Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Turkish President announces readiness to extend an invitation to President Assad

    Sunday, July 07, 2024   No comments

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed on Sunday that "once Bashar al-Assad takes a step towards improving relations with Turkey, we will respond appropriately."

He continued in press statements: "We will extend our invitation to Assad, and with this invitation we want to return Turkish-Syrian relations to the same point they were in the past."

He added: "Our invitation can happen at any time."

The Turkish president added in his press statements: "Russian President Vladimir Putin has an approach regarding our meeting (with Assad) in Turkey, and Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has an approach. We are talking here about mediation, so what is wrong with it with our neighbor?"

On Friday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed that he could, in cooperation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, "extend an invitation" to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to start a new process of normalizing relations with Syria.

"I already said on Friday (last), after the Friday prayers, that we can start a new process (of normalizing relations) with Syria. We can invite Mr. Assad with Mr. Putin," Erdogan told reporters upon his arrival from Astana.

Erdogan added that Russian President Vladimir Putin's upcoming visit to Turkey could be the beginning of a new process of normalizing relations between Ankara and Damascus.

He commented: "If our honorable Mr. Putin can visit Turkey, this could be the beginning of a new process (of normalizing relations between Turkey and Syria). All the years that have passed in the Syrian arena have clearly shown everyone that it is necessary to create a mechanism for a permanent settlement. Syria, whose infrastructure has been destroyed and whose people have been scattered, must stand on its own feet and end the instability. The recent calm in this area can open the door to peace if wise policies and an approach to solving problems are adopted without bias."

Commenting on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's statements about normalizing relations between Syria and Turkey last week, Erdogan said that "there are no reasons not to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries," and according to him, "Ankara does not aim to interfere in Damascus' internal affairs." Assad had stated on June 26, during a meeting with the Russian President's special representative, Alexander Lavrentiev, that "Syria is open to all initiatives related to its relations with Turkey, which are based on respect for the country's sovereignty."

Previously, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad confirmed Syria's openness to all initiatives related to the relationship between Syria and Turkey, based on "the sovereignty of the Syrian state over all its territories on the one hand, and the fight against all forms of terrorism and its organizations on the other hand."

The Syrian presidency stated in a statement on its Telegram channel that "President al-Assad confirmed during his meeting with the special envoy of the Russian President, Alexander Lavrentiev, Syria's openness to all initiatives related to the relationship between Syria and Turkey, based on the sovereignty of the Syrian state over all its territories on the one hand, and the fight against all forms of terrorism and its organizations on the other hand, stressing that these initiatives reflect the will of the countries concerned to establish stability in Syria and the region in general."

Earlier, a Turkish newspaper reported, citing sources, that military delegations from Turkey and Syria, with Russian mediation, held talks at the Hmeimim air base, and another meeting is expected to be held in Baghdad.

The newspaper said: "In this regard, a meeting of military officials from the Turkish Armed Forces and the Syrian army was held at the Russian Hmeimim Air Base southeast of Latakia on June 11," and stated that "the meeting discussed the latest developments in and around Idlib province."

The first meeting of the foreign ministers of the four countries (Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria) was held in Moscow on May 10, 2023. Based on its results, the ministers ordered the preparation of a draft roadmap for normalizing relations between Turkey and Syria.

Earlier, the Russian President's Special Representative for Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev, stated in an interview with Sputnik that Moscow had handed Ankara and Damascus a draft roadmap for normalizing relations between the two sides, indicating that they could make amendments to it.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has previously identified priority topics in the roadmap, which include restoring Syrian government control over all parts of the country, ensuring the security of the Syrian-Turkish border, and eliminating the possibility of cross-border attacks and terrorist infiltration.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Russian official: Washington and its allies may face the use of our weapons by third parties

    Thursday, June 06, 2024   No comments

Russia appears to be changing its military posture in reaction to Western countries allowing Ukraine to use NATO weapons to strike inside Russia. Russia is now open to supplying other countries with Russian weapons the same way US, France, and the UK are supplying Ukraine with their weapons that are used to kill Russians; according to Russian officials. This is a significant development that could impact events in conflict zones, including the wars in Syria and Gaza.

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev confirmed on Thursday that the United States and its allies may face the direct use of Russian weapons by third parties.

Medvedev said in posts on the "X" platform and his telegram channel that these people or regions were intentionally left unnamed, but they could be all those who consider the United States and its partners their enemy, regardless of their political outlook and international recognition.

He added that "their enemy is the United States, which means they are our friends."

This statement comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Wednesday that Russia may consider supplying areas of the world with its long-range weapons, in order to launch sensitive strikes against countries that supply Ukraine with weapons.

The US State Department confirmed, in late May, that US President Joe Biden had given the green light to launch Ukrainian strikes using weapons supplied by the United States inside Russian territory, near the city of Kharkiv.

A US State Department spokesman told the Russian Sputnik Agency that "Biden recently tasked his team with ensuring that Ukraine is able to use weapons provided by the United States for counterattack purposes in the Kharkiv region so that Kiev can respond to Russian forces."

The US spokesman claimed that Washington's policy of not allowing long-range strikes using ATACMS missiles inside Russia has not changed.

As for Germany, it backtracked on a position it had previously announced, and granted Ukraine permission to use the weapons it had supplied to it, in order to strike targets inside Russia.

In the same context, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called for Ukraine to be allowed to use Western weapons to strike targets inside Russia.

