Showing posts with label Islamism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamism. Show all posts

Monday, August 29, 2022

Muqtada al-Sadr's attempts to form a goverment to his liking reached a deaded so he decided to retire from politics; What are the reasons that prompted Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr to retire now?

    Monday, August 29, 2022   No comments

After many tweets announcing steps to force his will and dissolve the parliament in favor of another elections, Muqtada al-Sadr abruptly quits politics and attacks a senior religious scholar.

Muqtada al-Sadr paved the way for his sudden decision, after many tweets, to protest against the political process, combat corruption, and call for demonstrations and sit-ins.

It is important to note that al-Sadr retired from politics, but did not call on his supporters to end their sit-ins and return to their homes.

Muqtada al-Sadr's supporters, after hearing about his decision to retire, went to the Republican Palace and there were attempts to storm it.

His quitting like this is akin to starting a fire and leaving it to someone else to put it out. For this is not the first time that al-Sadr has brandished the weapons of the street in the face of his opponents. Today's storming of the Republican Palace was preceded by a lightning storming of Parliament, in the past few days. His retirement today comes, in what appears to be an attempt to evade responsibility for what matters may develop into, despite Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi's pleas for him to "help in calling on the demonstrators to withdraw from government institutions."

The head of the Regional Center for Studies, Ali Al-Saheb Al-Iraqi, confirmed that Muqtada Al-Sadr's decision may have come as a result of political pressures, heavy balances, and many accusations, especially after the al-Hairi reference stated that he would withdraw from the religious leadership (marja`iyya).

Ali Al-Saheb Al-Iraqi stressed that the security services are expected to intervene to restore calm and stability, and perhaps Mr. Al-Sadr will return to his audience if he feels that this audience is starting to escalate, and it is not excluded that there are parties or people pushing the Sadrist movement to escalate.

Ali al-Saheb al-Iraqi explained that the judiciary is expected to issue a decision to return members of the Sadrist movement to parliament.

According to Iraqi sources, the head of the Sadrist movement in Iraq, Muqtada al-Sadr, announced his final retirement and the closure of institutions, except for the Holy Shrine and the Noble Museum.

Mr. Al-Sadr's office issued a decree prohibiting any activity in the name of the Sadrist movement, as well as the raising of slogans, media, political chants and others in the name of the Sadrist movement.

Al-Sadr's office also banned the use of media, including social media platforms, in the name of the Sadrist movement.

In a tweet, Sadr seems to respond directly to al-Hairi, accusing him of being untruthful about the reasons behind his actions.

The religious authority, Ayatollah Sayyid Kazem Al-Haeri, issued a statement, announcing that he would not serve in the marja`iyya because of illness and advancing age, and decided to drop all agencies and permissions issued by him or by his offices and not to receive any legal rights from his agents and representatives on his behalf as of the date of this announcement .

Below is the text of the statement:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praise be to God by the weight of His Throne and the ink of His words, and what His Book has enumerated and His knowledge encompasses. And prayers and peace be upon the Prophet of God, who was sent as a mercy to the worlds, Muhammad bin Abdullah, and his pure family.

God Almighty said in the text of His Book: “God does not burden a soul beyond its capacity” Surah Al-Baqarah: verse: 286. Believe God Almighty.

There is no doubt that one of the most important responsibilities and the greatest trusts in the era of the absence of the Imam Al-Hujjah (may God Almighty hasten his reappearance) is that the jurists who gather the conditions of the nation’s affairs and protect its interests in general and in particular, through issuing fatwas and clarifying the legal rulings, and giving instructions and directives, and everything that would preserve its entity, its dignity and its dignity. risks reported.

And after God Almighty enabled me to be a student at the hands of my teacher, the Great Ayatollah, the martyred master Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr (may God be pleased with him), I assumed this responsibility and did my best to achieve the goals for which he was martyred, to the extent of my ability, and to sponsor Islamic work in the Iraq of Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) and support authentic Islam. And protecting the believers, especially the Iraqi society, from the machinations of foreign colonizers.

It is clear that among the necessities of carrying out this great responsibility is the availability of physical health and the ability to follow the affairs of the nation, but today, when my health and physical strength are deteriorating due to illness and advancing age, I feel that it prevents me from performing the duties placed on my shoulders - as I used to perform them before - In a manner that does not achieve perfection and satisfaction, therefore, I declare not to continue to address this heavy and great responsibility, to drop all agencies and permissions issued by us or by our offices, and not to receive any legitimate rights by our agents and representatives on our behalf as of the date of this announcement.

I must have some last words to recommend to my faithful children:

First: All believers must obey the leader, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei (may his shadow be long), for His Eminence is the best and most qualified to lead the nation and manage the struggle with the forces of oppression and arrogance in these circumstances in which the forces of infidelity and evil have fought against the original Muhammadan Islam.

Second: I advise my children in our beloved Iraq to do the following:

A- Preserving unity and harmony among them and not making room for colonialism, Zionism and their agents by igniting the fire of sedition and strife among believers, and knowing that their common enemy is America, Zionism and their cowards, so let them be tough against the infidels and merciful among them.

B - The liberation of Iraq from any foreign occupation and from any presence of any security or military force, especially the American forces that perched on the chest of our wounded Iraq under various pretexts, and not allowing them to remain in Iraq, the country of sacred things, and that keeping them is one of the greatest prohibitions in God Almighty, as we have clarified. in previous data.

C- I call upon those who stand up to positions and responsibilities to carry out their legitimate functions that they pledged to the people to fulfill, and to stay away from narrow personal and factional interests, which have inflicted calamities on the oppressed Iraqi people. This is security for them, pride for the people, and stability for the country.

