Showing posts with label Islam in Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam in Russia. Show all posts

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Head of Wagner asks Moscow to hand over the sites of his group in Bakhmut to Kadyrov's Chechen forces in protest of the lack of ammunition

    Saturday, May 06, 2023   No comments

The head of the Russian paramilitary Wagner Group announced on Saturday that he had asked Moscow for permission to hand over his group's sites in the city of Bakhmut, the center of the fighting in eastern Ukraine, to the forces of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, in protest of the lack of ammunition.

"I ask you to issue a combat order, before midnight on May 10, to transfer the positions of the Wagner Group to units of the Akhmat battalion in and around Bakhmut," Yevgeny Prigozhin said in a letter addressed to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Meanwhile, Kadyrov issued the following statement introducing the new group of Chechen troops heading to the war zone:

Another group of volunteers left Grozny for the area of the special military operation. All of them firmly decided to contribute to the fight against Ukronat Satanism, realizing that inaction is an unacceptable luxury for the true sons of the Fatherland.

Each of these warriors is fully equipped and trained. Fortunately, the Regional Public Foundation named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, together with the best instructors of the Russian University of Special Forces, took care of this in advance. Real masters of their craft trained volunteers in precisely those skills and abilities that are currently in demand on the battlefield. Thanks to this subtle approach, the effectiveness of fighters increases significantly.

At the Grozny International Airport named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, the volunteers were seen off by dear BROTHERS - Chairman of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic Magomed Daudov, Minister of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic Ruslan Alkhanov and Head of the Grozny Line Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Transport Ali Tagirov. In a parting speech, they wished the fighters success in carrying out combat missions and a speedy return to their homeland as winners.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Zelenskiy uses Islam for war purposes

    Saturday, March 25, 2023   No comments

Zelenskiy uses “Ramadan” and uses the power of “prayer” to help him “cleanse Ukraine” of the evil of the “Russian atheist.” An attempt to evoke the literature of “jihad” and incitement with the weapon of religion.

The Russian-Ukrainian war takes on a religious character in addition to its political, economic, and social dimensions, and this is evident when the Ukrainian president tried to use the month of Ramadan to serve him and his regime, and to tarnish the image of his Russian opponent.

Volodymyr Zelensky wrote on his Twitter account, a controversial tweet, taking advantage of the month of Ramadan, saying:

May the power of prayer in this holy month of Ramadan help us cleanse Ukraine of Russian godless evil, of those who truly believe in nothing, and that is why they are capable of such terror. Let the next Ramadan begin in peace and on the entire Ukrainian land free from Russia.

Zelensky is addressing the Ukrainian Muslim community, which is mainly represented by the Tatars residing in Crimea, which Russia has controlled since 2014, but according to commentators at the same time, he does not explain to the Muslims the reasons why his soldiers set out to burn the Qur’an, nor does he offer an apology or justification for them.

In his use of the description of the “Russian atheist,” Zelensky goes back to the inflammatory literature and descriptions that were used against the “atheist” Soviet Union in Afghanistan and the “jihad” against it, trying to incite Muslims against the current Russian regime, which no longer adopts atheism and communism as an approach, and embraces Muslims and their mosques. (Moscow's Grand Mosque was personally inaugurated by Putin), and he shares their religious events with them. Even the most prominent ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin is the "bearded Muslim" Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov.

Zelensky said in his tweet, which he published with a video clip: “A large part of Ukrainian society are Muslims, and we have the Crimean Tatars who are spending this blessed month in conditions of Russian persecution, and some of them are under other bombings on the fronts,” adding: “Let the month of Ramadan begin in peace and on peace... The entire Ukrainian land free of Russia.”

Activists and tweeters interacted with the Ukrainian president’s “religious” tweet, and some of them considered that the exploitation of religion in wars is no longer as effective as it was, while others found that the Kiev regime is far from caring and caring for Muslims, and a third said that the weapon of religion is imposed, regardless of the party we support.

Meanwhile, Kadyrov, visited with his troops, many of whom just returned from the frontlines in Ukraine, some will be going there soon. Here is his most recent release, a video, showing one of his elite units.


