syria's Arab embrace.

Abdel Wahhab pointed out that the growing visions of many influential regional powers with Arab weight regarding the importance of Syria's return to the League of Arab States does not negate the existence of some reservations from some Arab parties to this return.

He pointed out that "Syria's return to the Arab arena will represent an important factor in the balance of power, and in favoring some political indicators concerned with increasing the areas of inter-Arab interaction and cooperation.

The Arab parties will gradually return to Syria

As for how to translate the return of Syria from a political point of view to the Arab arena, Ayman Abdel Wahhab said that the return of Syria will be reflected in a positive direction for some Arab forces that support the concept of the national state and promote stability in the region.

In March 2013, Qatar invited an opposition figure
to take Syria's seat at the Arab League Summit.

Abdel Wahhab explained that a number of Arab parties will gradually return to Syria, especially with the return of stability and Syrian interaction with Arab issues.

He pointed out that Syria has a strategic weight equal to that of Iraq and Egypt, and this will greatly help in presenting some issues from a different perspective, and will be reflected in many files in the region.

Washington does not welcome the return of Syria

Today, the US State Department stated that "Damascus does not deserve to regain its seat in the League of Arab States at this stage," commenting on the League's decision to end the suspension of Syria's membership in it and to resume the participation of its delegations.

Regarding the American position, Ayman Abdel Wahhab, deputy director of the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, said that the American reservations will remain, at least in the early stages, as Washington is not welcome to return.

Abdel Wahhab added that the entanglement of the situation in Syria has repercussions, whether in the direction of "Israel", or even with regard to the Russian presence and its association, albeit indirectly, with the Ukrainian file.

And he added, "The Israeli intervention, whether in the Syrian or Ukrainian file, has intersections that may seem indirect, but in reality it will be reflected on the nature of Russian-Israeli relations on the one hand, and on the position of the major powers on the Syrian file, especially in light of the region's re-engineering at this time." ".

The Arab countries have no choice but to return to Syria, as the journey of its isolation that began in 2011 ended in failure. Those who wanted to pay Syria a price for resuming contact with it returned to resuming relations with it. President al-Assad told all the Arab officials he met that he was not in a hurry to return to the university. Arab, but he is ready to regulate bilateral relations with Arab countries without any conditions.

Bloomberg: The Arab League's decision regarding Syria reflects the decline of American influence

The American agency "Bloomberg" said that the Arab League's decision to ignore American reservations about Syria's restoration of its seat reflects the decline of America's influence in the region.

In a report published earlier today, the agency indicated a growing willingness among allies to forge their own political path and build stronger strategic relations with US opponents.

Hours ago, the US State Department stated that Washington "understands that the partners are seeking direct contact with the Syrian president to put more pressure towards a solution to the Syrian crisis."

The agency also indicated that what happened "may also be a victory for Iran and Russia, which have supported Syrian President Bashar al-Assad militarily but need regional assistance to rehabilitate him diplomatically, and ultimately help rebuild a war-torn country that has displaced millions."

The Wall Street Journal: The Arab decision on Syria represents a rejection of Washington's interests

The American Wall Street Journal reported, on Sunday, that "the decision to return Syria to the Arab League represents a rejection of US interests in the region."

The newspaper said that the Arab leaders agreed to "return Syria to the League of Arab States after more than a decade of isolation," explaining that this matter complicates the American efforts to isolate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and indicates the decline of American influence in the Middle East.

"This decision also shows that Middle Eastern countries are formulating policies independent of Western concerns," it added.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Qatar acknowledges that it is vetoing Syria's return to the Arab League

    Wednesday, March 29, 2023   No comments

Qatar affirmed that it has not changed its position on the move to return Syria to the Arab League, noting that it “will not normalize relations with the Syrian regime until the reasons that called for boycotting it are gone.”

