Showing posts with label Sudan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sudan. Show all posts

Friday, October 06, 2023

Media reports: Ukraine's allies proposed striking “Iranian drone production factories in Iran, Syria and Russia”

    Friday, October 06, 2023   No comments

Days after the British newspaper published in a report, details obtained from a secret document submitted by Ukraine to its Western allies in the Group of Seven, which included a proposal to target "Iranian drone production factories in Iran, Syria and Russia", a drone attack hit Syria killed more than 80 people and injured hundreds more.

The British newspaper "The Guardian" revealed a secret document that indicated that Ukraine's Western allies had proposed launching missile strikes on drone production factories in Iran, Syria, and Russia.

In the context of a newspaper report on “European components in Iranian drones,” The Guardian revealed a 47-page document that the Ukrainian government submitted to the G7 governments last August.

As part of the discussion to take measures against Iranian drones, the newspaper revealed, citing the document, that among the proposals presented by Ukraine’s Western allies “launch missile strikes on the production factories of these drones in Iran and Syria, as well as on a potential production site located on the territory of the Russian Federation.” ".

The newspaper indicated in its report that such a measure “is likely to be refrained from by Western powers,” quoting from the document that “the Ukrainian Defense Forces can implement what was mentioned above, if the partners provide the necessary means of destruction.”

According to the secret document that Kiev sent to its Western allies, it called for “the use of long-range missiles to attack production sites in Iran, Syria, and Russia.”

It is noteworthy that, in mid-February, “The Guardian” had quoted American officials as saying that Iran had become a “global superpower in the field of drones.”

Analysts at the US Intelligence Agency also said that Iran “has emerged as a global leader in producing effective drones at an affordable price.”

Dozens dead in a drone attack on a military college in Homs

The Syrian Minister of Health, Hassan Al-Ghobash, announced Thursday that the initial toll was not final, amounting to 80 martyrs, including 6 women and 6 children, and about 240 injuries as a result of the terrorist attack on the Military College in Homs.

On Friday morning, Syrian official media counted the deaths of 89 people and the wounding of 277 others.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an anti-government organization, reported on Friday that the death toll had risen to 123, including 54 civilians, including 39 children and a woman related to officers. It was also estimated that 150 others were injured.

After the incident, the Syrian Foreign Ministry announced its condemnation of the "heinous crime" committed by "terrorist organizations." It stressed that it expresses the perpetrators’ persistence in their “brutal terrorist approach,” due to which the Syrian people have suffered over the past years.

It added, in her statement, that this attack “will not deter” Syria from moving forward in its effort to “eradicate the scourge of terrorism and its sponsors.”

The Syrian government declared three days of official mourning for the souls of the martyrs of the terrorist attack.

Media reports: the technology used in the attack originated in France; and Syria's army responds

The Syrian army launched artillery and missile bombardment, mainly targeting the headquarters of the Turkestan Party and the Migrant Brigade, in Jericho, Jisr al-Shughur, Idlib, Binnish, and Sarmin, in response to the terrorist attack that targeted the Military College in Homs.

According to media reports, the Turkestan Party and the Muhajireen Brigade "are the two factions that possess drone technology."

The information also indicated that parts of advanced drones “were transferred to the two factions three months ago, and France was the one that provided them with this technology.”

According to media sources, the information confirmed that a drone had been launched from areas under the control of the Turkestan Party, prior to targeting the Military College in Homs.

Early Warning

It hsould be noted that on October 4, Deputy Head of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria, Admiral Vadim Collet, reported that “terrorist groups are preparing to launch attacks on military sites belonging to both Moscow and Damascus.”

According to Collet, these groups are active in the provinces of Idlib, Aleppo, and Latakia.

Collet explained that the data the center received from Syrian intelligence agencies showed that the groups “Turkistan Islamic Party” and “Ansar al-Tawhid” were preparing to carry out “attacks on Russian and Syrian military bases using locally made drones.”

The two groups will use "long-range multiple missile launch systems," according to Collett.