The following statement by Ramzan Kadyrov accompanied the video:

I took part in the ceremonial formation of the personnel of the 94th operational regiment of the 46th OBron of the North Caucasus Oblast of the VNG of Russia. The event was held on the occasion of the appointment of dear BROTHER Khasmagomed Magomadov to the post of unit commander. The corresponding order was signed by the Director of the Russian Guard, General of the Army, respected by us Viktor Zolotov.

I have known Khasmagomed Adikovich for many years. He showed himself excellently both while serving in the law enforcement agencies of the Chechen Republic, and in the zone of the special military operation in Ukraine. Khasmagomed has long proved in practice that he is a true warrior and patriot, for whom the interests of the Motherland are above all else.

Now, I am sure that under his competent and effective leadership, the 94th regiment will become one of the most combat-ready units of the National Guard. We will render full assistance to Khasmagomed in this task.

Being not only the head of the republic, but also the Colonel-General of the Russian Guard, I personally control the supply issues. I know perfectly well how much attention the director of the Federal Service for the National Guard Viktor Vasilyevich Zolotov pays to the issues of providing for the Russian Guards. We are deeply grateful to him for the comprehensive support of the units stationed in the Chechen Republic.

I sincerely congratulate Khasmagomed Magomadov on his appointment to the post of commander of the 94th operational regiment of the 46th OBron SKO VNG of Russia! I wish him good luck in his future service for the benefit of our great Motherland - Russia!

Friday, March 17, 2023

Chechen Republic President explains why his troops are fighting in Ukraine

    Friday, March 17, 2023   No comments

The President of the Chechen Republic has sent troops to Ukraine since the start of the military operation there. He offered many reasons for doing so—from protecting the Russian federation (fatherland), to fighting evil. With the increased number of Chechen and central Asian Muslims joining the “International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine”, the foreign armed group founded by order of the president of Ukraine, the leader of the Muslim republic found it necessary to justify his decision to send troops to fight for Russia to Muslims inside and outside Chechenia. In his most recent statement, Kadyrov showed a video that allegedly show Ukrainian government fighters burning the Quran, to recall the event of burning the Quran in Europe. He captioned the video with the following statement:

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Saudi Arabia will stop oil supplies to countries that set a price ceiling on its oil

    Thursday, March 16, 2023   No comments

In another guesture in support of Russia and dismiss of EU actions, Saudi Arabia announced that it will stop oil supplies to countries that set a price ceiling on its oil

This was stated by the Minister of Energy of the Kingdom, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman.

In his view, price ceilings set for a country or a group of countries, for oil or any other commodity, will lead to individual or collective responses with serious consequences.

"So if there is a price cap on Saudi oil exports, we will not sell oil to any country that imposes a price cap on our supplies, and we will cut oil production, and I would not be surprised if others do the same," he said. the minister said.

The Saudi Energy Minister, Abdulaziz bin Salman, and the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Alexander Novak, confirmed during their meeting in Riyadh, today, Thursday, their countries’ commitment to the decision taken by “OPEC +” to reduce oil production by two million barrels per day until the end of 2023.

The Saudi Press Agency, "SPA", stated that bin Salman and Novak discussed the conditions of the global oil market, and the efforts of the "OPEC +" group aimed at "enhancing market stability and balance."

The two sides affirmed their countries' commitment to the decision taken by the "OPEC +" group, last October, to reduce production by two million barrels per day until the end of 2023, and the continuation of cooperation between the two countries, within the framework of the group, to enhance the stability and balance of the global market.

A few days ago, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Energy Affairs, Jose Fernandez, called on oil-producing countries, including the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), to "increase the quantities of crude supplied in the markets."

And in early October 2022, “OPEC +” decided to reduce its production by two million barrels per day, at a level that it has not changed since then.

It is noteworthy that the American "The Intercept" website had previously stated, quoting informed Saudi sources, that Riyadh had pressured to cut oil production twice more than what Russian President Vladimir Putin had requested.

On October 14, a spokesman for the National Security Council at the White House, John Kirby, said that "more than one member" of "OPEC +", without specifying them, disagreed about the size of the cut, but Saudi Arabia forced them to agree to it.


