Showing posts with label transportation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transportation. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Russia activates its alternative routes to replace transit and shipping through the Black Sea, while Iran Saudi Arabia upgrade their newly revived relations

    Tuesday, August 29, 2023   No comments

The chief executive of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways (RAI) announced on 27 August the transit of Russian cargo to Saudi Arabia via the Iran transport corridor for the first time.

A transit train hauling 36 containers entered Iran for the first time from Russia through Iran’s Incheh Borun rail border near Turkmenistan, Miad Salehi stated.

The deputy roads minister added that this cargo transit train was dispatched to the port city of Bandar Abbas on the Strait of Hormuz and will be transferred from there to the Saudi Arabian port city of Jeddah by sea.

Russia seeks to develop the International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC) to connect India, Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan, and other countries via railways and sea.

Russia says the INSTC will rival the Suez Canal as a major global trade route.

In May, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi signed a deal to finance and build an additional Iranian railway line between the cities of Rasht and Astara.

“The unique North-South transport artery, of which the Rasht-Astara railway will become a part, will help to significantly diversify global traffic flows,” Putin said.

He also said the 162-kilometer railway along the Caspian Sea coast would help to connect Russian ports on the Baltic Sea with Iranian ports in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf.

“Without a doubt, this agreement is an important and strategic step in the direction of cooperation between Tehran and Moscow,” Raisi said.

Iran hopes the successful development of Russian-financed railway links comprising the NSTC will increase transit revenues and reinforce Iran’s “Look to the east” policy of strengthening ties with neighboring countries and eastern powers in response to western economic sanctions.

Raisi’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Political Affairs, Mohammad Jamshidi, claimed that the INTSC earnings would rival Iran’s oil revenue. In this vein, the semi-official ISNA on May 17 estimated annual revenue of $20 billion from the corridor.

State broadcaster-run Jam-e Jam newspaper described Iran as the “golden path of trade” in an article highlighting the potential benefits of the railway.

Iran and Russia have developed closer economic, diplomatic, and military ties in recent years, as both countries have been subject to US economic sanctions and have resisted US foreign policy in West Asia, including Syria, and the former Soviet states, including Ukraine.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Century Project.. Algeria announces the completion of a road linking its borders with Tunisia and Morocco

    Sunday, August 13, 2023   No comments

Algeria announced, on Saturday, the completion of the “East-West Highway,” which starts from the country’s western border with Morocco and reaches its eastern border with Tunisia, with a length of 1,216 km.

This came during the inauguration of the Algerian Prime Minister, Ayman bin Abdel Rahman, the last section of the road that connects the city of Daraan (Al-Tarif Governorate in the far east) with the Tunisian border at a distance of 84 km, according to state television.

Thus, Algeria has completely completed the completion of this road, which began to be built at the beginning of the new millennium and was called the “Project of the Century”.

According to official figures of the Algerian government, the total cost of the road exceeded 13 billion dollars, and it was supposed to be completed in 2012.

The project experienced delays due to technical and administrative problems, and at that time a corruption case erupted, known as the “scandal of the century,” and the trials ended in 2015 with the Algerian judiciary issuing prison sentences and financial fines against those involved.

And the Algerian authorities relied on the immediate exploitation of every section of the road that was prepared, until it was completely completed, on Saturday.

Bin Abdul Rahman called for activating road maintenance networks and ensuring that it is suitable for vehicle traffic.

The last section of the road allows for an increase in the volume of trade exchanges with Tunisia, in addition to ensuring the smooth movement of people between the two countries.

The "giant road" is located within an economic and commercial integration scheme drawn up by the Union of Arab Maghreb States, to link the land of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, but the differences between Algeria and Rabat and the closure of the land borders between them since 1994 prevented the completion of the road scheme.

And the Algerian Prime Minister, Ayman bin Abdel Rahman, inaugurated the last section of the road, which connects the city of Daraan (Al-Tarif Governorate in the far east) with the Tunisian border, at a distance of 84 kilometers, and thus Algeria has completely completed the completion of this road, which began construction at the beginning of the new millennium, and was named with the "Project of the Century".