The Deputy Head of the Russian Reconciliation Center added that the leadership of the Russian group and the Syrian Armed Forces "will take the necessary proactive measures in order to prevent armed provocations by terrorists."

The center's announcement comes after statements made by the head of Russian Foreign Intelligence, Sergei Naryshkin, to the effect that the United States of America is "preparing to assist militants to carry out terrorist attacks in Syria."

According to Naryshkin, these attacks affect "crowded public places and Syrian government institutions."

Over time, the conenctions among many of the otherwise seemingly isolated armed conflicts or coups, in Ukraine, Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Niger, Mali, and other places,  become more evident.

For instance, it has been reported that Ukrainian special forces have been conducting operations outside Ukraine, including in Africa.

Since the start of the armed conflict in that country, Ukraine used drones very well, first to stop Russian troops advances toward Kyiv, using Turkish made drone, and there after using drone for attacks beyond the frontline, including attacks on Moscow. Ukrainian drone in Sudan last month reveals that Ukraine is now operating beyond its borders.


Sunday, April 30, 2023

With Truce or Ceasefire remain elusive in Sudan, Clashes continue between the army and the Rapid Support Forces

    Sunday, April 30, 2023   No comments

Today, Sunday, the Rapid Support Forces in Sudan announced the extension of the truce for 72 hours, in response to international, regional and local calls.

The statement issued by the official spokesman for the Rapid Support Forces said: "In response to international, regional and local calls, we announce the extension of the humanitarian truce for a period of 72 hours, starting from midnight tonight, in order to open humanitarian corridors and facilitate the movement of citizens and residents, and enable them to fulfill their needs and reach safe areas."

Simultaneously, the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused the Rapid Support Forces of carrying out "flagrant and repeated" attacks on the headquarters of diplomatic missions and bodies.

The statement added, "In a flagrant violation of all international norms and treaties, on April 28, these rebel forces attacked the Indonesian embassy," accusing them of stealing a diplomatic vehicle belonging to the embassy.

Witnesses told AFP that clashes took place near the army headquarters in Khartoum, and the city of Omdurman, west of the capital, was bombed.

From southern Khartoum, a witness said, "There is very fierce fighting and heavy shooting in the street every few minutes since early morning."

The arrival of the first aid shipment from the Red Cross by air

On Sunday, the first shipment of humanitarian aid from the Red Cross arrived in the city of Port Sudan, as part of the emergency operations it has been carrying out since the outbreak of fighting in Sudan, according to what officials said in a virtual press conference from Geneva.

A statement from the International Committee of the Red Cross stated that the shipment, which was sent from Amman, weighed eight tons and "contained surgical equipment to support Sudan's hospitals and volunteers of the Sudanese Red Crescent Society who provide medical care to the wounded who were injured during the fighting."

The Red Cross added in the statement that it would "send a second plane carrying additional medical supplies and emergency personnel."

"We were able to fly to Port Sudan from Amman as a medical staff with supplies to deal with war-wounded, enough to stabilize 1,500 wounded," said Patrick Youssef, the ICRC's regional director for Africa, at the press conference.

"We now hope to get them as soon as possible to some of the busiest hospitals in Khartoum," he added.

As the fighting enters its third week, families in the capital, which has a population of about five million, and its suburbs are still suffering from a lack of food, water, electricity, and cash, and many of them are staying at home.

Tens of thousands of people have been displaced internally or to neighboring countries, while several foreign and Arab countries are organizing large-scale evacuations.

International and regional powers called for an end to the escalating violence between the two military leaders, but they refused direct talks and exchanged accusations through the media.

Today, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged support for African-led mediation.

"The United Nations is intensifying its efforts to help people seeking safety in neighboring countries," he wrote on Twitter.

The United Nations said that nearly 75,000 people were internally displaced during the first week of fighting, mainly in the states of Khartoum, Northern, Blue Nile, North Kordofan, North, West and South Darfur.

More than 30,000 people have fled to Chad, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Central Africa, according to estimates by the United Nations, which warned that the number of people fleeing could reach 270,000 if the fighting continues.