Yesterday, Tuesday, the official spokesman for the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Majid Al-Ansari, said that “there is still no Arab consensus on the return of the Syrian regime to the Arab League, and the State of Qatar deals with this issue as one of the priorities of Arab issues, so the Arab consensus in it is of interest, and even There is this consensus, which comes as a result of positive developments on the Syrian scene that we do not see before us.

Al-Ansari stressed the “steadfastness of the Qatari position,” saying, “We believe that there will be no change in the Qatari position. Our position is clear and stable and is not affected by what is going on in the scene unless there are real developments inside Syria in a way that satisfies the aspirations of the Syrian people, or there is a built Arab consensus.” On these positive developments inside Syria, but at the present time there is no reason for optimism about the nearness of normalization with the Syrian regime and its return to the Arab League.

He affirmed Qatar's welcome and support for Arab efforts in the framework of finding a solution to the Syrian crisis, stressing that this solution must be based on positive developments and a real response to popular demands, and that there should be no "betrayal of bloodshed" to achieve these aspirations, he said.

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Prime Minister of Qatar: The war with Iran is not in the interest of the Gulf states, and reaching a solution through frank dialogue would be a great achievement for peace, trade and the economy

    Thursday, March 02, 2023   No comments

The former Prime Minister of Qatar, Hamad bin Jassim, said that the war with Iran is not in the interest of the Gulf states, calling for a frank dialogue to reach a solution that would be “a great achievement not only for peace but also for trade and the economy.”

This came in an interview with “Bloomberg” in response to a question about the concern of many Arab countries from Iran, especially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Bin Jassim added, “My first fear is not Iran, but we are in the region and the way we behave, I mean the leaders, I am not one of them. It should be discussed in a civilized manner.”

He continued, “If we have challenges ahead, and if we agree that Iran is our number one enemy, how will we deal with this matter? Will we deal with it through direct negotiations or war? Nobody wants war because it is not in our interest.”

He explained, “The problem is that this decision is not in our hands because we are not currently in a position, as I said about the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, to take the lead in our region and say, ‘Okay, we have problems with Iran. In harmony between Iran, Iraq and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

And the former Prime Minister of Qatar believed that "if the Gulf countries were able to do this, it would be a great achievement not only for peace, but also for trade, business and the economy."

And he added, “They (in Iran) have more than 100 million people, Iraq has 40 million people, and we (the Gulf countries) have about 50 million people. We are talking about 200 or 250 million people in oil-rich countries, imagine what they can do.”

Thursday, February 16, 2023

By not calling the Syrian government with words of condolence for the dead Syrians, Erdogan may have missed his chance to rehabilitate his sectarian supremacy

    Thursday, February 16, 2023   No comments

When a government minister from Greece, a country with which Turkey is threatening with war, becomes the first among his European colleagues to visit quake-hit Turkey to survey the extent of the disaster caused by the quakes there, Erdogan’s government should have done the same with its Syrian counterpart. After all, Erdogan has played a pivotal role in the crisis in that country that destroyed the country and left nearly 20% of its territory outside the control of the government. Instead, Erdogan chose to ignore common human compassion, Islamic norms that require ta`ziya, and neighborly obligation in order to preserve his political posturing.

Politics should never supersede human decency. That is why many of the Arab rulers who wished for the overthrown of the Syrian government and invested in that project, like the King of Jordan, the Sheikh of UAE, and Egypt’s Sisi’s, all of them despite their disagreements with the Syrian government, called the Syrian president for ta`ziya and to offer help. Sixteen other Arabi governments that cut ties with the Syrian government during the crisis reached out with words of support and offers of help. But not Erdogan.

Erdogan, who reshaped Turkish society to his liking, wanted to recreate his neighborhood as well, not work with his neighbors. He used religion, nationalism, and politics to pursue an agenda of supremacy driven by the same callous Darwinian capitalism that is at the root of most of the social and environmental illnesses. His refusal to do the decent thing and pick up the phone and say to his counterpart in the neighboring country that was devastated by the same deadly and destructive earthquake, inna lillahi wa-inna ilayhi raji`un, shows that he lacks the temperament of a leader who is supposed to represent the values of his society not his personal impulses and sectarian biases.

