Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2024

Syria's Assad: Ready to meet Erdogan if it serves Syria's interest

    Monday, July 15, 2024   No comments

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad confirmed on Monday that he is ready to meet his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, "if the meeting serves the country's interest."

Speaking about the return of relations with Turkey, following his vote today in the legislative elections, President al-Assad said: "If meeting President Erdogan leads to results, or if hugging or reprimanding serves the country's interest, then I will do it."

He explained that "the problem does not lie in the meeting, but in its content," noting that proposing the meeting "may be important, as it is a means to achieve a goal, but we have not heard what the goal is, and what the solution to the problem is."

President al-Assad added that "the first question we ask is why have relations deviated from their natural course for 13 years?", noting that "he has not heard any Turkish official speak about this point, in an explicit manner."

In this context, President Assad stressed that the meeting is "a means, and the means need rules and references for work," adding that "the failure of this means at some point may make us go in a worse direction, and pay a higher price."

At the same time, he stressed the positive spirit towards any initiative to improve the relationship, saying that this is "the natural thing, no one thinks of creating problems with his neighbors," but that "does not mean going without rules."

He added: "In any potential meeting, we will ask what its reference is. Will this reference be the cancellation or termination of the causes of the problem, which are represented by supporting terrorism, and withdrawing from Syrian territory?", stressing that this "is the essence of the problem, and there is no other reason."

President Assad said that "if there is no discussion about this essence, then what does the meeting mean?", noting that Syria "seeks to work that achieves results, as it is not against any procedure or meeting, but what is important is that it leads to positive results that achieve the interests of Syria and Turkey, at the same time."

He stressed that "any meeting that will take place with the Turkish side will be announced, there is nothing secret," adding that "Syria insisted that the meeting is necessary, regardless of the level, and the talk here is not about a meeting between two presidents."

President Assad pointed out that "the meetings have not stopped, but are ongoing," revealing that "there is a meeting being arranged at the security level by some mediators, and we were positive in this regard."

Assad explained that "the term normalization of relations with Turkey is a mistake. Normalization of relations with a country is a coercive process that aims to impose normal relations that do not exist," while "we are talking about a neighboring country, and we have relations that date back centuries, which means that relations must be normal."

He added: "If we want to reach normal relations, and this is what we seek in Syria, can the occupation and support for terrorism be part of normal relations between countries?" Assad replied that this is "of course impossible."

Accordingly, President Assad stressed the necessity of "withdrawing all that is abnormal in this scene" in order to talk about "normal relations between Syria and Turkey."

He stressed that "relations will be normal when the abnormal matters are withdrawn without normalization or coercive measures, and without the opinion of governments," so that "these relations will proceed in their natural form in the direction of returning to what they were before the war," especially since normal relations "have proven that they lead to protecting the borders that Turkish officials are talking about, as was the case previously."

In this context, President Assad explained that "friends are fully aware of these facts, and they have known this position since the first initiative that took place 5 years ago."

He explained that "talking about initiatives is new, but the beginning of the initiatives was 5 years ago, and during that time we repeated the same position: remove the reasons for the results to appear," adding that the matter "does not need political and media tactics and acrobatics."

He said that "Syria's friends sometimes demand some measures that are open to dialogue and discussion, but measures are one thing, and bypassing the principle is another," stressing that "we cannot bypass the principles on which we build our national interests."

President Assad added that "no guarantees have been provided to Syria so far," and "we are proceeding in a positive manner, but based on clear principles, based on the principles of international law and sovereignty."

The Syrian president stressed that "if positive results are not achieved, the results will be negative, in this case, either we win or we lose, we, Turkey and the allies", meaning that "everyone wins or everyone loses, there is no middle ground".

President Assad's statements come at a time when official Turkish statements regarding developments in relations with Syria are continuing.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed earlier that he had issued directives to Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan to meet with President Assad and "begin restoring relations between the two countries".

In a press conference on the sidelines of the NATO summit in the US capital, Washington, the Turkish president revealed that Fidan is authorized to organize a meeting with President Assad in a third country.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein announced on Friday evening that an initial agreement had been reached with Syria and Turkey regarding holding a meeting that would bring together officials from the two countries in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

Hussein said, in statements from Washington, that "there is communication at the level of the Iraqi leadership with the Syrian and Turkish sides, and the date will be determined after returning to Baghdad."

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Turkish President announces readiness to extend an invitation to President Assad

    Sunday, July 07, 2024   No comments

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed on Sunday that "once Bashar al-Assad takes a step towards improving relations with Turkey, we will respond appropriately."

He continued in press statements: "We will extend our invitation to Assad, and with this invitation we want to return Turkish-Syrian relations to the same point they were in the past."

He added: "Our invitation can happen at any time."

The Turkish president added in his press statements: "Russian President Vladimir Putin has an approach regarding our meeting (with Assad) in Turkey, and Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has an approach. We are talking here about mediation, so what is wrong with it with our neighbor?"

On Friday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed that he could, in cooperation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, "extend an invitation" to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to start a new process of normalizing relations with Syria.

"I already said on Friday (last), after the Friday prayers, that we can start a new process (of normalizing relations) with Syria. We can invite Mr. Assad with Mr. Putin," Erdogan told reporters upon his arrival from Astana.

Erdogan added that Russian President Vladimir Putin's upcoming visit to Turkey could be the beginning of a new process of normalizing relations between Ankara and Damascus.

He commented: "If our honorable Mr. Putin can visit Turkey, this could be the beginning of a new process (of normalizing relations between Turkey and Syria). All the years that have passed in the Syrian arena have clearly shown everyone that it is necessary to create a mechanism for a permanent settlement. Syria, whose infrastructure has been destroyed and whose people have been scattered, must stand on its own feet and end the instability. The recent calm in this area can open the door to peace if wise policies and an approach to solving problems are adopted without bias."