The continuous battles between the army and the Rapid Support Forces prompted many countries to intensify their efforts to evacuate their nationals or members of diplomatic missions, by land, sea and air.

The Sudanese Ministry of Health said that the fighting affected 12 states out of 18 in the country.

Sudan has plunged into chaos since the bloody struggle for power erupted in mid-April between army commander Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, nicknamed "Hemedti".

The war left at least 528 dead and 4,599 wounded, according to figures announced by the Ministry of Health on Saturday, but the toll is likely to be higher.

The two parties to the conflict exchange accusations of violating the armistice, which was extended for three days under international mediation, and ends, Sunday, at midnight.

Earlier, the Sudanese army accused the Rapid Support Forces of turning a hospital into a heavily armed military barracks and command center for operations.

In the details, a statement issued by the General Command of the Armed Forces said: "The rebels turned the East Nile Hospital into a heavily armed military barracks and a command center for operations and continued hostile action after evacuating patients, including critical cases, in intensive care."

The statement also accused the Rapid Support Forces of continuing "indiscriminate shelling and looting of public and private property, including banks, shops, and citizens' homes."

He said that the army is monitoring the rapid support forces moving from the west to the capital, which confirms the continuation of these forces in violating the declared armistice.

The head of the Human Rights Commission in Sudan, Rifaat Mirghani Abbas, warned that the country's health system is on the verge of collapse, as a result of the ongoing clashes since the middle of this month between the army and the Rapid Support Forces.

Abbas said, "We are now talking about a health system on the verge of collapse. Hospitals have become a battleground for both sides and have not been spared from their fire."

He added that the medical personnel are working in very bad conditions, the necessary medicines have become almost non-existent, and ambulances cannot operate safely, in addition to multiple problems related to the health situation.

It is noteworthy that the ongoing battles in Sudan between the Sudanese army on the one hand and the "rapid support" forces on the other, in separate areas, have resulted in at least 14 attacks on health facilities since the fighting began.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Renewed clashes between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces in Omdurman

    Wednesday, April 19, 2023   No comments

Today, Wednesday, clashes renewed between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, despite the declared 24-hour truce, and fighting intensified between the two forces loyal to the two rival military leaders, after the truce quickly collapsed.

Continuous gunfire, artillery and air strikes rocked the capital, Khartoum, and the city of Omdurman, across the Nile.

Residents reported clashes around the army headquarters, and near the international airport.

The Sudanese army accused the RSF of not adhering to the implementation of the armistice agreement, which was concluded with international mediation for humanitarian purposes, which led to the continuation of the fighting for the fifth day in a row.

The spokesman for the Sudanese Armed Forces, Brigadier General Nabil Abdullah Ali Musa, also accused the Rapid Support Forces of "violating citizens, looting their property, and burning a sea market in the Khartoum Bahri neighborhood."

In parallel, the Sudanese Rapid Support Forces announced, in a statement today, that "the Egyptian nationals who were at Meroe Airport during the clashes have been transferred to the capital, Khartoum."

The forces said in the statement that "Egyptian nationals will be handed over when the appropriate opportunity arises, according to the conditions the country is going through."

It also announced its agreement to a truce for a period of 24 hours, starting at 6 pm today, Wednesday, and continuing until 6 pm tomorrow, Thursday,” according to the statement.

The Rapid Support Forces affirmed its "full commitment to a complete ceasefire," hoping that "the other side will abide by that."

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Updates on the clashes between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces

    Saturday, April 15, 2023   No comments

The Sudanese army announced today, Saturday, that the Air Force is carrying out qualitative operations to "resolve the irresponsible behavior of the rebel Rapid Support militia."

This comes after clashes broke out between the Rapid Support Forces and the army in separate areas of Khartoum, the vicinity of the Marawi airport base, and Nile Street, earlier today.

The official spokesman for the Sudanese Armed Forces said that the forces "did not start the aggression, and what happened is that our forces were attacked by the rebel forces."