Stoltenberg said that it is time for member states to "reconsider the restrictions that hinder Kyiv's ability to defend itself."

In response, Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini called on Stoltenberg to resign.

Russia has previously sent a memorandum to NATO countries due to the supply of weapons to Ukraine, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov indicated that any shipment containing weapons to Ukraine "will become a legitimate target for Russia."

Lavrov stated that the United States and NATO are directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine, "not only through the supply of weapons, but also through training in the territories of Britain, Germany, Italy and other countries."

Monday, April 08, 2024

Was Biden angry with Netanyahu for attacking Iran’s diplomatic building, a treaty violation, or for killing aid workers, a war crime, or both?

    Monday, April 08, 2024   No comments

With news reports about US administration reaching out to Iran with an offer to stop its promise of retaliatory strikes against Israel for the latter's attack on Iran's diplomatic facility in Syria, and with Iran's foreign minister making an unscheduled trip to Oman yesterday, it appears that Biden used the killing of aid workers to mask his anger with Israel crossing a red line and carrying out what is essentially a direct attack on Iran.

There is no doubt that Iran can retaliate directly against Israel. It did so against the US when Trump assassinated Soleimani in January 2020. An Iranian retaliatory attack against Israel could set new course for the entire region, however. 

If Iran attacks Israel directly, the right-wing government in Israel will be forced to retaliate or it will collapse. If it were to retaliate to the retaliation, the armed confrontation enters a new phase, similar to the active front with Hezbollah. That will be catastrophic for Israel for many reasons.

Israel cannot invade Iran and if the US does not get involved directly, all Israel can do is to trade rockets and bombs from distance. That formular favors Iran for many reasons, too.  

First, Iran is a much larger country, and its weapons systems are dispersed all over the country. It will not be possible for Israel to take out all weapons systems. If that was possible, US could have done that in Yemen where a much smaller and less prepared group, the Houthis, have overcome a military Western coalition that has been bombing them for months.

Second, Iran has a formidable array of weapons, rockets and drones, that can be launched for months or even years. In addition to these long-distance weapons, Iran can rely on its allies in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq to provide support.

Iran will respond given that the highest authority in the country already stated that Iran will receive “a slap”. The question is whether US diplomacy will manage to limit Iran’s response to limits of Israel’s attack. That is, an attack on Israeli diplomatic missions and perhaps an attack on military installations in occupied territories to end the cycle. Iran has the option to attack Israel directly because it considers its diplomatic facilities sovereign territories of Iran. However, attacking Israel diplomatic facilities places Iran outside International norms, too, which it has been using to get the world community to condemn it. 

All these factors give credence to the reporting about the US offer to Iran, possibly through Oman. Because all these indicator show that Israel committed a grave mistake when it attacked a diplomatic facility. It may not just US acting to prevent the widening of a conflict, it is likely that Israel wants to limit the damage too. 

The following media reports provide more contect to what might be behind the scene negotiations.

Iranian diplomatic sources say the US is trying to convince Iran not to retaliate against Israel for its bombing of the Iranian embassy in Syria earlier this month, Al-Jarida newspaper reported on 8 April.

The Israeli strike targeted a building attached to the Iranian embassy in Damascus. It led to the killing of the commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, his deputy, and five other IRGC officers.

A source in the Iranian foreign ministry told Al-Jarida that Washington offered Tehran direct negotiations with Tel Aviv to de-escalate the conflict.  

According to the source, Washington will guarantee to persuade Tel Aviv to stop its military operations in Syria and Lebanon on the condition that Iran commit not to retaliate against Israel for the Damascus attack.

At the same time, a diplomatic source in Beirut told Al-Jarida that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected an American proposal to pledge to stop attacks in Syria.

The source added that Iranian leader Ali Khamenei is reviewing the US offer but is not expected to accept it if it does not include guarantees for a comprehensive ceasefire in Gaza and to stop all Israeli and US attacks on Iranian targets or those belonging to Iran's allies in the Axis of Resistance.

The source revealed that the Iranians had also previously received a verbal Israeli proposal via a Gulf state. In the proposal, Tel Aviv claimed it was ready to stop operations against Iranian targets in Syria and Lebanon in exchange for Tehran abandoning retaliation for the killing of Zahedi, whose killing was considered the most significant blow to Iran since the assassination of Qassem Soleimani.

According to the source, the Iranian Foreign Ministry responded to the Israeli message by saying that the proposal must also include a ceasefire in Gaza.

However, some IRGC leaders were unhappy with the foreign ministry's response, viewing the Israeli proposal as a trap. The IRGC leaders argued that any negotiations with Israel must take place only after Iran has retaliated.

The source stated that IRGC commanders believe that Israel's targeting of the Iranian consulate is an opportunity that should not be missed to strike a strong blow at Israel, especially since the consular building in Damascus is considered sovereign Iranian territory and was targeted in a clear violation of international law.

The source said that the IRGC leadership believes Washington will not enter a war with Iran even if it retaliates against Israel. They also consider that an adequately harsh strike against Israel will compel it to accept a ceasefire in Gaza and abandon any plans to invade Lebanon or escalate its bombing in Syria.

Western government continue to lose credibility

Despite the fact that the attack on Iran’s diplomatic mission in Syria violated global treaties including the Vienna Conventions regulating diplomatic and consular relations and the immunities of diplomats and headquarters (1961, 1963, 1969) and the Rome Statute, US government and its Western allies did not explicitly condemn the attack. Instead, they called on Iran to exert “self-restraint.” 