Saturday, February 04, 2023

In the strongest threat.. Medvedev: If “Crimea” is targeted, the rest of the Ukrainian lands that are still under Kyiv’s control will turn to ashes, and there will be no restrictions, and our response will be with all kinds of weapons

    Saturday, February 04, 2023   No comments

The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, announced that his country has not set restrictions for itself when responding to any attacks against its territory from Kyiv, and there will be a willingness to use all kinds of weapons to respond to that.

Medvedev added, during press statements, by saying: “Our response can be anything, and the Russian president confirmed that. We do not set ourselves any restrictions and, depending on the nature of the threats, are ready to use all kinds of weapons.”

"If Ukraine launches any attack on Crimea, there will be counter-attacks, and the rest of the Ukrainian lands that are still under Kyiv's control will turn to ashes," the deputy head of the Russian Security Council stressed.

In a related context, the adviser to the President of the Russian Republic of Crimea for media policy, Oleg Kryuchkov, described the threat of the Kyiv authorities to launch a missile attack on the peninsula as “barking” from under the sofa, according to “Sputnik”.

Earlier, the adviser to Vladimir Zelensky's office, Mikhail Podolyak, said that after agreeing with the West on the supply of tanks, Kyiv is negotiating the supply of long-range missiles and aircraft to launch strikes in Crimea.

Fighting in Crimea could impact Tatar Muslims there. Tatars are indigenous inhabitants of Crimea, Eastern European Turkic people historically formed in the Crimean Peninsula, which is on the northern coast of the Black Sea. It is estimated that 500,000 Tatar Muslims inhabied the region. Crimean Tatars are, genrally, Sunni Muslims, and they make up 15% of the Crimea population. The majority of the Crimean population adheres to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Crimean Tatars are ethnically connected to the people who live in the Republic of Tatarstan. Founded in 1005 on the banks of the Volga River, about 500 miles east of Moscow, Kazan, the capital of the republic, was a main stop along the Silk Road, the historic trade route for the exchange of not only of goods and services, but also of habits and cultures. Today, about 53% of Tatarstan's population are Muslims, the rest are mostly Russian Orthodox Christians.

Based on previous actions, and based on the use of the Chechen armed forces in conflict zones, Russian fedeation leadership is likely to rely on Chechen Republic armed forces to manage the conflict in Crimea, to make sure that contact between the Russian armed forces with local Muslims is done through other Russian Muslim officials. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Islam in Russia: The 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria

    Sunday, December 11, 2022   No comments

Russian leaders have been systemically integrating Islam and the Muslim communities in the Russian federation since the end of the Chechen war. The participation of the Chechen armed forces in the war in Ukraine have propelled that trend to new levels. The celebration of this pivotal Islamic event, therefore, takes special place. 

Chechen Muslims participated in the anniversary of the adoption of Islam in the region formally and informally. Officially, the Chechen government sent a delegate and the following statement from the Chechen Republic about the the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria was released:

A truly significant date was celebrated in Russia - the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria.

On the occasion of this memorable event, a solemn event was held in Moscow, which was attended by guests from all over the country, as well as authoritative political and public figures. On my instructions, dear BROTHERS, Chairman of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic Magomed Daudov and Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic - Plenipotentiary Representative of the Chechen Republic under the President of the Russian Federation Bekhan Taymaskhanov, at the head of the Chechen delegation, attended the celebration and conveyed my sincere congratulations to those present.

For all of us, this holiday is of great importance. Today Islam is an integral part of Russia. Here, side by side with other religious denominations, almost 15 million Muslims peacefully coexist. Of course, this phenomenon can be called unique, and Russia is a rare example of a true legal state.

Thanks to the competent and far-sighted policy of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the rights of every Muslim are strictly guarded and protected at all levels. At the same time, Vladimir Vladimirovich repeatedly noted the contribution of Muslims to the comprehensive development of the country, as well as to strengthening state sovereignty. It is our active civic position, true patriotism and moral principles based on the canons of Islam that earned us honor and respect among followers of other religions and nationalities.

With all my heart I congratulate dear BROTHER, President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, and all Muslims of Russia on this holiday! I sincerely wish you health, prosperity, happiness and a peaceful sky above your head!


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