The Algerian Prime Minister said that Algeria "now has the longest road network on the continent, with a distance of 141,000 km, of which 9,000 km are highways, according to international standards."

Bin Abdul Rahman called for "activating road maintenance networks and ensuring that it is suitable for vehicle traffic." The last section of the road allows for an increase in the volume of trade exchanges with Tunisia, in addition to ensuring the smooth movement of people between the two countries.

In this regard, bin Abd al-Rahman said that this road is "the artery of the economy, and we are working with an economic approach to endorse development and end isolation," pointing out that "although the Dhara'an section was completed by foreign institutions, the project involved many competencies and hands." qualified Algerian worker.

The East-West Highway is of paramount importance, in terms of the economic, developmental and social dimension, and its completion means the complete opening of the motorway that connects 17 northern Algerian states, out of 58 states, that make up the Algerian Republic, and also connects Algeria with other Arab countries.

Monday, May 29, 2023

The first Chinese-made passenger plane takes off on its first commercial flight

    Monday, May 29, 2023   No comments

 The first Chinese-made "C919" passenger plane took off today, Sunday, on its first commercial flight, which represents a quantum leap for China seeking to compete with the West in this field.

Footage broadcast by the official CCTV channel showed the take-off of Chinese Eastern Airlines Flight MU9191 from Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai at approximately 10:30 am (02:30 GMT).

The channel said that the destination of the plane, which carries more than 130 passengers, is Beijing International Airport.

Footage broadcast by state media showed dozens of passengers gathering at Shanghai airport, preparing to board the white-colored plane.

China has invested heavily in producing this aircraft locally as part of its quest to achieve self-sufficiency in key technologies.

Beijing hopes the C919 will compete with popular Western models such as the Boeing 737 Max and Airbus A320.

Interest is large: orders log

The plane is manufactured by the state-owned Commercial Aviation Corporation of China (COMAC), but many of its components come from abroad.

Starting Monday, the C919 will fly between Shanghai and the southwestern city of Chengdu, according to CCTV.

The first C919, which seats 164 passengers, was officially delivered to Eastern Airlines in December.

In January, Zhang Yujin, deputy general manager of COMAC, told the semi-official Chinese newspaper, The Paper, that the company had received more than 1,200 orders for the C919.

Zhang said at the time that COMAC plans to increase its annual production capacity to 150 aircraft within 5 years.

The countries of the continent of Asia and China in particular are major targets for the European company "Airbus" and its American competitor "Boeing", which are looking to benefit from the growing demand for air travel from the Chinese middle class.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Iran and Russia sign an agreement to build a railway line boosting the North-South Trade Route initiative

    Thursday, May 18, 2023   No comments

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Iranian counterpart, Ebrahim Raisi, witnessed via video link today, Wednesday, the signing of an agreement to finance and build a railway in Iran, as part of plans to establish an international transport corridor linking the north and south.

The railway line between the cities of Rasht and Astara is seen as an important link in the international corridor, which aims to connect India, Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan and other countries by rail and sea.

Russia says this corridor can rival the Suez Canal as a major route for global trade.

Putin said that the unique north-south transport route - of which the Rasht-Astara railway will become a part - will contribute to a significant diversification of global transport flows.

He added that the railway line - which extends 162 km along the Caspian Sea coast - will help connect Russian ports on the Baltic Sea with ports.

Iran bordering the Indian Ocean and the Gulf.

In turn, the Iranian president said that this agreement is undoubtedly an important and strategic step in the field of cooperation between Tehran and Moscow.

Western sanctions imposed on Russia and Iran have pushed the two countries to strengthen their political and economic relations, and both countries say the sanctions are unjustified.

Since 1979, the West has imposed numerous sanctions on Iran, which has about a quarter of the oil reserves in the Middle East, and its economy has been paralyzed. The West has also imposed another set of restrictions on the Iranian nuclear program, and imposed sanctions on Russia because of its war in Ukraine.