On Thursday, the German Foreign Ministry called, through a statement, on all parties in the Middle East to calm down, exercise restraint, and act responsibly, following a call by Minister Annalena Baerbock who discussed the matter with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian.

On Thursday, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron warned of “expanding conflicts”. During a phone call with his Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, according to a statement by the Iranian Foreign Ministry that was reported by local media outlets, including the private “Tasnim” agency.

According to the agency, the Iranian Foreign Ministry quoted Cameron as saying that he asked Iran to exercise restraint, and said that “lack of restraint on the part of the parties could lead to further expansion of conflicts in the region.”

Regional powers on the other hand voiced condemnation, directly accusing Israel of violating international norms.

Turkey denounced, in a Foreign Ministry statement, the bombing and considered it a violation of international law, warning that the attack may lead to an exacerbation of the conflict in the region.

Saudi Arabia also condemned the targeting in a Foreign Ministry statement, expressing its “categorical rejection of targeting diplomatic facilities for any justification, and under any pretext.”

In a brief Foreign Ministry statement, the UAE condemned “the targeting of the Iranian diplomatic mission in the Syrian capital, Damascus,” without any additional comment.

Qatar also condemned, in a Foreign Ministry statement, the attack, and considered it “a blatant violation of international agreements and conventions,” stressing “its complete rejection of targeting diplomatic and consular missions and the necessity of providing protection for their employees in accordance with the rules of international law.”

Egypt said, in a statement to the Foreign Ministry, “We categorically reject the attack on diplomatic facilities under any justification, and we stand in solidarity with Syria in respecting its sovereignty and the integrity of its lands and people.”

Kuwait also considered, in a Foreign Ministry statement, the attack a “flagrant assault,” renewing its call on “the international community and the Security Council to assume its responsibilities towards taking the necessary measures and exerting the necessary efforts to preserve the safety and stability of the countries of the region and reduce tension and escalation.”

In a statement condemning the attack, the Omani Foreign Ministry stressed “the need to stop the escalation in the region and reject aggression and other actions that threaten security and stability,” expressing condolences to the families of the victims and wishing a speedy recovery to the injured.

Iraq also confirmed in a Foreign Ministry statement that the attack “represents a clear and flagrant violation of international law and Syrian sovereignty,” warning that “the expansion of the cycle of violence in the region will lead to more chaos and instability.”

China and Russia, on the other hand, took advantage of Western reluctance to denounce the flouting of international law

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that his country strongly condemns the Israeli attack and stresses that the security of diplomatic institutions cannot be violated. He stressed in a press conference in Beijing that “China opposes any actions that lead to escalation of tensions in the Middle East region.”
The Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday strongly condemned the Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate building in the Syrian capital Damascus earlier in the day, denouncing the action as "unacceptable."
"We consider any attacks on diplomatic and consular facilities, the inviolability of which is guaranteed by the relevant Vienna Conventions, to be categorically unacceptable," the ministry said in a statement.
Noting that the attack was carried out in a densely populated metropolitan area with a high risk of mass civilian casualties, the ministry said such "aggressive" actions by Israel are "absolutely unacceptable and must be stopped."


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Russia reacts to US plans for building a port in Gaza: Dancing on bones, fake projects, and making fun of people

    Wednesday, March 13, 2024   No comments

On Wednesday, Russia described US plans to build a temporary seaport on the Gaza coast to provide humanitarian aid to the Strip as “dancing on the bones and fictitious projects that need peace first.”

Regarding the seriousness of the United States’ initiative to build a temporary port in a war zone, Russian FM spokesperson Maria Zakharova said during press briefing in Moscow, that this amounts to “dancing on the bones and mocking people.”

She added: "When civilians die there every day, we need to talk about their fates, not about some imaginary future projects that first and foremost need peace to implement."

She referred to the United States’ reluctance to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, saying: “When a country, and I am talking now about the United States, does not want to formulate a call for a ceasefire, how can we deal with initiatives to build civilian infrastructure where they do not want a ceasefire?” fire".

US President Joe Biden announced that he had instructed the army to establish a temporary port near the coast of Gaza, indicating that more humanitarian aid would enter Gaza by sea through the port without American soldiers setting foot on the territory of the Strip.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Iran Summons Russian Envoy Over Statement on Disputed Gulf Islands

    Sunday, December 24, 2023   No comments

Those familair with Iranian culture would say that Iran's leaders do not do "ta`aruf" when it comes to their sovereignty. That is, “no kidding allowed” on the matter. In a move similar to its reaction to China putting its name on an Arab-Chinese joint statement when the Chinese president visit the Gulf region, Iran foreign ministry summoned the Russian diplomat to protest a similar event that took place in Morocco earlier this month. 

Iran has summoned the Russian chargé d'affaires to Tehran in protest at a recent statement issued by Russia and several Arab countries on Iran’s three Persian Gulf islands of Abu Musa, the Greater Tunb, and the Lesser Tunb.

The Russian diplomat was summoned by the assistant to the Iranian Foreign Ministry's director general for the Persian Gulf affairs on Saturday.

The development came after the final statement of the 6th Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum, which was held in Morocco on December 20, reiterated the United Arab Emirates' baseless claims about the three Iranian islands.

Iran has summoned Russia's envoy to protest a recent statement by Moscow and Arab countries calling for talks over three islands controlled by Tehran but claimed by the United Arab Emirates.