Commenting on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's statements about normalizing relations between Syria and Turkey last week, Erdogan said that "there are no reasons not to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries," and according to him, "Ankara does not aim to interfere in Damascus' internal affairs." Assad had stated on June 26, during a meeting with the Russian President's special representative, Alexander Lavrentiev, that "Syria is open to all initiatives related to its relations with Turkey, which are based on respect for the country's sovereignty."

Previously, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad confirmed Syria's openness to all initiatives related to the relationship between Syria and Turkey, based on "the sovereignty of the Syrian state over all its territories on the one hand, and the fight against all forms of terrorism and its organizations on the other hand."

The Syrian presidency stated in a statement on its Telegram channel that "President al-Assad confirmed during his meeting with the special envoy of the Russian President, Alexander Lavrentiev, Syria's openness to all initiatives related to the relationship between Syria and Turkey, based on the sovereignty of the Syrian state over all its territories on the one hand, and the fight against all forms of terrorism and its organizations on the other hand, stressing that these initiatives reflect the will of the countries concerned to establish stability in Syria and the region in general."

Earlier, a Turkish newspaper reported, citing sources, that military delegations from Turkey and Syria, with Russian mediation, held talks at the Hmeimim air base, and another meeting is expected to be held in Baghdad.

The newspaper said: "In this regard, a meeting of military officials from the Turkish Armed Forces and the Syrian army was held at the Russian Hmeimim Air Base southeast of Latakia on June 11," and stated that "the meeting discussed the latest developments in and around Idlib province."

The first meeting of the foreign ministers of the four countries (Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria) was held in Moscow on May 10, 2023. Based on its results, the ministers ordered the preparation of a draft roadmap for normalizing relations between Turkey and Syria.

Earlier, the Russian President's Special Representative for Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev, stated in an interview with Sputnik that Moscow had handed Ankara and Damascus a draft roadmap for normalizing relations between the two sides, indicating that they could make amendments to it.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has previously identified priority topics in the roadmap, which include restoring Syrian government control over all parts of the country, ensuring the security of the Syrian-Turkish border, and eliminating the possibility of cross-border attacks and terrorist infiltration.

Monday, April 08, 2024

Was Biden angry with Netanyahu for attacking Iran’s diplomatic building, a treaty violation, or for killing aid workers, a war crime, or both?

    Monday, April 08, 2024   No comments

With news reports about US administration reaching out to Iran with an offer to stop its promise of retaliatory strikes against Israel for the latter's attack on Iran's diplomatic facility in Syria, and with Iran's foreign minister making an unscheduled trip to Oman yesterday, it appears that Biden used the killing of aid workers to mask his anger with Israel crossing a red line and carrying out what is essentially a direct attack on Iran.

There is no doubt that Iran can retaliate directly against Israel. It did so against the US when Trump assassinated Soleimani in January 2020. An Iranian retaliatory attack against Israel could set new course for the entire region, however. 

If Iran attacks Israel directly, the right-wing government in Israel will be forced to retaliate or it will collapse. If it were to retaliate to the retaliation, the armed confrontation enters a new phase, similar to the active front with Hezbollah. That will be catastrophic for Israel for many reasons.

Israel cannot invade Iran and if the US does not get involved directly, all Israel can do is to trade rockets and bombs from distance. That formular favors Iran for many reasons, too.  

First, Iran is a much larger country, and its weapons systems are dispersed all over the country. It will not be possible for Israel to take out all weapons systems. If that was possible, US could have done that in Yemen where a much smaller and less prepared group, the Houthis, have overcome a military Western coalition that has been bombing them for months.

Second, Iran has a formidable array of weapons, rockets and drones, that can be launched for months or even years. In addition to these long-distance weapons, Iran can rely on its allies in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq to provide support.

Iran will respond given that the highest authority in the country already stated that Iran will receive “a slap”. The question is whether US diplomacy will manage to limit Iran’s response to limits of Israel’s attack. That is, an attack on Israeli diplomatic missions and perhaps an attack on military installations in occupied territories to end the cycle. Iran has the option to attack Israel directly because it considers its diplomatic facilities sovereign territories of Iran. However, attacking Israel diplomatic facilities places Iran outside International norms, too, which it has been using to get the world community to condemn it. 

All these factors give credence to the reporting about the US offer to Iran, possibly through Oman. Because all these indicator show that Israel committed a grave mistake when it attacked a diplomatic facility. It may not just US acting to prevent the widening of a conflict, it is likely that Israel wants to limit the damage too. 

The following media reports provide more contect to what might be behind the scene negotiations.

Iranian diplomatic sources say the US is trying to convince Iran not to retaliate against Israel for its bombing of the Iranian embassy in Syria earlier this month, Al-Jarida newspaper reported on 8 April.

The Israeli strike targeted a building attached to the Iranian embassy in Damascus. It led to the killing of the commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, his deputy, and five other IRGC officers.

A source in the Iranian foreign ministry told Al-Jarida that Washington offered Tehran direct negotiations with Tel Aviv to de-escalate the conflict.  

According to the source, Washington will guarantee to persuade Tel Aviv to stop its military operations in Syria and Lebanon on the condition that Iran commit not to retaliate against Israel for the Damascus attack.

At the same time, a diplomatic source in Beirut told Al-Jarida that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected an American proposal to pledge to stop attacks in Syria.

The source added that Iranian leader Ali Khamenei is reviewing the US offer but is not expected to accept it if it does not include guarantees for a comprehensive ceasefire in Gaza and to stop all Israeli and US attacks on Iranian targets or those belonging to Iran's allies in the Axis of Resistance.

The source revealed that the Iranians had also previously received a verbal Israeli proposal via a Gulf state. In the proposal, Tel Aviv claimed it was ready to stop operations against Iranian targets in Syria and Lebanon in exchange for Tehran abandoning retaliation for the killing of Zahedi, whose killing was considered the most significant blow to Iran since the assassination of Qassem Soleimani.