The agreement between Russia and Iran, with support from India, will make this initiative one that would compete with the Suez Canal, reducing the strategic importance of the Suez Canal and revenues for the Egyptian government. Aware of this connection between these trade systems, Egypt and Iran increased their low level talks to repair their diplomatic relations that have been downgraded since 1979.

The North-South Trade line is not isolated from the China-backed Belt and Road initiative, in fact it is seen as a complementing project. For that to be true, Pakistan must be integrated into this project. It is no coincidence then that the Iranian president, hours after signing the agreement with Putin, visited the border with Pakistan to emphasize two critical things: The integration of Pakistan into the Asia economy anchored by China and Russia and to address the security issue in the border with Pakistan, which recalls the increasing role now played by the SCO in regional security matters.
To these ends, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said today, Thursday, that he is in the process of implementing joint border projects between Iran and Pakistan. He added during a joint press conference with Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in Sistan and Baluchistan province on the sidelines of the opening of the electricity transmission project to Pakistan that part of the border markets with Pakistan has not been activated so far, and its problems will be resolved during this visit.

He pointed out that his country's government will also follow up the implementation of economic and tourism projects and border transportation.

The Iranian president said: "We will take more field steps to exchange energy and electricity with Pakistan, in addition to energy exchange and the launch of a joint border market between the two countries."

He confirmed that 6 other joint markets are being planned to be launched soon. He added that today's meeting, with the participation of the Pakistani Prime Minister, carries an "important message that borders can contribute to enhancing security between the two countries."

He pointed out that Pakistan's security "is the security of the entire region, which is our security, and the presence of foreigners in the region will not solve its security problems."

Raisi also touched on the outcome of the American presence in Afghanistan, saying that this presence contributed to "killing, wounding, disabling and displacing many of the people of this country."

For his part, Sharif said that Iran and Pakistan are "two brothers and two friends who share a common culture and history."

He added, "Means of strengthening economic relations in the future were discussed," stressing: "We will overcome all challenges and difficulties to achieve this goal."

Earlier, Iranian President Sharif met at the Bish-Mand joint border, as the two sides discussed developing joint trade relations.

Raisi and his accompanying delegation arrived Thursday morning in the province of Sistan and Baluchestan to follow up on a number of development projects in the province.

During this visit, Raisi followed up on the progress made in the strategic project to develop the "Makran coasts", and the inauguration of the water pumping process in the "Kahir Dam" and the operations of extending water to a number of villages in this province.

He pointed out that the development of the province of Sistan and Baluchestan is one of the priorities of the government's plans, adding: "The plans and programs set for this province, especially the Makran region, will be followed up."

Upon his arrival at Konark Airport, Raisi noted that the beaches of Makran have a lot of "good potentials for the economy, tourism and maritime economy."

He added, "Thanks to the victory of the Islamic Revolution, good measures and steps were taken in developing the province and developing its tourism and economic potential."

He stated that one of the objectives of this visit is to meet Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on the former borders of the city of Rask, and to follow up on planning economic projects, road tourism and infrastructure for the province of Sistan and Baluchestan.

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Venezuela aiming to insolate its economy from western sanctions builds new ties with Iran and Russia

    Sunday, April 09, 2023   No comments

A year after the inking of the cooperation agreement between the CEO of Iran’s SAIPA Automotive Group Mohammad Ali Teimouri and Venezuelan Minister of Transportation Ramón Velásquez at the venue of SAIPA Company in Tehran in order to produce Iranian cars in this country as joint venture (JV), Russia signs a transport deal with Venezuela.

Russia and Venezuela intend to create a shipping company to strengthen ties between Latin America and Russia. As part of the initiative, Moscow and Caracas plan to establish two transportation hubs to increase cooperation and establish a logistics chain. An intergovernmental commission has already decided to create such a company, which will be financed from public and private sources. The company could be registered in Sevastopol, St. Petersburg or Novorossiysk, and joint construction of ships is also planned.