The summoning of Moscow's charge d'affaires came days after Iran's key ally Russia signed a joint declaration with Arab countries which "supported peaceful solutions and initiatives" to resolve the dispute over the islands.

Iran's foreign ministry said on Saturday it summoned Moscow's charge d'affaires in Tehran, in the absence of its ambassador, to submit a "note of protest" on the contents of the joint statement.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran considers any claim from any side in this regard as rejected and unacceptable," Iran's foreign ministry said in a statement.

Iran's top diplomat Hossein Amir-Abdollahian also called the islands "an integral part of Iran's territorial integrity" in a phone call with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Friday.

"Tehran will not compromise with any side on the issue of respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty," he added.

Iran in July summoned the Russian ambassador to protest a similar joint statement signed by Moscow and Arab countries on the islands.

Located in the Gulf, the three strategic islands of Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa are located near the Strait of Hormuz, through which a fifth of world oil output passes.


Friday, September 01, 2023

Days before a meeting between Putin and Erdogan in Sochi, Russia starts delivering grain to 6 African countries without charge

    Friday, September 01, 2023   No comments

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced the start of work to deliver grain to 6 African countries free of charge. This comes after a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan in the capital, Moscow, on Thursday, to discuss President Vladimir Putin's initiative to export one million tons of grain to poor countries.

Lavrov added - in a speech at the Moscow Institute of International Relations today - that work on the supply of grain to 6 African countries has already begun, explaining that Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic, Eritrea, Mali, Somalia and Zimbabwe will receive 50,000 tons of grain for free in the coming months.

"You will also pay the relevant expenses," the Russian foreign minister added.

Putin announced on July 27 that his country would provide grain free of charge to 6 African countries within 3 or 4 months, after Moscow suspended work on the grain transportation agreement with Ukraine across the Black Sea.

Lavrov discussed with his Turkish counterpart - during talks that took place between them in Moscow yesterday - Putin's initiative to export one million tons of grain to Turkey for later transfer, with the participation of Qatar, to poor countries.

Moscow withdrew in July from this important agreement for global food supplies, and criticized in particular the obstruction of its grain exports due to Western sanctions.

"We reiterated our conviction that the resumption of the agreement will allow for the restoration of stability," Fidan said during a press conference with his Russian counterpart.

He added that the grain deal is of vital importance to global food security, considering that a package of proposals prepared in cooperation with the United Nations constitutes an appropriate basis for resuming the initiative.

For his part, Lavrov demanded guarantees from the West that his country would also be allowed to export grain and fertilizer without hindrance. Moscow will be ready to return the grain deal, which it withdrew from in mid-July.

It is noteworthy that dozens of commercial ships have been stuck in the ports of Ukraine on the Black Sea since the start of Russia's war on this country on February 24, 2022, and some ships carrying grain were allowed to cross, according to an agreement mediated by Ankara and the United Nations, but Moscow suspended it in mid-July.

The meeting between Ministers Lavrov and Fidan aims to prepare for a meeting between Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi the day after tomorrow, according to the Kremlin today.

Saudi Arabia informed us that the Jeddah meeting was held to convince everyone of the futility of negotiations without Moscow, and there will be no joint G20 declaration that does not express our position and the roadmap for normalizing Syrian-Turkish relations under study. ~ Lavrov 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that Saudi Arabia had notified Russia that the Jeddah meeting was held to convince everyone of the futility of negotiations without Moscow.

Lavrov said in this regard: “Our Saudi friends told us that they want to host another meeting in this way in Jeddah,” adding that this is done only in order to convey an idea to the Western participants and Ukraine itself that any discussions are completely hopeless without the participation of Russia.

Lavrov added, during a speech he delivered to students and faculty at the Russian Diplomatic University, on the occasion of the start of the academic year: “Moscow has learned of the appeal made to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Anthony Guterres, to send his representatives to online working group meetings on the “peace formula” that he put forward. Vladimir Zelensky".

In this context, Lavrov stressed that this is unacceptable, saying: “I saw Mr. Guterres in Johannesburg, on the sidelines of the BRICS summit, and I frankly told him that this violates all the principles of the secretariat’s work, because according to the Charter, it should be neutral and should not be To receive instructions from any government.”

Lavrov said that the draft roadmap for the normalization of Syrian-Turkish relations is under study, and that contacts are under way to reach a generally acceptable situation.

Lavrov added, in a speech he delivered at the Moscow Institute of International Relations on the occasion of the start of the academic year in Russia, “We handed over the draft road map on the normalization of Syrian-Turkish relations to all our colleagues in June of this year. It is now under study, and contacts are underway regarding it.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan yesterday in Moscow, where they held discussions on a number of issues, including the resumption of the grain deal, bilateral relations, the Syrian file and the Ukrainian crisis.

It is worth noting that, in December of last year, Russia hosted the first talks in 11 years between the defense ministers of Turkey and Syria, and last May it hosted a quartet meeting that included the foreign ministers of Syria, Turkey, Iran and Russia, in an effort to remove the differences between Damascus and Ankara.

On the other hand, he announced, today, Friday, that his country will not agree to adopt the declaration of the “G20” summit unless it reflects Russia’s position on global crises.

Lavrov pointed out that "the West raises the issue of Ukraine in every event of the G20, although the role of the G20 is initially supposed to make decisions regarding the stability of global financial and economic processes."