According to the source, the Iranian Foreign Ministry responded to the Israeli message by saying that the proposal must also include a ceasefire in Gaza.

However, some IRGC leaders were unhappy with the foreign ministry's response, viewing the Israeli proposal as a trap. The IRGC leaders argued that any negotiations with Israel must take place only after Iran has retaliated.

The source stated that IRGC commanders believe that Israel's targeting of the Iranian consulate is an opportunity that should not be missed to strike a strong blow at Israel, especially since the consular building in Damascus is considered sovereign Iranian territory and was targeted in a clear violation of international law.

The source said that the IRGC leadership believes Washington will not enter a war with Iran even if it retaliates against Israel. They also consider that an adequately harsh strike against Israel will compel it to accept a ceasefire in Gaza and abandon any plans to invade Lebanon or escalate its bombing in Syria.

Western government continue to lose credibility

Despite the fact that the attack on Iran’s diplomatic mission in Syria violated global treaties including the Vienna Conventions regulating diplomatic and consular relations and the immunities of diplomats and headquarters (1961, 1963, 1969) and the Rome Statute, US government and its Western allies did not explicitly condemn the attack. Instead, they called on Iran to exert “self-restraint.” 

On Thursday, the German Foreign Ministry called, through a statement, on all parties in the Middle East to calm down, exercise restraint, and act responsibly, following a call by Minister Annalena Baerbock who discussed the matter with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian.

On Thursday, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron warned of “expanding conflicts”. During a phone call with his Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, according to a statement by the Iranian Foreign Ministry that was reported by local media outlets, including the private “Tasnim” agency.

According to the agency, the Iranian Foreign Ministry quoted Cameron as saying that he asked Iran to exercise restraint, and said that “lack of restraint on the part of the parties could lead to further expansion of conflicts in the region.”

Regional powers on the other hand voiced condemnation, directly accusing Israel of violating international norms.

Turkey denounced, in a Foreign Ministry statement, the bombing and considered it a violation of international law, warning that the attack may lead to an exacerbation of the conflict in the region.

Saudi Arabia also condemned the targeting in a Foreign Ministry statement, expressing its “categorical rejection of targeting diplomatic facilities for any justification, and under any pretext.”

In a brief Foreign Ministry statement, the UAE condemned “the targeting of the Iranian diplomatic mission in the Syrian capital, Damascus,” without any additional comment.

Qatar also condemned, in a Foreign Ministry statement, the attack, and considered it “a blatant violation of international agreements and conventions,” stressing “its complete rejection of targeting diplomatic and consular missions and the necessity of providing protection for their employees in accordance with the rules of international law.”

Egypt said, in a statement to the Foreign Ministry, “We categorically reject the attack on diplomatic facilities under any justification, and we stand in solidarity with Syria in respecting its sovereignty and the integrity of its lands and people.”

Kuwait also considered, in a Foreign Ministry statement, the attack a “flagrant assault,” renewing its call on “the international community and the Security Council to assume its responsibilities towards taking the necessary measures and exerting the necessary efforts to preserve the safety and stability of the countries of the region and reduce tension and escalation.”

In a statement condemning the attack, the Omani Foreign Ministry stressed “the need to stop the escalation in the region and reject aggression and other actions that threaten security and stability,” expressing condolences to the families of the victims and wishing a speedy recovery to the injured.

Iraq also confirmed in a Foreign Ministry statement that the attack “represents a clear and flagrant violation of international law and Syrian sovereignty,” warning that “the expansion of the cycle of violence in the region will lead to more chaos and instability.”

China and Russia, on the other hand, took advantage of Western reluctance to denounce the flouting of international law

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that his country strongly condemns the Israeli attack and stresses that the security of diplomatic institutions cannot be violated. He stressed in a press conference in Beijing that “China opposes any actions that lead to escalation of tensions in the Middle East region.”
The Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday strongly condemned the Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate building in the Syrian capital Damascus earlier in the day, denouncing the action as "unacceptable."
"We consider any attacks on diplomatic and consular facilities, the inviolability of which is guaranteed by the relevant Vienna Conventions, to be categorically unacceptable," the ministry said in a statement.
Noting that the attack was carried out in a densely populated metropolitan area with a high risk of mass civilian casualties, the ministry said such "aggressive" actions by Israel are "absolutely unacceptable and must be stopped."


Friday, October 06, 2023

Media reports: Ukraine's allies proposed striking “Iranian drone production factories in Iran, Syria and Russia”

    Friday, October 06, 2023   No comments

Days after the British newspaper published in a report, details obtained from a secret document submitted by Ukraine to its Western allies in the Group of Seven, which included a proposal to target "Iranian drone production factories in Iran, Syria and Russia", a drone attack hit Syria killed more than 80 people and injured hundreds more.

The British newspaper "The Guardian" revealed a secret document that indicated that Ukraine's Western allies had proposed launching missile strikes on drone production factories in Iran, Syria, and Russia.

In the context of a newspaper report on “European components in Iranian drones,” The Guardian revealed a 47-page document that the Ukrainian government submitted to the G7 governments last August.

As part of the discussion to take measures against Iranian drones, the newspaper revealed, citing the document, that among the proposals presented by Ukraine’s Western allies “launch missile strikes on the production factories of these drones in Iran and Syria, as well as on a potential production site located on the territory of the Russian Federation.” ".

The newspaper indicated in its report that such a measure “is likely to be refrained from by Western powers,” quoting from the document that “the Ukrainian Defense Forces can implement what was mentioned above, if the partners provide the necessary means of destruction.”

According to the secret document that Kiev sent to its Western allies, it called for “the use of long-range missiles to attack production sites in Iran, Syria, and Russia.”

It is noteworthy that, in mid-February, “The Guardian” had quoted American officials as saying that Iran had become a “global superpower in the field of drones.”