We say secterian bias because it is clear thzt Erdogan is willing to make peace with all former enemies, yet he resists making peace with the Syrian government and the only reason we see is because Assad is not a Sunni Muslim, he is seen by sectarian leader as a person who belongs to an inferior sect ruling over the majority-Sunni country. That is why only another sectarian nation-state, Qatar refuses to deal with the Syrian government, prompting a renouned journalist to write a public letter to the emir, we share it here because it highlights the same issues addressed in this editorial.

His Highness Sheikh “Tamim bin Hamad,” this is an open letter to public opinion and before God Almighty, from a crushed and overpowering Arab citizen to Your Highness. Perhaps you will hear these words emanating from a heart squeezed by grief and pain over a nation that is being written off from the map of influence, and is living in the worst stages of an era of deterioration.

Your Highness: Syria, which was hit by a devastating earthquake that left thousands of victims and tens of thousands of afflicted, displaced and wounded, is living the tragedy of the century, and its people are groaning under the weight of a double catastrophe after years of war and siege. Millions in Syria are below the poverty line, ravaged by poverty, hunger, destitution and cold.. Children, women, the elderly and decent families Mastoura has become homeless or breadwinner. You may be aware of this through reports that are supposed to reach you.

Many countries of the world, led by Arab and Islamic countries, have come to the aid and relief with the commendable capabilities they can, and the countries of Qatar have lagged behind in that. I know that you are helping our brothers in Turkey, and this is a humanitarian work that you bear witness to. And you help our brothers in northern Syria where the Syrian government has no control, and this is a blessed act, but excluding areas such as Aleppo, Latakia, Jableh and Hama because they are located in the areas of the Syrian government or the “regime” as you call it from relief, and withholding any sympathy for them or conveying their suffering, or even condolence with them . Allow me to say that this approach is wrong, and it harms the State of Qatar, its reputation and its future, more than it harms the Syrians at a painful but fleeting moment in the course of history.

  The human tendency does not differentiate between one person and another on the basis of where he resides. Arab brotherhood, Arab blood, magnanimity, originality, and Arab honor necessitate transcendence over political differences and fear to save simple people, brothers, and human beings anywhere, regardless of the political dispute with the government or the difference in orientations. The State of Qatar must help the brothers and the Syrian people in Aleppo, Lattakia, Jableh and Hama, just like its donation to help the Syrian people in Idlib, Jandiris and other regions of the north.

If there is a political disagreement and a rift between you and the Syrian leadership, then let it not be, and no one will ask you to change your political orientations according to what you see as serving the interests of your country. But at the same time, there is no political dispute between the Syrian and Qatari peoples. It is a common sympathy and pain, and I am confident that your Qatari people are in pain for every Syrian and do not differentiate between those who sit in the open in Aleppo or those who sleep in the cold in Idlib. The entire Syrian people is afflicted and needs the embrace of its Arab brothers. Syria has always been the first to extend a helping hand to all Arabs in their tribulations and misfortunes, and it has never been stingy or hesitated for a single moment in offering even lives for Arab causes.

Your Highness: Perhaps you know or have heard about the gift of the Syrians in all cities, as well as the Arabs and Muslims in all countries, to defend Qatar in the face of bullying, racism and confusion practiced by Western countries during Qatar's hosting of the World Cup. They gave you love and sympathy, and this is more valuable than all the treasures and money of the earth. Hundreds of thousands of Syrian activists in Damascus, Homs, Aleppo and other cities did not say that there is a political dispute that necessitates refraining from defending our brothers who achieve a common achievement that raises the heads of all Arabs.