Lavrov said, speaking at the Moscow State University of International Relations, on the occasion of the start of the new academic year: “If you have decided to rewrite the powers of the “twenty”, and you want to deal with international crises, then we have presented our document that lists the conflicts that still exist and their roots are linked to the wars that they sparked. The West, if they really want to, let us discuss everything, but this would duplicate the work of the United Nations and undermine the original role of the G20.

Lavrov stressed, by saying: "In any case, there will be no joint declaration in the name of all members that does not express our position, there will be no such declaration."

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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Days after Iranian officials unveiled new weapons systems, Military officials visit Russia

    Wednesday, August 23, 2023   No comments

Ten years ago, Russia cancelled many deals with Iran to honor Western sanctions on Iran. Today, Russia is more eager than Iran to expand military cooperation. These are signs of dramatic changes around the world not all of the consequences of which will be experienced immediately, but will change the world in the long run.

Russian Deputy Defense Minister of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Fomin meets with Commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Forces Kioumars Heydari


Today, on 23 August 2023, Russian Deputy Defense Minister of the Russian Federation Colonel General Aleksandr Fomin has met with Commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Forces Brigadier General Kioumars Heydari.


The sides discussed bilateral military and military-technical cooperation.

 They also exchanged views on bilateral security issues and reaffirmed their commitment to deepening dialogue and increasing the level of development of contacts in the defense sphere. 

Iranian Deputy Defense Minister Brigadier General Reza Talaei Nik pointed to the increase in Iran's exports of military weapons to other countries, and said that Iran was an importer of military weapons, but now it is among the 10 largest countries in the world in defense industries.

In a statement to the Defense Industries Day on August 22, a spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Defense explained, “Before the revolution, 90% of our weapons and equipment were imported and we were dependent on several major countries, but now more than 90% of the weapons are more advanced than they were.” In the past, it was made in Iran. And 90% of dependence on the outside turned into 90% of self-reliance.

He added: We have now been able to achieve great leaps in the industry despite the sanctions, and he said, 80 defense systems are being produced by local defense industries.

He continued: Before the revolution, we had 31 local military products, but now more than 80 defense systems are produced by local defense industries, and each defense system has sub-systems.

He referred to the ability to export military equipment to other countries, and said: We were once the main importer of military products, but in the past year, the export of military products tripled, and more than 28 talks and visits were held by foreign delegations.

He said: Although these countries are not involved in any war, they buy because they are likely to be threatened and believe that the most advanced weapons are available to certain countries, and Iran is among the top ten countries in the world in defense industries.

He continued: We are heading towards producing hypersonic cruise missiles, and this step is very new and will increase our operational and defensive strength.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Media Review, BILD: Russia, Türkiye and Qatar are preparing a new agreement to replace the grain deal

    Friday, August 18, 2023   No comments

 Russia, Türkiye and Qatar are preparing a new agreement to replace the grain deal, BILD,  reports.

The media leaked memos between the Foreign Ministry and the embassies of Russia and Turkey from July 21 to August 8.

The letters say the Kremlin informed Erdogan in advance of its withdrawal from the grain deal. The new agreement considers the supply of Russian grain to poor countries, mainly Africa. Türkiye will act as an organizer, Qatar as a sponsor of supplies.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan asks Russia to resume the previous grain deal, so that grain is also supplied from Ukraine. Ankara also proposes to act under the auspices of the UN.

The deal is expected to close this weekend in Budapest. It is reported that the head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov is flying to Budapest, where Erdogan is also going.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

A senior official in “NATO”: Ukraine can join the alliance if it cedes part of its territory to Russia, and Medvedev, Kiyv respond

    Wednesday, August 16, 2023   No comments

 The Director of the Office of the Secretary General of NATO, Stian Jensen, said today, Tuesday, that “Ukraine can obtain membership in the alliance in return for ceding part of its territory to Russia.”

"I think that one of the solutions that enables Ukraine to obtain membership in NATO is to give up parts of it," the Norwegian newspaper "Verdens Gang" quoted Jensen as saying.

In response to a question by the newspaper whether the alliance believes that Ukraine should cede territories in order to achieve peace with Russia and NATO membership in the future, Jensen indicated that "a discussion of a possible post-conflict situation is already underway."

He explained that the issue of transferring regions to Russia had been raised, adding, "I am not saying that this will be the case, but it is likely to be a possible solution."

In response to the statements, Ukraine ruled out the idea of ceding any part of its territory to Russia in return for joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Mykhailo Podolyak, Ukraine's presidential advisor, described on Twitter the idea of his country ceding territory in return for joining NATO as "ridiculous".

Exchanging territory for membership, Podolyak said, means "choosing to defeat democracy, encouraging a global criminal, preserving Russian order, destroying international law, and passing on war to other generations."

He explained that anything other than a "crushing defeat" for Russian President Vladimir Putin would open Russia's "appetite for more," according to the Kyiv Independent newspaper.

It is noteworthy that since 2014, Ukraine has abandoned the status of a neutral country, and has set its course towards the European Union and NATO.

During the last “NATO” summit held last month, the alliance countries agreed on a multi-year support package for Ukraine, consisting of 3 points that include an assistance plan to bring the Ukrainian Armed Forces into line with NATO standards, the establishment of the “Ukraine-NATO” Council and confirmation of Ukraine’s right to join Swearing without prior implementation of the steps to achieve membership.

At the same time, no time frame has been set for Ukraine's entry into the alliance, which Kiev has insisted on, as well as the conditions that must be met in order to receive an official invitation to join the alliance.