Analysts at the US Intelligence Agency also said that Iran “has emerged as a global leader in producing effective drones at an affordable price.”

Dozens dead in a drone attack on a military college in Homs

The Syrian Minister of Health, Hassan Al-Ghobash, announced Thursday that the initial toll was not final, amounting to 80 martyrs, including 6 women and 6 children, and about 240 injuries as a result of the terrorist attack on the Military College in Homs.

On Friday morning, Syrian official media counted the deaths of 89 people and the wounding of 277 others.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an anti-government organization, reported on Friday that the death toll had risen to 123, including 54 civilians, including 39 children and a woman related to officers. It was also estimated that 150 others were injured.

After the incident, the Syrian Foreign Ministry announced its condemnation of the "heinous crime" committed by "terrorist organizations." It stressed that it expresses the perpetrators’ persistence in their “brutal terrorist approach,” due to which the Syrian people have suffered over the past years.

It added, in her statement, that this attack “will not deter” Syria from moving forward in its effort to “eradicate the scourge of terrorism and its sponsors.”

The Syrian government declared three days of official mourning for the souls of the martyrs of the terrorist attack.

Media reports: the technology used in the attack originated in France; and Syria's army responds

The Syrian army launched artillery and missile bombardment, mainly targeting the headquarters of the Turkestan Party and the Migrant Brigade, in Jericho, Jisr al-Shughur, Idlib, Binnish, and Sarmin, in response to the terrorist attack that targeted the Military College in Homs.

According to media reports, the Turkestan Party and the Muhajireen Brigade "are the two factions that possess drone technology."

The information also indicated that parts of advanced drones “were transferred to the two factions three months ago, and France was the one that provided them with this technology.”

According to media sources, the information confirmed that a drone had been launched from areas under the control of the Turkestan Party, prior to targeting the Military College in Homs.

Early Warning

It hsould be noted that on October 4, Deputy Head of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria, Admiral Vadim Collet, reported that “terrorist groups are preparing to launch attacks on military sites belonging to both Moscow and Damascus.”

According to Collet, these groups are active in the provinces of Idlib, Aleppo, and Latakia.

Collet explained that the data the center received from Syrian intelligence agencies showed that the groups “Turkistan Islamic Party” and “Ansar al-Tawhid” were preparing to carry out “attacks on Russian and Syrian military bases using locally made drones.”

The two groups will use "long-range multiple missile launch systems," according to Collett.

The Deputy Head of the Russian Reconciliation Center added that the leadership of the Russian group and the Syrian Armed Forces "will take the necessary proactive measures in order to prevent armed provocations by terrorists."

The center's announcement comes after statements made by the head of Russian Foreign Intelligence, Sergei Naryshkin, to the effect that the United States of America is "preparing to assist militants to carry out terrorist attacks in Syria."

According to Naryshkin, these attacks affect "crowded public places and Syrian government institutions."

Over time, the conenctions among many of the otherwise seemingly isolated armed conflicts or coups, in Ukraine, Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Niger, Mali, and other places,  become more evident.

For instance, it has been reported that Ukrainian special forces have been conducting operations outside Ukraine, including in Africa.

Since the start of the armed conflict in that country, Ukraine used drones very well, first to stop Russian troops advances toward Kyiv, using Turkish made drone, and there after using drone for attacks beyond the frontline, including attacks on Moscow. Ukrainian drone in Sudan last month reveals that Ukraine is now operating beyond its borders.


Friday, September 22, 2023

The Syrian and Chinese presidents sign a strategic cooperation agreement

    Friday, September 22, 2023   No comments

On Friday, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad signed the Syrian-Chinese strategic cooperation agreement.

Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed that Beijing is ready to develop cooperation with Syria and jointly defend international justice under conditions of instability.

During his meeting with his Syrian counterpart, in the Chinese city of Khanzhou, Xi said that China and Syria are moving towards announcing the establishment of strategic partnership relations, adding that this will be an important turning point in the history of bilateral relations in the face of unstable international situations.

Xi confirmed that Syria is one of the first countries to establish relations with the new China, adding that it was one of the countries that proposed a draft resolution to restore China's seat in the United Nations.

The Chinese President stressed that Syrian-Chinese relations have withstood changes in international situations for 67 years, and the friendship between the two countries remains solid over time.

The Chinese President also announced his country's keenness to continuously make joint efforts to exchange firm support between the two countries and enhance cooperation between them to defend international justice and peace.

In turn, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stated that his country looks forward to China's constructive role in the international arena and rejects all attempts to weaken this role.

Al-Assad expressed his happiness at visiting China, which stands with the just causes of peoples, based on the legal, humanitarian and moral principles that form the basis of Chinese policy in international forums and which are based on the independence of countries and respect for the will of the people.

Al-Assad pointed out that this visit is important in its timing and circumstances, as a multipolar world is forming today that will restore balance and stability to the world, and it is the duty of all of us to seize this moment for the sake of a bright and promising future.

The Syrian President thanked President Xi and the Chinese government for what it did to stand by the Syrian people in their cause and suffering, wishing the Chinese people more scientific, civilizational and humanitarian victories.

Yesterday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said in a press conference: “We believe that President Bashar al-Assad’s visit will lead to a deepening of mutual political trust and cooperation in various fields between the two countries, and the advancement of bilateral relations to new heights.”

The Syrian President arrived at Khanzhou Airport in China yesterday, Thursday, in his first official visit to the country in nearly two decades, at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.

In 2021, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Damascus on an official visit to enhance cooperation between China and Syria. This was the first visit by a high-ranking Chinese official since the start of the war on Syria.

Chinese media. often reflecting the thinking of Chinese leaders, suggest that China's investment in Syria is likely to be in transportation and other infrastructure projects and that such investments will be protected from Western sanctions by using yuan for related transaction.