The Syrian people are a dear and dignified people, full of dignity, dignity and pride. A word of sympathy and consolation. Watching the Arab brothers flock to them and their planes landing in their country is more important to them than bread, medicine, housing and money.

I know this people very well, and I know that Syria, the homeland, will not be burned or drowned. This is Syria, the mother of every Arab. The homeland is for those who have no homeland. Syria is the holy land, the kind and warm people, and the civilization steeped in history. An earthquake, war, or disaster cannot erase it.

Your Highness, deafen your ear, even for a moment, to the voices of blind hatred, the voices that filled the space around you with calls to stop and cut aid to Syria in the most difficult disaster it is going through, and sayings that the Syrian regime benefits from the disaster and that aid saves the regime from the siege. The truth is that the children of Syria are languishing under the rubble and in the open.

These voices are now insulting to Qatar and to the image of its peaceful, loving and open people. Those voices that were stripped of humanity and blinded by hatred, blackness of the heart and sickness of the mind.

Deaf ears to the calls not to help the afflicted because they are in the “regime” areas. These are shameful and disgraceful calls, and hear the voice of the Arab blood that flows in your veins. Hear the voice of the facts that indicate that there are Arabs and non-Arabs. Come to the differences, renounce hatred and break the siege for the sake of Arab and human brotherhood, from Egypt to Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Jordan, Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Mauritania, Libya, Lebanon, the Sultanate of Oman and Bahrain, while Qatar seems isolated, measuring its humanity with narrow political calculations. A victim from the opposition area, and this is a victim from the regime area.”

Your Highness the Emir: It is not too late, and the State of Qatar can suspend the political dispute, and rush now to Syria to offer a helping hand and assistance, or at least offer condolences for the victims, just like its Arab and Muslim brothers and the free countries of the world. Your blessed efforts to help in Turkey and northern Syria remain incomplete if they do not include assistance to all those affected by the earthquake, wherever they are or reside, and whatever the circumstances and differences. Your position is not permissible humanly, morally, legally and patriotic before God and the court of history and peoples.

  One day, Arab brotherhood and one Arab blood will be victorious, so Your Highness contributed to making this day soon, and do not make sisterly Qatar a prisoner of a chorus of sick people who live on differences and are addicted to insults, grudges and provoking division.

This is the message of an Arab citizen who has no power or power and only possesses the word of truth and seeks nothing but God's approval.

Kamal Khalaf

Writer and Journalist

Monday, February 13, 2023

How and why do US-Trained Afghan Troops, ISIS, and Syrian Rebels end up Fighting on either side in Ukraine?

    Monday, February 13, 2023   No comments

In the 1970s and 80s, the US and Saudi Arabia worked together to radicalize, train, and equip fighters in Afghanistan with the hope that these fighters who combine a sectarian zeal and military skill will bring down the Soviet Union. The religious sectarian zeal empowered these fighters to attack the US on September 11, 2001.

Ten years later, in 2011, the US, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia trained and supplied fighters who were trained or inspired by the Afghan rebels to bring down the Syrian government. Russia stepped in in 2015 and reversed the gains made by al-Qaeda and ISIL troops.

Since 2002, the US military and intelligence started to train and arm an elite force in Afghanistan, some 30,000 fighters. Twenty years later, the US pulled out of Afghanistan and left that country in the hands of Taliban, the same government the US dislodged in 2002. Most of these elite Afghani troops were left behind. We are now learning that many of them, about 2/3 of them, are recruited to fight with Russia in Ukraine, the country that has received nearly $100 billion in aid and military equipment to help it fight the Russians.

 Over the twenty years since it invaded Afghanistan in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the United States has built, equipped, and trained the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces. In order to enable these forces to fight the Taliban, which allied with al-Qaeda at the time, Washington spent nearly 90 billion dollars, until there were between 20-30 thousand Afghan special forces as a military elite that the Afghan government was proud of being trained by the Navy Special Forces. American, known as "SEAL", British Air Force Special Forces.