Medvedev comments on a "new idea" presented by NATO for Ukraine's accession to the alliance and sets Russia's conditions

The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, considered that in order for Ukraine to "enter" NATO, the country's authorities must abandon Kiev itself.

Medvedev said: “A new idea for Ukraine from the NATO office.” Ukraine could join NATO if it gave up the disputed territories. and what? The idea is intriguing. The only question is that all of their claimed lands are highly disputed. To enter, the authorities must forsake Kiev itself, the ancient capital of Russia. They will have to move the capital to Lvov.”

The Director of the Special Office of the Secretary-General of NATO, Stian Jensen, announced that Ukraine could join the alliance in exchange for ceding part of its territory to Russia.

A Translation of Medvedev's statement:

A new idea for Ukraine from the office of the North Atlantic Alliance:

Ukraine can join NATO if it gives up the disputed territories.

And what? The idea is curious. The only question is that all allegedly their territories are highly controversial. And in order to enter the bloc, the Kyiv authorities will have to give up even Kyiv itself, the capital of Ancient Rus'.

Well, they will have to move the capital to Lviv. Unless, of course, the psheks agree to leave Lemberg to lovers of bacon with coke.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Algeria's Lieutenant General Saïd Chanegriha, Chief of Staff of People's National Army, on an official visit to the Russian Federation

    Monday, July 31, 2023   No comments

And the statement of the Ministry of National Defense stated that, "At the invitation of Lieutenant General Sergey Shoigu, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Said Chanegriha, Chief of Staff of the People's National Army, pays an official visit to the Russian Federation, starting today."

"The visit, which falls within the framework of strengthening cooperation between the People's National Army and the Russian Armed Forces, will enable the two parties to discuss issues of common concern," the statement added.

The visit happens as Algeria’s media outlets reported on increased tension with Morocco, which appears to be using its connections to some Western governments to normalize its occupation of Western Sahara.

The Algerian newspaper, Al-Khabar, accused the UAE of supplying Morocco with a new spying system developed by the Israeli company Quadream, intended to penetrate the phones of officials and journalists in ten countries, as it was installed near the Algerian border, in a detailed report published last Thursday titled “Abu Dhabi.” The capital of confusion,” which is an Algerian slang word meaning “sedition.’

Algerian lawmakers comment on regional security matters: Tensions with Morocco are unprecedented, the return of relations is excluded, and Israel's participation in the US-led African Assad maneuver is provocative

Two Algerian parliamentarians said that restoring relations with Morocco is unlikely, and that they are going through a period of intense tension.
According to their talk, the current tensions are unprecedented in the relations between the two countries in recent years, and they are in contrast to the message of reassurance sent by King Mohammed VI in his last Throne Day speech.

Earlier, King Mohammed VI of Morocco called on Algeria to open the borders between the two brotherly neighboring countries and peoples.

This came during a speech by the King of Morocco to his people, on the occasion of Throne Day, which coincides with the twenty-fourth anniversary of his accession to the throne.

The King of Morocco said, “Our work to serve our people is not limited only to internal issues, but we are also keen to establish strong relations with brotherly and friendly countries, especially neighboring countries, according to a statement that Sputnik obtained a copy of.

"In recent months, many people have been asking about the relations between Morocco and Algeria, which are stable, and we look forward to them being better," he added.

Commenting on what was stated in King Mohammed VI's speech on Algeria, the Algerian parliamentarian, Moussa Kharfi, says that restoring relations with Morocco at the present time is not possible.
Kharfi explained, in his interview with “Sputnik”, that the matter is mainly related to relations between Morocco and Israel, as well as the issue of the Sahara.

Pointing out that the failure to settle the Sahara issue excludes the restoration of relations with him.
The Algerian parliamentarian, Riz
kani Suleiman, says that the relations between the two countries are currently farther than ever from the dialogue table.

Adding: “The statements of King Mohammed VI contradict the reality of relations between the two countries, as tension prevails in relations, which the Algerian president described four months ago as having reached the point of no return.”

And he continued, in his interview with “Sputnik”, that the prevailing tension in relations comes against the backdrop of what he describes as “provocations regarding the Sahara issue, as well as with regard to normalization with Israel.”

He believes that Israel's participation in the African Assad maneuver, led by the United States, came within the framework of provocations on the part of Morocco.

And he went on to say, “Algeria severed its relations with Morocco two years ago and prevented Moroccan airlines from passing through Algerian airspace as a response to the amount of evil that it received from Morocco.”

And he added, "Certainly no one benefits from the situation, and we all hope for a better reality for relations, especially for the common denominators that bring the two peoples together."

Earlier, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said that severing relations with Morocco was an alternative to war.

On August 24, 2021, Algeria severed its relations with Morocco, after closing the borders between the two countries since 1994 after the “Atlas Asni” hotel bombings in Marrakech, when the late King Hassan II imposed a visa on Algerians to enter the country, which prompted Algeria at the time to close the land borders. Between the two countries, this tension was also perpetuated by the severing of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Africa's new and perennial challenges

The African continent is a state of flux as it seeks to adjust to the new multipolar world order. 

Many African leaders attended the Russia-Africa Summit hosted by Putin in Russia this week. This week also saw another military takeover of the government, the removal of the president of Niger.

Algeria will support Niger in case of external military aggression, according to the Algerian publication Intel Kirby.

They reported on the potential invasion of Niger under the leadership of ECOWAS, stating that Algeria will not remain idle while its neighboring country faces an invasion.

