Showing posts with label Poland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poland. Show all posts

Sunday, September 24, 2023

News media review: Zelensky visited Poland during his return from Washington, but no official in the country received him

    Sunday, September 24, 2023   No comments

A report in the Singaporean newspaper “The Straits Times” said on Sunday that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, returning from the United States, stopped in Poland,...

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Zelensky for the Group of Twenty: Poland hit a "message" from Moscow to you; Biden: The explosion in Poland was caused by a Ukrainian missile

    Wednesday, November 16, 2022   No comments

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy considered today, in a speech broadcast via video to the leaders of the Group of Twenty meeting on the Indonesian island of Bali, that the missile strike in Poland “is nothing but a message from Russia to the G20 summit.”

Zelensky also warned them of the existence of "a terrorist state among you, against which we have to defend ourselves," as he put it, referring to Russia.

 This comes while the Polish army is still on high alert today, after a missile landed in a village in the southeast of the country near the border with Ukraine. While statements and meetings rush to understand the details of the incident, it seems that there is a strong possibility that Russia is not the source of the launch of this missile, which is most likely “Russian-made.”

Biden contradicts Zelenskiy

 Today, a source in NATO told Reuters that US President Joe Biden informed the Group of Seven and NATO partners that the explosion in Poland was caused by a missile fired by Ukrainian air defense.

In turn, the Belgian Minister of Defense, Ludivine Dedondre, said today that the explosion that killed two people in eastern Poland was "the result of Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense systems used to intercept Russian missiles."

 And the minister added, in a statement, that “the investigations are continuing, and there is currently no indication that it was a deliberate attack,” noting that Ukraine had previously accused Russia of targeting Polish territory with a missile strike.

 Immediately after the attack, Poland discussed the need to activate Article 4 of the NATO Charter. The call was resisted by NATO members and Russia saw it as a premeditated provocation intended to justify an attack on Russia.

France called for caution when making accusations about the source of the Poland missile.

France called for "extreme caution" about the source of the missile that fell in Poland, especially since "several countries" in the region possess the same type of weapon, warning of a "great risk of escalation."

And the French presidency said: "Given the stakes, it is logical that we deal with the issue with the utmost caution," noting that there are "great risks of escalation in the region."

One of the French president's advisors pointed out that "a lot of equipment and weapons" are concentrated in and around Ukraine, adding that "a large number of countries possess the same type of weapons, and therefore determining the type of missile does not necessarily mean determining who launched it."

Erdogan: I am sure Russia did not fire a missile at Poland

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed today, Wednesday, that he trusts Russian statements regarding its denial of involvement in the Poland incident.

On Tuesday evening, the Russian Ministry of Defense denied the news that a Russian missile had fallen on Poland, stressing that it aims to provoke a "deliberate provocation with the aim of escalation."

 Erdogan called, during a press conference on the sidelines of the G-20 summit, for "a detailed investigation into the fall of missiles on a village in Poland," adding that "the insistence that the missiles fired at Poland are Russian-made is nothing but a provocation."

 Medvedev: The West is approaching a world war

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said today, Wednesday, that the alleged missile attack on Polish soil shows that the West is approaching another world war.

 Medvedev wrote on Twitter, "The incident of the missile strike on a Polish farm proves only one thing: waging war by all means against Russia, and the West is approaching a world war."

 Yesterday, Tuesday, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that it had not directed strikes against targets near the Ukrainian-Polish border, noting that "talk about Russian missiles falling in Poland is a deliberate provocation aimed at escalating the conflict."

 Zelenskiy's rush to push for the invocation of NATO's Art. 4 and 5, if proven to be planned would anger NATO members and undercut his credibility. Worse, for him, should that be the case, and should an actual attack by Russia on other NATO members, world leaders would be more cautious and perhaps suspect Ukraine before they accuse Russia. Call it the boy who cried wolf effect.

Immediately after two people were killed by a missile in Polish territory, heading pressure from Zelenskiy whose country is not a NATO member, the Polish government announced that it would consider whether it would need to activate Article 4 of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which calls for emergency consultations in the event of a threat to a member state.

And in the event that it is decided that Moscow is responsible for the explosion, this may lead to the launch of the principle of collective defense of NATO known as “Article 5”, as an attack on a member of the Western alliance is considered an attack on everyone.

NATO Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg, said that the alliance is closely evaluating the situation in Poland and is awaiting clarity of data and data.

 What are Articles 4 and 5 of the NATO Charter... and what are they related to the Poland explosion?

The NATO Charter, "Article 4" differs from "Article 5", as the latter specifies military assistance by the entire alliance in the event of an attack on one of the member states.

 Article 4 of the NATO Treaty gives the right to any member state of the alliance that feels threatened by another country or a terrorist organization, to submit a request for the thirty member states to start formal consultations to decide whether the threat exists and how to confront it, while reaching unanimous decisions.

 Under this article, the parties are to consult together, at the request of any of the member states, about the territorial integrity, political independence, or security of any of the allied states.

 Article 5 is the cornerstone of the founding treaty of NATO, created in 1949 with the US military as its mainstay of strength primarily to counter the Soviet Union and its satellites in the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War.

 The Charter states that NATO members agree that an armed attack against one or more of them "shall be regarded as an attack against all of them."

 In the event of such an attack, each NATO member would assist the attacked country in whatever action it "deems necessary". This could include the use of armed force with the aim of restoring and maintaining security in the North Atlantic region.



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