And with the start of implementing its decision to withdraw from Afghanistan in August 2021, Washington tried to transfer these soldiers and officers out of the country on the grounds that they were at risk from the Taliban movement, which took over the reins of government. For this, the United States established a huge air bridge, which was described as the largest operation of its kind in the history of the United States, and through which Washington was able to evacuate about 130,000 Afghans and foreigners from the country. However, the US airlift only transferred a few hundred senior Afghan Special Forces officers, leaving the bulk of them face to face with the advancing Taliban. About 1,000 Afghan special forces were evacuated to the United States, while a few others managed to reach Europe and Turkey, while about 20,000 of them were left behind inside Afghanistan.

Soon, these people changed their loyalties, and some of them fought in the ranks of the opposition groups, such as the National Resistance Front, the anti-Taliban political and military alliance led by Ahmed Shah Massoud, and took the Panjshir Valley as a center for its operations, and even a few of them resorted to fighting in the ranks of the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, While a large number of them fled to neighboring countries, especially Iran and Pakistan, where they are awaiting asylum in a Western country due to their previous close ties to the US alliance.

With thousands of former Afghan soldiers and officers flocking to Iran, many American fears have been raised about transferring their unique knowledge of US army tactics and training to its arch-rival Iran, which poses a major security threat to the United States. It is easy for them to transfer their institutional knowledge of the US military, including the mechanics of collecting sensitive intelligence information, to Iran or other enemies of the United States if they communicate with them. And as stated in a report by Representative Michael McCaul, a Republican member of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the US Congress, the catastrophe of evacuating Afghans a year and a half ago endangered US intelligence assets, including the Afghan special forces, as “(they) could pose a threat to US security.” If they are coerced or recruited to work with one of Washington's adversaries, including international terrorist groups such as the Islamic State (in Khorasan) or countries such as China, Russia and Iran."

Events quickly proved that the fears of American officials were correct, as it began to become clear in the past few months that the Afghan Special Forces, which previously carried out advanced raids against the Taliban and bore the brunt of the American war on the Islamic movement, some of its men moved to fight on the side of Russia, the enemy. The arch-enemy of the Americans and the West as a whole these days, after hundreds of them received generous offers that included guaranteeing a safe life for them and their families, as well as obtaining Russian citizenship.

These efforts were led by the "Wagner" special combat group close to the Kremlin and made up of mercenaries fighting for Russia, which plays a prominent role in the war against Ukraine. Moscow hopes to draw on the experiences of former Afghan officers, after the battles over the past year showed that the Russian officers did not perform well on the battlefield against the Western-backed Ukrainian resistance. Media sources have confirmed that about a third of the former Afghan Special Forces are already fighting for Russia.

Meanwhile, as reported previously, ISIS fighters have relocted from Syria and Iraq to fight on the side of US supported Ukrainian forces. Recent Associated Press reporting (see AP Photos, below) depicted ISIS Black patches on the unforms of Ukrainian fighters.


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Erdogan's advisor: Turkiye needs full control over Syria's Aleppo to solve refugee issue

    Thursday, January 12, 2023   No comments

Erdogan’s desire to unload Syrian refugees and address the emerging autonomous Kurdish state along its border with Syria is forcing him to rush for a solution that would involve reconciliation with the Syrian government.

In the past few weeks alone, the Turkish leader sent out his defense minister and head of intelligence to meet their Syrian counterparts in Russia. Turkish leaders then announced plans to for the foreign ministers to meet soon to pave the way for a historical summit between Erdogan and Assad. All these changes are driven by Erdogan’s fear that economic hardships, volatile border with Syria, and large Syrian population in Turkey will limit his chances of winning another term and derail his party’s ambitions to keep a decisive plurality in the parliament.