New trade routes will greatly facilitate Russian exports to Latin America, since the region is actively interested in grain, sunflower oil and agricultural machinery from Russia. In turn, Russia will be able to import seafood and fruit at bargain prices. Venezuela will play the role of an operational center.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Heads of Caspian Sea states agree to use the sea for peaceful purposes; Putin: Joint exploitation of oil and gas fields in the Caspian Sea is already underway; Raisi: Cooperation between Caspian countries is of increasing importance due to international developments

    Wednesday, June 29, 2022   No comments

The Caspian Sea heads of state agreed, during their sixth summit, held in the Turkmen capital Ashgabat, today, Wednesday, to use the Caspian Sea for peaceful purposes and to provide security in the region.

In the statement of the summit, the presidents reaffirmed that the activities of the riparian states of the Caspian Sea will be carried out on the basis of the following principles: "Using the Caspian Sea for peaceful purposes, transforming it into an area of ​​peace, good neighbourliness, friendship and cooperation, and solving all issues related to the Caspian Sea by peaceful means."

An agreement was also reached on respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, sovereign equality of states, non-use of force or threat of force, mutual respect, cooperation and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, as well as on ensuring security and stability in the Caspian Sea region. .

In turn, Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his participation in the sixth summit of the countries bordering the Caspian Sea, referred to his country's call to deepen partnerships between the five Caspian countries, stressing that "the joint exploitation of oil and gas fields in the Caspian Sea is already being implemented." ".

Putin explained that "deepening partnerships between the five countries includes the policy and security sectors, and the five Caspian Sea regions should increase cooperation in rapid response to natural and other man-made emergencies," adding: "I propose to invite countries participating in the Tehran Agreement, which aims to to the protection of the Caspian Sea to the Conference".

Among Putin's proposals is the establishment of the Caspian Sea Film Festival.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is visiting Ashgabat to participate in the Sixth Caspian Sea Summit, at the invitation of the President of Turkmenistan, Sardar Berdymukhamedov.

Also participating in the summit are the presidents of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Iran's Ibrahim Raisi, and the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. The meeting is held in accordance with the agreement, which was reached in light of the results of the previous summit in Aktau, Kazakhstan in August 2018.

On June 27, the Russian President's Assistant, Yuri Ushakov, announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin would meet with Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, during their participation in the Caspian Sea Summit scheduled for June 29.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi welcomed the initiatives presented by the heads of states bordering the Caspian Sea, to develop economic cooperation in the fields of transportation, shipping, investment, tourism, and other economic activities, in particular, the need to strengthen cultural relations and protect the fragile environment of the Caspian Sea.

In his speech at the Sixth Summit of the Caspian Sea Countries, in Ashgabat, today, Wednesday, Raisi stressed that relations between Iran and Turkmenistan have always been expanding, pointing to the availability of opportunities and energies in order to raise the level of bilateral cooperation.

He declared his country's readiness for comprehensive cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Qatar, Iran sign aviation agreements; discuss the feasability of tunnel linking the two coutnries

    Tuesday, April 12, 2022   No comments

April 12: Qatar and Iran have signed a bilateral agreement for operations to link Doha Flight Information Region (which was established in accordance with ICAO resolution) with the FIR in Iran.

An agreement to increase the number of flights between Qatar and Iran was also signed, in the presence of Minister of Transport HE Jassim bin Saif bin Ahmed Al Sulaiti and Iran’s Minister of Road and Urban Development Rostam Qassemi.

Besides, the meeting looked into all issues that would remove obstacles in a way that supports the promotion and facilitation of transport and trade between the ports of the two countries.

They also reviewed private investment opportunities in ports, in the presence of Al Sulaiti, and Iran’s Minister of Road and Urban Development.

Tehran and Doha to study the feasibility of the longest tunnel in the world

Iran is planning feasibility studies for what would be the longest tunnel in the world. If built, it would physically connect Iran to Qatar across the Persian Gulf.

The project would link the Iranian port of Bandar-e Deyr to an unspecified location in Qatar. The underwater tunnel would run for 190 km, with both road and railway sections, although the former is more difficult. Earlier this year, President Raisi visited Doha, his first visit to an Arab country, to sign four cooperation agreements, from energy to transport.  

     Possible location of the proposed tunnel linking Iran  and Qatar: 


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