There were already unconfirmed reports that the Algerian army has started increasing security measures and raising its level of readiness on the border with Niger.

Friday, July 28, 2023

The Russia-Africa Summit adopts a joint action plan for 3 years

    Friday, July 28, 2023   No comments

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced today, Friday, that the participants in the Russia-Africa summit agreed to declare the second summit and adopted a joint action plan until 2026.

President Putin affirmed that "African leaders have expressed their political desire to cooperate with Russia," stressing that Russia and Africa are united on the formation of a just and multipolar world order based on the principles of international law.

Putin said that Russia had agreed with African countries to work in the United Nations Security Council on easing sanctions against African countries.

Russia and Africa agreed to increase trade in quality and quantity, as well as the use of national currencies in commercial transactions, according to the Russian president.

Putin pointed out that Russian companies are open to transferring technology in public administration and the banking sector to African countries.

He also stressed that Russia will continue to supply African countries with grain, whether on a commercial or free basis.

Today, Putin announced that Russia will allocate an additional $90 million to African countries for debt relief, revealing that about $23 billion of African debt owed by Russia has been written off so far.

Moscow held the second Russia-Africa Summit, in addition to the Russian-African Economic Forum, from July 27-28, in the Russian city of St. Petersburg.

The Russia-Africa summit is the main and largest event in Russian-African relations. It aims to achieve "a qualitatively new level of mutually beneficial partnership that meets the challenges of the twenty-first century."

This event calls for "strengthening comprehensive and equal cooperation between Russia and African countries in all its political, security, economic, scientific, technical, cultural and humanitarian dimensions," according to its organizers.

The economic forum held within the framework of the second Russian-African summit is a unique event in Russia's relations with the countries of the African continent, and aims to diversify the forms and areas of Russian-African cooperation, as well as determine the development of these relations in the long term.

It is worth noting that the first Russian-African summit was held in October 2019 in the Russian city of Sochi.

In February, the Wall Street Journal reported that, “With Russia cut off from the European market, North African countries have moved on to become voracious buyers of Russian diesel and other refined oil products.”

The ambassador of special missions in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and head of the secretariat of the Russian-African Partnership Forum, Oleg Azorov, had previously stated that his country has many opportunities in the field of oil and gas to develop relations with Africa.

The ambassador for special missions in the Russian Foreign Ministry expressed Moscow's gratitude to African countries for their balanced policy towards Russia.

Azorov had stated that his country is negotiating with many African countries regarding the conversion of trade into national currencies, describing it as a "complex process", which requires decision-making by both the Russian and African regulatory authorities.

It should be noted that the second Russian-African summit will be held today and tomorrow in Petersburg.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's advisor on diplomatic affairs, Yuri Ushakov, said that the Russian president will deliver an "important speech" during the summit in which he presents his vision of Russian-African relations and "the formation of a new world order."

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Putin reveals Russia's goals with African countries: We will develop cooperation and work together to solve poverty and food security problems

    Wednesday, July 26, 2023   No comments

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that his country seeks to enhance cooperation with Africa, which he described as one of the poles in a crystallized multipolar world, ahead of the start of the Russian-African summit in St. Petersburg tomorrow, Thursday.

In a welcoming speech to the participants in the "Russia-Africa" Economic and Humanitarian Forum, to be held Thursday and Friday, Putin said that cooperation with African countries has reached a new level in recent years.

He added that Russia intends to develop this cooperation to stimulate trade and investment, and work to solve urgent problems in Africa, such as combating poverty, ensuring food security and confronting climate change.

"We will continue to assist African partners in every possible way in strengthening the national and cultural sovereignty of their countries, and developing their participation in resolving regional and international issues," he said.

Putin said that Africa "has become today one of the poles of the crystallized multipolar world," stressing that his country supports the aspirations of African countries towards social and economic stability and progress.

This is the second Russian-African summit after the first held in Sochi in 2019.

In light of the isolation that Western countries have sought to impose on the Russian president since the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, lines of communication remained open between Moscow and several parties such as Beijing and Tehran, and Russia has strengthened its presence in Africa over the past years through grain exports, armament deals and energy cooperation.

In a sign of Moscow's growing interest in Africa, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has visited the continent twice since the beginning of the year, seeking to bring the two sides closer in the face of Western "imperialism".

Earlier this week, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov accused the US, France, and other Western countries of coercing African nations to not attend the Russia–Africa Summit scheduled to take place on July 27-28 in St. Petersburg.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Is NATO expansion a cause for the war in Ukraine?

    Monday, July 17, 2023   No comments

Prof. Robert G. Rabil and attorney Francois Alam wrote a provocative essay to underscore the danger of ignoring Russia's legitimate national security interests. They concluded that "gripped by a false sense of morality enveloped in hubris and Machiavellian calculations, Washington risks taking the world over the precipice of the abyss. This must be prevented." 

The writers see that after America pledged to the Soviet Union that NATO would not approach its borders in 1990, we see that in 1997 NATO called on Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic to join the alliance at the Madrid summit. In a second round in 2004, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia became members of NATO. Then came the US position on the Rose, Orange and Square revolutions in Georgia, in the years 2003, 2004 and 2014, to put Washington and Moscow in violent confrontation.