However, given the role Erdogan played in supporting the Syrian armed factions who wanted, and still want, to overthrow the Syrian government, neither Assad is eager to meet him and many of his party leaders and advisors are unwilling to give up their dream of Syria controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies. This split among Turkey’s Islamists is reminding observers of their ideology-driven campaign to fuel a war in Syria designed to overthrow the government no matter what the human and economic costs. Nothing more telling of this ideological and sectarian impulse than the chain of events that lead to the recent revelations that Turkey should aim to control Aleppo and use it to resettle Syrian refugees instead of rebuilding the Syrian-Turkish relations to what it was before the so-called Arab Spring.

Immediately after the announcement of the expected meeting between the Syrian and Turkish foreign ministers, Qatar’s Aljazeera publishes a long piece by an Islamist commentator and professor at Qatar university floating the idea of Turkey’s control over Aleppo and rejecting Turkish reconciliation with the Syrian government. The article was picked by a long time advisor the Erdogan and his party and he made the same point an interview with a Turkish outlet. Given how skeptical the Syrian government is from this about-face from Erdogan, it can easily use this statement to cancel the proposed meeting and reject Erdogan’s courting of Assad.

Aware of the problem, it was revealed that the Turkish foreign minister was very upset with the advisor’s statements and perhaps that is what forced the advisor to appear on Arab media outlets and explain that what he said was a personal opinion based on an article that he read in the media (a clear reference to aljazeera’s piece).

These events revisit the events and actors that promoted and benefited the so-called Arab Spring, including the role of the Qatari government and its media influencer, Aljazeera, the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafism, and Turkey who wanted to create a middle east to their liking that resulted in destroyed communities in Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Iraq and the displacement of millions of people—in addition to the nearly one million people killed in these countries as a result of the geopolitical ambitions of Turkey, Qatar, UAE, and the Muslim Brotherhood.


Here are the background stories for this event:

With the opposition accusing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of not being serious in dealing with the Syrian file and developing an urgent plan for reconciliation with Damascus to return Syrian refugees to their country, Yasin Aktay's proposal, Erdogan's advisor, came to confirm the validity of doubts about the latter's intentions and accounts for Syria.


Aktay, who was a very close friend of the late Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi who was killed in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, said, "To ensure the safe return of Syrian refugees to their country, the city of Aleppo must be placed under Turkish administration for a transitional period."


Aktay pointed out, in his interview with the pro-President Erdogan channel, "Olca", to "the importance of dialogue between Turkey and the Syrian regime." But thanks to the Iranian and Russian support, the Assad regime was able to control it, after carrying out very large massacres. And had it not been for Turkey's intervention at the time, the regime would have carried out bloody massacres greater than it."


He added, "Therefore, Turkey must have a role in achieving security in the city and its environs, so that we can return one and a half million, or even two million, refugees to the city voluntarily, which will not be achieved unless a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis is reached with the participation of the people." Syrian".


Aktay's speech aroused the interest of the media and social networks, which said that he revealed the true intentions of President Erdogan by inviting President Putin to bring him together with President Assad after the recent meeting of the Syrian and Turkish defense ministers in Moscow, in the presence of the Russian defense minister.


Some saw his words as a message from Ankara to the Syrian opposition with all its factions, including Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, after the information that talked about Ankara's efforts to convince it of the feasibility of a possible reconciliation with Damascus, which is what this opposition started after meeting its leaders, Foreign Minister Mouloud Jawish. oglu last week.


Journalist Muhammad Ali Gullar recalled "the slogan raised by nationalist circles at the beginning of the Turkish intervention in northern Syria, when they talked about annexing this region to Turkey, as it was part of the map of the National Pact of 1920, just as Aleppo declared the 82nd state of present-day Turkey."


It seems that Aktay's statements and the media's interaction with them will remain the talk of the Turkish street during the next stage, as long as the Syrian file, with all its main and subheadings, will be the semi-main topic of the upcoming election campaigns, after it became clear that this file, especially the issue of Syrian refugees in Turkey, will affect the decision of the Turkish voter when He will vote for President Erdogan or his potential rival, Kemal Kilicdaroglu.