Sunday, September 03, 2023

Amir Abdollahian receives Hakan Fidan: Research on bilateral and regional issues, preparation for a trilateral summit of Iran-Saudi Arabia-Turkiye is underway

    Sunday, September 03, 2023   No comments

Today, Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian received his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan, who is on his first visit to Tehran since taking office.

The two ministers, well versed in security backgrounds, met in a private meeting that lasted about an hour and a half, before extensive discussions were held between the two delegations.

Fidan is scheduled to hold talks with several Iranian officials as well. The Fars news agency reported yesterday that Fidan will hold talks in Tehran with Iranian officials on regional and international issues of common concern.

A statement by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Amir Abdollahian had previously invited Fidan to visit Iran, noting that the important visit comes to discuss more bilateral cooperation in various fields, as well as to discuss regional and international developments.

It pointed out that Fidan's visit to Tehran comes two days after his visit to Moscow and his meeting with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, and another visit to Iraq.

Iran and Turkey have economic and political relations, despite their differing positions on a number of files, especially on the conflict in Syria and relations with Azerbaijan, Iran's neighbor.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian confirmed today, Sunday, that he had discussed with his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan the agreements signed between Tehran and Ankara, confirming their implementation.

During a press conference with his Turkish counterpart in Tehran, Amir Abdollahian hoped to reach an agreement with Ankara regarding the exchange of prisoners (between Tehran and the United States of America via Turkey).

He indicated that he discussed with Fidan the issue of water scarcity (after the dam crisis between Turkey and Iran), and the two parties agreed that the Joint Technical Committee would visit Tehran for a new round of talks.

Amir Abdullahian stressed that the Israeli entity in the region will only bring strife and division among Islamic countries and destabilize the region.

On the issue of the Caucasus, the Iranian foreign minister said that Tehran would not accept any geographical change of the borders in the transit region in the Caucasus, and he appreciated Turkey's constructive positions in the field of borders with Syria and the return of refugees to their countries.

Amir Abdollahian added that Iran and Turkey planned for trade exchange between the two countries at a value of 30 billion euros, considering the corridors in the field of transport and transit in the region as complementary to cooperation between the two countries.

Amir Abdullahian revealed that work is underway to hold a tripartite meeting between Ankara, Riyadh and Tehran, to support economic relations, pointing out that the meeting comes at the request of Saudi Arabia.

For his part, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan described the Turkish-Iranian relations as "historic", thanking Iran for what it provided to Turkey after the catastrophe of the earthquake that struck Syria and Turkey last February.

Fidan said that he had exchanged views with the Iranian side on combating terrorist organizations.

Today, Sunday, Amir Abdollahian received, at the Foreign Ministry's headquarters, his Turkish counterpart, Hakan Fidan, who is making his first visit to Tehran since taking office.

The two ministers met in a private meeting that lasted about an hour and a half, before extensive discussions were held between the two delegations.

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Friday, September 01, 2023

Days before a meeting between Putin and Erdogan in Sochi, Russia starts delivering grain to 6 African countries without charge

    Friday, September 01, 2023   No comments

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced the start of work to deliver grain to 6 African countries free of charge. This comes after a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan in the capital, Moscow, on Thursday, to discuss President Vladimir Putin's initiative to export one million tons of grain to poor countries.

Lavrov added - in a speech at the Moscow Institute of International Relations today - that work on the supply of grain to 6 African countries has already begun, explaining that Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic, Eritrea, Mali, Somalia and Zimbabwe will receive 50,000 tons of grain for free in the coming months.

"You will also pay the relevant expenses," the Russian foreign minister added.

Putin announced on July 27 that his country would provide grain free of charge to 6 African countries within 3 or 4 months, after Moscow suspended work on the grain transportation agreement with Ukraine across the Black Sea.

Lavrov discussed with his Turkish counterpart - during talks that took place between them in Moscow yesterday - Putin's initiative to export one million tons of grain to Turkey for later transfer, with the participation of Qatar, to poor countries.

Moscow withdrew in July from this important agreement for global food supplies, and criticized in particular the obstruction of its grain exports due to Western sanctions.

"We reiterated our conviction that the resumption of the agreement will allow for the restoration of stability," Fidan said during a press conference with his Russian counterpart.

He added that the grain deal is of vital importance to global food security, considering that a package of proposals prepared in cooperation with the United Nations constitutes an appropriate basis for resuming the initiative.

For his part, Lavrov demanded guarantees from the West that his country would also be allowed to export grain and fertilizer without hindrance. Moscow will be ready to return the grain deal, which it withdrew from in mid-July.

It is noteworthy that dozens of commercial ships have been stuck in the ports of Ukraine on the Black Sea since the start of Russia's war on this country on February 24, 2022, and some ships carrying grain were allowed to cross, according to an agreement mediated by Ankara and the United Nations, but Moscow suspended it in mid-July.

The meeting between Ministers Lavrov and Fidan aims to prepare for a meeting between Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi the day after tomorrow, according to the Kremlin today.

Saudi Arabia informed us that the Jeddah meeting was held to convince everyone of the futility of negotiations without Moscow, and there will be no joint G20 declaration that does not express our position and the roadmap for normalizing Syrian-Turkish relations under study. ~ Lavrov 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that Saudi Arabia had notified Russia that the Jeddah meeting was held to convince everyone of the futility of negotiations without Moscow.

Lavrov said in this regard: “Our Saudi friends told us that they want to host another meeting in this way in Jeddah,” adding that this is done only in order to convey an idea to the Western participants and Ukraine itself that any discussions are completely hopeless without the participation of Russia.

Lavrov added, during a speech he delivered to students and faculty at the Russian Diplomatic University, on the occasion of the start of the academic year: “Moscow has learned of the appeal made to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Anthony Guterres, to send his representatives to online working group meetings on the “peace formula” that he put forward. Vladimir Zelensky".