He added, "The army personnel do not seek any personal gain," stressing that they "will continue their work with efficiency, professionalism, and patriotism."

He continued, "We will confront any irresponsible attempt, and we regret that our country has reached this stage because of the personal ambitions of the rebel leadership," stressing that there is no future for the country "except under one army under a disciplined military command."

The armed forces indicated that Sudan "would not have reached this stage had the rebel forces of Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti) abandoned their personal ambitions."

Concurrently, former Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok sent messages to the Sudanese army, the Rapid Support Forces, the people of the country, and the international community, in which he called for an immediate cease-fire and the rejection of the fighting, warning against expanding the scope of the conflict into a regional war.

Hamdok said in a video speech broadcast on Twitter: "My first message is to the President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, to the leaders of the Sudanese army, and to the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo. The bullets must stop immediately, and the voice of reason must prevail, as the loss will be." It belongs to all, and there is no victor over the corpses of his people."

He added, "My second message to the Sudanese people is that they become more cohesive, that there is cohesion between the components of society, and the discourse of rejecting war is prevalent, and that the voice of fueling war is not allowed to dominate."

Hamdok continued: "My third message to the regional and international community and lovers of global peace is to do their duty to resolve and calm the warring parties. War in Sudan means war in the region, and a peaceful solution is still possible."

Meanwhile, the Rapid Support Forces announced the control of military sites in El Fasher, in the west of the country, including the Signal Corps, the Medical Corps, and the airport.

Al-Mayadeen correspondent reported that the Rapid Support Forces arrested a number of Egyptian forces inside the Marawi base.

Likewise, the Rapid Support Forces announced their control of the command of the 1st Infantry Brigade, noting that they had "closed all the ports south of Khartoum."

The Rapid Support Forces had announced their control of the Republican Palace, the guest house, Khartoum airports, Meroe, Al-Obeid, and sites in the Sudanese states.

The Sudanese Medical Association reported that 3 civilians were killed in the battles in Sudan, including two in Khartoum.

And Saudi Airlines stated that one of its planes was exposed to gunfire at Khartoum Airport while it was preparing for the return flight, with the crew and passengers on board.

Clashes are taking place now between the two parties around the state-affiliated media building with the aim of controlling it, while television transmission was cut off after it remained weak for some time.

The United Nations, the Arab League, Washington and Moscow demanded an "immediate" halt to the fighting in Sudan. As for the powerful neighbor, Egypt, it called on both sides to "exercise the greatest degree of restraint."

In the context, a member of the Political Bureau of the Sudanese National Umma Party, Muhammad Markaz Khareef, expected the continuation of the clashes because "the conflict has reached the stage of breaking the bone."

In their statements, the Rapid Support Forces and the army exchanged accusations of attacking each other's bases.

The Sudanese army accused the armed Rapid Support Forces of attacking many of its bases in Khartoum and other areas, shortly after those forces announced the army's attack on its camps.

Sudanese websites quoted the Sudanese army spokesman as saying, "The situation is calm at the headquarters of the General Command, and the fighting is taking place around some strategic facilities."

The sources added, "Khartoum is now besieged from all sides, which means that food supplies will be difficult for the population to enter."

A few days ago, the Sudanese army warned of the deployment of the Rapid Support Forces in Khartoum and some cities, pointing out that these movements took place without the approval of the Armed Forces Command and without any coordination with it.

In contrast, the RSF, which operates under the command of Hemedti, the vice president of the military council, has confirmed that it is deployed throughout the country as part of its normal duties.

The Forces for the Declaration of Freedom and Change in Sudan announced the postponement of the signing of the final political agreement between the Sudanese parties, known as the "framework agreement", which was scheduled for April 6, until the end of the talks between the military technical committees to formulate final recommendations regarding security and military reforms.

The current political process in Sudan aims to resolve a prolonged crisis since October 25, 2021, when the army commander, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, imposed exceptional measures, including dissolving the two sovereign councils and declaring a state of emergency.


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