This explains why the security authorities raided a gathering center for Syrian refugees in a suburb of Istanbul, whom the Republican People's Party was preparing to deport to Syria with their consent, and the aforementioned authorities transferred them to an unknown location so that Kilicdaroglu would not meet them before they left Istanbul towards the Syrian border.


All this while betting on information that was reported a while ago about Syrian President Assad's hesitation in reconciliation with Erdogan before the upcoming elections, which may be in mid-May, at a time when Russian and Gulf pressures continue on the two sides to achieve this reconciliation as quickly as possible.

 Journalist Omar Odamish predicted, "The image that will gather Erdogan and President Assad will affect the psyche of the voter, as the Turkish president will tell him that reconciliation with Damascus is necessary to eliminate terrorism, by which he means the PKK and its Syrian arm, the People's Protection Units, without mentioning the Syrian opposition militants." They are terrorists for Damascus."

 Opposition circles ruled out that Erdogan would meet the Syrian demands, and said that this would be after the elections and not before, given that it would constitute a security crisis in northern Syria and the Turkish interior, especially if Ankara failed to convince Jabhat Tahrir al-Sham of the importance and necessity of this reconciliation, including the war together against the militias. Kurdish forces east of the Euphrates, in exchange for advantages and privileges that Turkey recognizes for HTS fighters and leaders, which the media has been talking about for some time about its heated dialogue with Washington.

 The information talks about Washington increasing its military support for the Kurdish People's Protection Units to face any upcoming war in the region and against the Syrian and Turkish armies in the event of a joint reconciliation.

 President Erdogan seeks to justify this reconciliation to his followers and supporters by talking about the need to eliminate terrorism in Turkey and northern Syria, by which he means the Kurdistan Workers’ Party and its Syrian arm, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, which in turn entered the line of domestic politics in Turkey when it announced the co-chair of the Peoples’ Democratic Party , the political wing of the PKK, the party's decision to participate in the upcoming elections with its own candidate, which puts the opposition "Nation Alliance" face to face with a new crisis in competition with Erdogan, who may prevail over the opposition candidate unless he has the support of the Kurds.


This account did not prevent the Supreme Constitutional Court from considering the issue of banning the activity of the Peoples’ Democratic Party before the end of this week, after it froze 3 days ago the aid provided by the treasury, according to the election law, which orders it to support the electoral campaigns of all political parties that have parliamentary blocs, i.e. on At least 20 seats.


All these complex data suggest the next stage in Turkish domestic politics, as long as it is affected by the future of the relationship with Damascus, for many surprises in terms of Turkish-Syrian relations, which will be under direct influence from Moscow, Tehran and the Gulf capitals represented by Abu Dhabi, which the Turkish media says is " It is ready to pay billions of dollars to the Syrian and Turkish sides in exchange for their agreement to the final reconciliation, according to its mood and the mood of its allies, who are many and contradictory.


Friday, December 02, 2022

Times: Banning alcohol gave women the chance to enjoy the World Cup without hassle

    Friday, December 02, 2022   No comments

There is no questions that explicit and implicit bias against Arabic and Islamic societies and their values systems were present during this FIFA World Cup hosted by Qatar. In addition to the bigotry expressed by German politicians and players, mainstream western media focused on promoting their own rights agenda without respect for the laws and cultures of host nations. 

To put things in perspective, imagine yourself going to person who is hosting you in their home, and instead of enjoying their company and hospitality, you decide to protest, while in their home, the fact that they are running a dry home require you to take your shoes before you step in their living room. Yet, that is exactly how some Western leaders and players behaved while in Qatar.

However, it seems that if they listen to some members of their social groups, especially those historically marginalized, they might end up see some of the benefits of creating an inclusive space that is not built on propaganda and identity politics.