In this context, Lavrov stressed that this is unacceptable, saying: “I saw Mr. Guterres in Johannesburg, on the sidelines of the BRICS summit, and I frankly told him that this violates all the principles of the secretariat’s work, because according to the Charter, it should be neutral and should not be To receive instructions from any government.”

Lavrov said that the draft roadmap for the normalization of Syrian-Turkish relations is under study, and that contacts are under way to reach a generally acceptable situation.

Lavrov added, in a speech he delivered at the Moscow Institute of International Relations on the occasion of the start of the academic year in Russia, “We handed over the draft road map on the normalization of Syrian-Turkish relations to all our colleagues in June of this year. It is now under study, and contacts are underway regarding it.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan yesterday in Moscow, where they held discussions on a number of issues, including the resumption of the grain deal, bilateral relations, the Syrian file and the Ukrainian crisis.

It is worth noting that, in December of last year, Russia hosted the first talks in 11 years between the defense ministers of Turkey and Syria, and last May it hosted a quartet meeting that included the foreign ministers of Syria, Turkey, Iran and Russia, in an effort to remove the differences between Damascus and Ankara.

On the other hand, he announced, today, Friday, that his country will not agree to adopt the declaration of the “G20” summit unless it reflects Russia’s position on global crises.

Lavrov pointed out that "the West raises the issue of Ukraine in every event of the G20, although the role of the G20 is initially supposed to make decisions regarding the stability of global financial and economic processes."

Lavrov said, speaking at the Moscow State University of International Relations, on the occasion of the start of the new academic year: “If you have decided to rewrite the powers of the “twenty”, and you want to deal with international crises, then we have presented our document that lists the conflicts that still exist and their roots are linked to the wars that they sparked. The West, if they really want to, let us discuss everything, but this would duplicate the work of the United Nations and undermine the original role of the G20.

Lavrov stressed, by saying: "In any case, there will be no joint declaration in the name of all members that does not express our position, there will be no such declaration."

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Saturday, May 20, 2023

Arab League Summit Welcomes Syrian President Back and receives statements from Russia and China

    Saturday, May 20, 2023   No comments

The work of the 32nd regular session of the Arab Summit took place in the Saudi city of Jeddah, Friday, in the presence of a number of Arab leaders and leaders.

Arab leaders and heads of delegations participating in the summit took a group photo before the start of the opening session.

Likewise, the Syrian "SANA" agency reported that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad shook hands with the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, before entering the summit hall, and that was followed by a side conversation between them.

After 13 years of absence, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad returned today, Friday, to participate in the Arab summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

In turn, the Algerian Prime Minister, Ayman bin Abdel Rahman, welcomed Syria's return to the Arab League. Abdel Rahman renewed his full solidarity with the Palestinian people, calling on "the international community to stop the systematic attacks against it."

He expressed the détente of Arab relations with Turkey and Iran, calling on the international community to put an end to the Israeli settlement policy.

Abdul Rahman added, "There are indications of the emergence of a new multipolar world order at the expense of the unipolar one."

He pointed out that "the role of the Arab League must be activated and the reform process in the Arab League must be accelerated."

After the speech of the Algerian Prime Minister, Ayman bin Abdel Rahman, Algeria handed Saudi Arabia the presidency of the thirty-second Arab summit.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said, "We are pleased with the presence of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at the Arab summit."

Bin Salman hoped that Syria's return to the Arab League would contribute to achieving stability in it and resolving its crisis.

On Sudan, Ibn Salman hoped that the language of dialogue would prevail between the Sudanese parties.

And he added, "The Palestinian issue was and still is the central issue of the Arabs."

The Jeddah Summit is an opportunity to restore Arab issues

For his part, the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, welcomed the agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Aboul Gheit pointed out that "the Jeddah Summit is an opportunity to restore Arab issues that were left to others a long time ago."

The Jordanian king welcomes the return of Syria

Jordan's King Abdullah II said, "The Palestinian issue remains the center of our attention, and peace cannot be achieved with the continued construction of settlements."

Jordan's King Abdullah II repeatedly warned against the continuation of the Syrian crisis without reaching a solution, welcoming Syria's return to the university as a first step to resolving the crisis.

Al-Sisi calls for a solution to the Sudanese crisis

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said, "Relying on our own capabilities to resolve important issues has become necessary."

Al-Sisi added, "Egypt is continuing its efforts to stabilize the truce in Gaza."

He added, "If the Sudanese crisis is not resolved, it will have a negative impact on the region."

Al-Sisi indicated that "Syria's return to the Arab League is a step to activate the role of the League."

Bahrain's King Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani welcomed "Arab efforts to crystallize an Arab regional system."

For his part, the representative of the African Union at the Arab Summit said, "The solution in Sudan will not be military."

"The adventure of violence in Sudan threatens the entire region with fragmentation," he added.

The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Amin Hussein Taha, looked forward to intensifying cooperation between the Organization and the Arab League in many fields.

Saeid: Together, we have the potential to achieve what we want

In a speech during the Arab summit, Tunisian President Kais Said said that the brothers in Palestine are still offering daily martyrs for the sake of liberation from the Zionist occupation in light of the suspicious silence of many capitals.

Saeed refused that the Arab countries would "once again be victims of a new world order," stressing, "We do not participate in its establishment and arrangement."

The Tunisian president refused that his country be "in an alliance against another."

He welcomed Syria's return to the Arab League after thwarting the plot aimed at fragmenting it, pointing out that "we collectively have the capabilities that enable us to achieve what we want, as we are advocates of freedom, peace and peace for the entire nation."

The President of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh, called for international protection for the Palestinian people.

The President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, welcomed the return of Syria to the League of Arab States, calling for an end to the events in Sudan.

The Crown Prince of Kuwait affirms the preservation of the unity and sovereignty of Syria

Kuwaiti Crown Prince Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad said that he feels "optimism about the signs of détente in the region, including the understanding between Saudi Arabia and Iran," reiterating his support for the decision of the Arab League Council and the statement issued in the Jeddah and Amman meetings.