The authors also believe that, in order to clarify Moscow's position in the current war in Ukraine, it is useful to look at history. The Donbass region has been part of the formation of Russia since Moscow defeated the Mongols in the 15th century. Crimea and its vicinity also had a special place to highlight the power of the tsarist empire. As for Peter the Great, he was the first to establish a Russian naval base on the Sea of Azov. During the reign of Catherine the Great, Moscow established its strategic naval base in Sevastopol, which served as the main base for the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

The authors considered that America's insistence on ensuring the victory of Ukraine, and considering America's security and stability as part of the security and stability of Ukraine, as well as providing Kiev with the most dangerous conventional weapons, is nothing but an open invitation to World War III and the mutual destruction of the West and Eurasia, and ignoring the fact that NATO's expansion to the east means besieging Russia in its heartland. And ignoring the attempts of the Russian leadership to dissuade the West from its plan.

The authors conclude by saying that supporting Ukraine's victory in such a blatant way is a great incentive for World War III. They stress that the Americans must stop this madness, and the coalition must realize that the way to peace is not through weapons.

The article is linked here: Americans Must Stop the March to World War III over Ukraine

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

After cancelling a scheduled visit to France, the Algerian President goes to Russia on an official visit

    Wednesday, June 14, 2023   No comments

On Tuesday, the Algerian Presidency website announced that President Abdelmadjid Tebboune will visit Russia for 3 days, at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

And the official website of the Algerian presidency wrote, “At the invitation of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, embarks today on a three-day visit to Russia, within the framework of strengthening cooperation between the two friendly countries.”

  During this visit, President Tebboune will participate in the work of the International Economic Forum, in the Russian city of St. Petersburg.

It is worth mentioning that the President of the Federal Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia, Valentina Matviyenko, confirmed, last March, Moscow's support for Algeria's desire to join the "BRICS" group.

Valentina Matviyenko said, in media statements, after meeting with the President of the Republic of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, that she had conveyed to him an official message from President Vladimir Putin, which included an official invitation to visit Russia.

It is noteworthy that the former Algerian Foreign Minister, Ramtane Lamamra, had declared that "Algeria and Russia are important partners."

And Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced, during a visit to Algeria, that Algeria and Moscow are now convinced that "a strategic cooperation agreement must be signed."

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Ahmed's Chechen special forces fighting in Ukraine alongside Russia: Origins, Development, and mission

    Saturday, June 10, 2023   No comments

Chechen forces consisting of 4 battalions, named "Ahmad's forces" after the Chechen leader Akhmad Kadyrov, numbering 10,000 and carrying out several attacks in Ukrainian cities. They are considered semi-affiliated to the Russian army, although they include volunteers from outside the army.

On June 26, 2022, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov announced his intention to form 4 special Chechen military battalions, and declared their subordination to the Chechen Ministry of Defense.

It is 4 battalions (Ahmed North, Ahmed South, Ahmed East, and Ahmed West). He added that these battalions will include huge numbers of Chechen fighters exclusively, and they will join the ranks of the Russian Ministry of Defense forces.

The Chechen president gave the four battalions the name of his father Ahmed, also known as the "Akhmat" forces in a special symbolism for him, and a motivator for the Chechen soldiers, especially since Akhmad Kadyrov is considered a patriotic leader in Chechnya.

The Ukrainian media believes that Ahmed's special forces are "terrifying", as they are the only forces from outside Russia and Ukraine that participate directly in the war, while the rest of the countries other than Chechnya are satisfied with providing logistical support, especially the European countries that support Ukraine.

Ahmed's Chechen Special Forces were formed to support Russia in its war on Ukraine, and it consists of 10 thousand soldiers, and it represents part of the Chechen army, as it is headed by General Apti Alaudinov.

The brigades are armed with the latest and most powerful Russian weapons, as some newspapers indicated that they have Russian tanks and vehicles.

All Chechen Ahmed forces' vehicles bear the letter "Z" in English, which is the emblem of support for the Russian forces in Ukraine.

The "Ahmed Forces" brigades have rituals and traditions that they are keen on before all the operations that they carry out, including that a muezzin calls the call to prayer among the members, and they perform what they call the "conquest prayer" and then enter the Ukrainian cities to "liberate" them from what Ramzan Kadyrov calls "neo-Nazis."

One of the rituals of the "Ahmed Brigades" is also the takbeer, and it is a firm tradition for it, and it has a special song entitled "Akhmat Sila", whose words glorify the strength of the "Caucasus" fighters, and praise the "knights" and are proud of their cooperation and brotherhood.

On May 7, 2023, the founder of the Russian Wagner Forces, Yevgeny Prigozhin, announced his readiness to hand over the sites in the city of Artyomovsk to Ahmed's Chechen forces.

On February 13, 2023, the Chechen president announced the attempted poisoning of his aide and commander of Ahmed's special forces, Alaudinov.

And this was after Alaeddinov received, on the eighth of February, an envelope containing a letter, which later turned out to be saturated with a toxic substance.

In March, the commander of Ahmed's special forces said he had "not fully recovered yet, because it takes a long time."

In June 2023, Kadyrov announced that Akhmed's special forces were preparing to launch a new offensive in Donetsk.

He also added on his Telegram channel, "A regiment has been appointed under my command, and two other regiments, in preparation for active offensive actions," and emphasized the efficiency of Ahmed's special forces, and their ability to perform any task assigned to them.

On the part of the commander of the forces, General Alaudinov said, "If we are transferred to the Donetsk direction, I guarantee that the (Ahmed) special forces will do everything for the liberation of the Donetsk People's Republic."


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