A report by the British newspaper The Times quoted testimonies of a group of English cheerleaders who accompanied their country's national team to Doha in order to encourage the "Three Lions", confirming that they were not subjected to any harassment, and they also considered that the decision of the Qatari authorities to prevent alcoholic beverages during the matches contributed to a certain extent. Great in that, and they described the Qatar World Cup stadiums as more suitable for women to watch the matches compared to what is happening in their country.

Between truth and deception

British young woman Ellie Moloson, 19, is leading a wide campaign in her country, calling her the slogan "It's her game too" in order to make football stadiums more welcoming to women, because of the harassment they are exposed to during matches, and before she came to Qatar to support her country's national team, she felt a lot. She was so worried that she asked her father to accompany her to Doha for their protection.

However, Moloson admitted in a statement to the British newspaper that she discovered that she "did not need to disturb her father, because the World Cup stadiums in Qatar are different from what they are in her country."

"I must say that coming here was a real shock for me," she said in the report prepared by journalist Davey Brown.

The report considered that the Qatar stadiums provided a more suitable atmosphere for women than those in England, and the young Moloson - a student from Nottingham - admitted that she also had preconceived notions before going to Qatar, "but the reality was nothing like this, I did not suffer from any One of the inconveniences I experienced in England," she said, adding, "I don't know how they achieved it, but it's a great environment to experience."

For his part, Moloson's 49-year-old father, who works as a teacher, explained that he came to Qatar with the aim of taking care of his daughter, but he admitted that he discovered that he did not need to do so because of what he discovered in her.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Qatari Minister to the West: LGBT people can visit our country but don't try to change our beliefs

    Wednesday, November 30, 2022   No comments

The Minister of State for Energy Affairs in Qatar, Saad Al-Kaabi, told the German newspaper “Bild” that members of the LGBT community can go to Qatar to watch the World Cup soccer matches, but the West cannot “dictate” to Qataris what they should believe.

Relations between Qatar and Germany have been troubled recently.

The German Minister of the Interior, Nancy Weser, put the “One Love” badge that supports gays in the match that her country played against Japan last week, and criticized the human rights record in Qatar, but this week Germany concluded a deal to import liquefied natural gas from

In his statements, which were published by the German newspaper "Bild" today, the Qatari minister said about the LGBT community: "If they want to visit Qatar, we have no problem with that."

But he said the West wants to "dictate what it wants" to Qatar, which considers same-sex relations illegal.

He added, "If you want to change me so that I say that I believe in the LGBT community and that my family should be gay and that I accept homosexuality in my country and change my laws and Islamic teachings in order to please the West, then this is unacceptable."

Saturday, November 19, 2022

"Just Hypocrisy": FIFA President Gianni Infantino On World Cup Critics

    Saturday, November 19, 2022   No comments

 FIFA president Gianni Infantino hit back at criticism of Qatar's human rights record on Saturday, blasting the "hypocrisy" of Western critics on the eve of the World Cup kick-off.

“What we Europeans have been doing for the last 3000 years, we should be apologizing for the next 3000 years before starting to give moral lessons.”

Infantino also addressed questions around the last-minute decision to ban alcohol from being sold at the eight stadiums which will host the tournament’s 64 matches. In a FIFA statement issued on Friday, the governing body said alcohol would be sold at fan zones and licensed venues.

The Muslim country is considered to be very conservative and tightly regulates alcohol sales and usage.

“Let me first assure you that every decision that is taken in this World Cup is a joint decision between Qatar and FIFA,” he said. “Every decision is discussed, debated and taken jointly.”

“There will be […] over 200 places where you can buy alcohol in Qatar and over 10 fan zones, where over 100,000 people can simultaneously drink alcohol.

“I think personally, if for three hours a day you cannot drink a beer, you will survive.”

“Especially because actually the same rules apply in France or in Spain or in Portugal or in Scotland, where no beer is allowed in stadiums now,” he added.

“It seems to become a big thing because it’s a Muslim country, or I don’t know why.”


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