The Crown Prince of Kuwait affirmed his country's position calling for preserving the unity and sovereignty of Syria, adding: "We affirm our firm and supportive position for the rights of our Palestinian people, and we call on the international community to work to reach a comprehensive and just solution."

Al-Sudani called for holding the 2025 Arab Summit in Baghdad, the "Dar of Peace"

In a speech during the Arab summit in Jeddah, Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani welcomed Syria's return to its normal place, stressing "the importance of joint Arab action to contain differences."

Al-Sudani hoped the success of the efforts to stop the fighting in Sudan and stabilize the situation in Libya, Yemen and Lebanon.

He also welcomed the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, noting that Iraq supported this step and worked on it to serve prosperity in the region.

The Iraqi President announced that Iraq will host the 2023 Baghdad Conference, for economic integration and regional stability, and the Development Road Conference, with the aim of strengthening ties.

Al-Sudani called for the 2025 Arab summit to be held in Baghdad, "the house of peace."

Mikati: The crisis of the displaced is greater than Lebanon's ability to bear

For his part, Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati praised Syria's return to the Arab summit, and said, "Let me call this summit the 'Healing Wounds Summit'."

Mikati pointed out, during a speech, that "the prolongation of the crisis in Lebanon and the increasing number of displaced people makes the crisis of the displaced greater than Lebanon's capacity to bear," stressing that the return of the displaced cannot be achieved if "the Arab efforts are not concerted in cooperation with the international community."

Sultanate of Oman: The success of this summit is achieved through the reunification of the Arab nation

The head of the delegation of the Sultanate of Oman, Asaad bin Tariq, confirmed that the success of this summit was achieved through the reunion of the Arab nation, welcoming the resumption of "the activity of the sisterly Syrian Arab Republic in this summit."

Benn added that the Sultanate of Oman believes that "the inability of the international community to find a settlement for the suffering of the Palestinian people is the source of tensions in the region and the world."

Russia sends a statement to the Arab League's leaders

Russian President Vladimir Putin affirmed Russia's interest in developing friendly relations with Arab countries, in order to effectively face emerging threats and challenges.

Putin said, in a telegram of greetings he sent to the participants in the Arab summit held today, Friday, in Jeddah, and the text of which was published on the Kremlin website, that Russia traditionally attaches "great importance to developing friendly relations and constructive partnership cooperation with the countries of the Middle East and North Africa," in a statement. The framework of "Dialogue with the League of Arab States, in order to respond effectively to emerging threats and challenges facing humanity."

The Russian president indicated that his country is determined to continue supporting collective efforts for the peaceful resolution of acute regional issues, including "the crises in Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Syria, with unwavering respect for state sovereignty and the existing provisions of international law."

He stressed that Moscow will continue to provide "every possible assistance in order to settle the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the basis of the approaches stipulated in the relevant United Nations resolutions, and the Arab Peace Initiative, whose owner, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is hosting the current summit of the League of Arab States."

Putin said that continuing to expand multifaceted cooperation between Russia and the Arab countries "fully meets our common interests, and is in line with building a more just and democratic system of international relations, based on the principles of multipolarity, true equality and respect for the legitimate interests of all."

Xi congratulates the Arabs: The Jeddah summit is a new step on the road to unity and achievement

Chinese President Xi Jinping said that his country is happy to witness the Arab countries taking new steps on the path of unity and self-development with new achievements, in a congratulatory message from him on the occasion of the launch of the 32nd Arab Summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on Friday. ‏

"The Arab League has long been committed to strengthening the Arab world through unity and promoting peace, stability and development in the Middle East," Xi added, according to the Chinese newspaper "Global Times".

The Chinese president also expressed his appreciation to Saudi Arabia, saying that "as an important power in a multipolar world, it has made positive contributions to strengthening solidarity and coordination among Arab countries, and maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East."

He also added, "China and the Arab countries have enjoyed a strong traditional friendship for thousands of years, and in recent years, the strategic partnership between the two sides has grown and achieved fruitful results, setting a good example of South-South cooperation and mutual benefit."

Sunday, May 07, 2023

Did Syria return to the Arab League or did the Arab League return to Syria?

    Sunday, May 07, 2023   No comments

After a long absence for years, Syria regained its seat in the League of Arab States, after an extraordinary meeting held by the Arab League Council at the level of foreign ministers in Cairo.

The League of Arab States decided to resume the participation of the Syrian government delegations in its meetings, and all its affiliated organizations and agencies, as of May 7, 2023.

It also called for the need to take practical and effective steps to gradually resolve the crisis according to the principle of step by step, in line with Security Council Resolution No. 2254 to continue efforts that allow the delivery of humanitarian aid to all those in need in Syria.

It also demanded the formation of a ministerial liaison committee consisting of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt and the Secretary-General of the League, to follow up on the implementation of the Amman Agreement, and to continue direct dialogue with Damascus to reach a comprehensive solution to the crisis that addresses all its consequences.

In turn, Damascus received with interest the decision issued by the Arab League meeting, and stressed that the positive interactions currently taking place in the Arab region are in the interest of all Arab countries, and in the interest of achieving stability, security and prosperity for their peoples.

The return of Syria is a political necessity imposed by reality

The League of Arab States suspended Damascus' membership in November 2011 with the approval of 18 countries, and three countries objected: Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. Iraq abstained from voting at the time, and the Arab countries imposed political and economic sanctions on Damascus at the time, following Syria's stances towards the war imposed on it.

Several countries, especially during the first years of the war, provided support to the armed opposition. Even during an Arab summit in Doha in 2013, a delegation from the Syrian opposition coalition participated, for once, as a “representative” of the Syrian people.

Today, with the victory of Syria and the recovery of most of its lands with the support of regional and international allies, and the failure of the opposition to manage the Syrian file at all levels, as the opposition parties managed the files based on their narrow interests.

Likewise, the international community, led by the United States of America, failed to overthrow the government in Syria, as the Syrian crisis has become one of the most difficult foreign files for the American administrations (Obama, Trump and Biden administrations).

Earlier, the Lebanese newspaper, Al-Akhbar, reported that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told Arab leaders and mediators, saying that "Damascus is the one who has the right to forgive countries and groups that were major parties in the war and partners in Arab bloodshed. It would be wrong for anyone to think about Syria is ready to talk to any country about its internal situation, as there is no room for any negotiation on the internal Syrian issue.

Today, the decision of the League of Arab States came to end the failed attempts to isolate Syria, based on the political necessity that was enshrined in the changing reality, especially that Syria is today looking forward to rebuilding what was destroyed by the war.

The path of Arab openness

With the change in field equations, since 2018, indications of Arab openness, albeit slowly, towards Syria have emerged, beginning with the reopening of the UAE embassy in Damascus.

However, it seems that the devastating earthquake that struck Syria and neighboring Turkey in February 2023 accelerated the process of resuming the regional relations with Damascus, as Assad received a flood of contacts and aid from several Arab countries, even Saudi Arabia and the UAE sent aid planes, which was the first of its kind. Since cutting ties with Damascus.

Last March, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visited the UAE and the Sultanate of Oman to enhance cooperation and coordination to serve stability and development in the region.

Shortly thereafter, Riyadh announced in March that it was in talks with Damascus about resuming consular services.

On April 18, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan met the Syrian president during the first official Saudi visit to Damascus since the boycott.

Also during the month of April, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad visited several Arab countries, including Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Algeria and Saudi Arabia. During the tour, Tunisia announced the resumption of relations with Damascus.

Likewise, Jordan hosted a meeting of the foreign ministers of Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Egypt at the beginning of the week, and it was agreed to "support Syria and its institutions in any legitimate efforts to extend its control over its lands."

The return of Syria comes after developments in the Arab and regional scene

Regarding the political changes that took place that prompted the Arabs to return to Syria, the deputy director of the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Ayman Abdel-Wahhab, told Al-Mayadeen Net that Syria's return to the League of Arab States can be read within the framework of developments in the general Arab and regional scene, and specifically it is possible to talk about the Saudi rapprochement file - Iran, developments in the internal field situation in Syria, as well as growing indications of the importance of Syria's Arab embrace.

Abdel Wahhab pointed out that the growing visions of many influential regional powers with Arab weight regarding the importance of Syria's return to the League of Arab States does not negate the existence of some reservations from some Arab parties to this return.

He pointed out that "Syria's return to the Arab arena will represent an important factor in the balance of power, and in favoring some political indicators concerned with increasing the areas of inter-Arab interaction and cooperation.

The Arab parties will gradually return to Syria

As for how to translate the return of Syria from a political point of view to the Arab arena, Ayman Abdel Wahhab said that the return of Syria will be reflected in a positive direction for some Arab forces that support the concept of the national state and promote stability in the region.

In March 2013, Qatar invited an opposition figure
to take Syria's seat at the Arab League Summit.

Abdel Wahhab explained that a number of Arab parties will gradually return to Syria, especially with the return of stability and Syrian interaction with Arab issues.

He pointed out that Syria has a strategic weight equal to that of Iraq and Egypt, and this will greatly help in presenting some issues from a different perspective, and will be reflected in many files in the region.

Washington does not welcome the return of Syria

Today, the US State Department stated that "Damascus does not deserve to regain its seat in the League of Arab States at this stage," commenting on the League's decision to end the suspension of Syria's membership in it and to resume the participation of its delegations.

Regarding the American position, Ayman Abdel Wahhab, deputy director of the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, said that the American reservations will remain, at least in the early stages, as Washington is not welcome to return.

Abdel Wahhab added that the entanglement of the situation in Syria has repercussions, whether in the direction of "Israel", or even with regard to the Russian presence and its association, albeit indirectly, with the Ukrainian file.

And he added, "The Israeli intervention, whether in the Syrian or Ukrainian file, has intersections that may seem indirect, but in reality it will be reflected on the nature of Russian-Israeli relations on the one hand, and on the position of the major powers on the Syrian file, especially in light of the region's re-engineering at this time." ".

The Arab countries have no choice but to return to Syria, as the journey of its isolation that began in 2011 ended in failure. Those who wanted to pay Syria a price for resuming contact with it returned to resuming relations with it. President al-Assad told all the Arab officials he met that he was not in a hurry to return to the university. Arab, but he is ready to regulate bilateral relations with Arab countries without any conditions.

Bloomberg: The Arab League's decision regarding Syria reflects the decline of American influence

The American agency "Bloomberg" said that the Arab League's decision to ignore American reservations about Syria's restoration of its seat reflects the decline of America's influence in the region.

In a report published earlier today, the agency indicated a growing willingness among allies to forge their own political path and build stronger strategic relations with US opponents.

Hours ago, the US State Department stated that Washington "understands that the partners are seeking direct contact with the Syrian president to put more pressure towards a solution to the Syrian crisis."

The agency also indicated that what happened "may also be a victory for Iran and Russia, which have supported Syrian President Bashar al-Assad militarily but need regional assistance to rehabilitate him diplomatically, and ultimately help rebuild a war-torn country that has displaced millions."

The Wall Street Journal: The Arab decision on Syria represents a rejection of Washington's interests

The American Wall Street Journal reported, on Sunday, that "the decision to return Syria to the Arab League represents a rejection of US interests in the region."

The newspaper said that the Arab leaders agreed to "return Syria to the League of Arab States after more than a decade of isolation," explaining that this matter complicates the American efforts to isolate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and indicates the decline of American influence in the Middle East.

"This decision also shows that Middle Eastern countries are formulating policies independent of Western concerns," it added.


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