D- Scholars, religious seminary students, cultural elites, and conscious and sincere writers should work to educate the people, so that they can distinguish between enemy and friend and realize the reality of their interests and so that they will not be overlooked and belittled and disobeyed from them in what they do not know and do not benefit them, and so that they become acquainted with the machinations and conspiracies of the enemies, or their origins. At least they do not fall prey to their malicious and misguided goals.

E- The sons of the two martyrs (may God sanctify their secret) must know that the love of the two martyrs is not sufficient unless faith is combined with their approach to righteous work and true adherence to their goals for which they sacrificed themselves. (May God be pleased with them both), or he addresses the leadership in their name while he lacks ijtihad or the rest of the conditions required for legal leadership, then he is - in fact - not a Sadrist, no matter what he claims or affiliation with.

F- I recommend to all believers in our holy mobilization that it must be supported and supported as an independent force that is not integrated into all other forces, for it is the fortified fortress, the striking hand and the force majeure for those who are stalking the security of the country and the interests of its people alongside the rest of the Iraqi armed forces, as we have repeatedly stated and affirmed.

G- The Baathists, the criminals, the corrupt, and the agents must be kept away from positions and responsibilities in the country, and they should not be empowered in any way. They do not want the best for you, and they only care about their partisan interests and serving their masters from the colonialists, the Zionists and their cowards.


al-Hairi's statement

al-Sadr response to al-Hairi

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Religion and Culture, emerging Chechen Islam': Muslims in Russia bring home an Olive Tree linked to the Prophet Muhammad and produce the first hand-written Quran

    Wednesday, July 27, 2022   No comments

The president of the Republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, visited the Mufti of the Republic, Salah-Khadji Mezhiev. The visit, the president said, "is undertaken when wise guidance is needed. He shares his knowledge with me, gives advice, tells a lot of interesting things about our religion. For me such meetings are very valuable."

He learned that after performing the Hajj, the Mufti visited Jordan for an olive tree sprout, "under which the venerable Prophet Muhammad ï·º rested." Through the efforts of Sheikh Salah-Khadji, "a piece of this beautiful, centuries-old tree is now in our republic. Without any doubt, his work for the benefit of the Muslims of the Chechen Republic is noble and priceless," said Kadyrov.

The Mufti also shared with the president the result of the painstaking work of the renowned Syrian calligrapher of Chechen origin, Shukri Kharacho, who was tasked by the president to create a handwritten Quran, designed in Chechen styles. Shukri Kharacho managed to realize the unique style of Arabic writing and at the same time maintain simplicity for reading. After authority checks and reviews by an independent commission, this work will go into mass printing, the president explained.

Since the end of the war and the election of the first Kadyrov to the presidency, officials have embarked on two-track strategy: economic development and spiritual growth. Both plans involved support from the federal government of Russia. In order to limit influx of youth joining the Wahhabi-Salafi fighters, the leaders realized that they need to provide economic opportunity while redefining Sunni Islam in a way that does not conflict with local customs and historical legacies.

Ten years ago, Ramzan Kadyrov, during a meeting with religious leaders, he stressed the need to match spiritual development to the pace of economic development:

"The republic's economy is developing, cities and villages have been restored, but without a spiritually developed and highly moral society, the republic cannot have a future. Spiritual and moral education should be a priority for you. Therefore, you need to clearly coordinate your work and involve public organizations in it."

The level of growth in both areas is stunning as these images illustrate.


Thursday, June 09, 2022

Chechen leader says his forces have deployed to Ukraine; why and how?

    Thursday, June 09, 2022   No comments

In February, as reported by Reuters, the leader of Russia's Chechnya region and an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin,Ramzan Kadyrov, said that Chechen fighters had been deployed to Ukraine and urged Ukrainians to overthrow their government.

In a video posted online, Kadyrov said that Chechen units had so far suffered no losses and said Russian forces could easily take large Ukrainian cities, including the capital Kyiv, but that their task was to avoid loss of life.

More than 3 months later, the Chechen leader continues and even increased his forces in support of the operation in Ukraine. What turned this rebel republic into a central force in Russia's reach and power?

This video shows the radical transformation of the country, Checheniya, and the role played by its current leadership.


More indepth analyses show a long strategy at work that changed the relationship between Muslims and the Russian leadership, including regional events and global trends.


Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Paper: Turkish government exploring plans to "initiate a dialogue with the Syrian government"

    Tuesday, April 05, 2022   No comments

Erdogan and Assad, archive picture
 The Turkish newspaper, Hurriyet, reported on Monday that the Turkish authorities are currently in discussions to initiate a dialogue with the Syrian government, which would restore relations between the two countries to normal.

The newspaper quoted informed sources as saying that "the policy of balance recently adopted by Turkey, and the role that Ankara has played in recent months, especially toward resolving the war in Ukraine"... makes the current timing good for resolving Turkey's crisis in Syria.

The sources pointed out that Turkey, "in all its contacts with the Syrian administration," emphasizes 3 indispensable things, namely "preserving the unitary structure and the unity of the Syrian territories, and ensuring the security of refugees returning to their country," in addition to "the activity of the Kurdistan Workers' Party."

According to the newspaper, Ankara conveyed these important messages to Damascus, especially before the visit of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to the UAE.

This development is one in many initiated by Erdogan's government to stablaize the economy before the elections. Turkish economy suffered due the the Syrian war, which Erdogan assumed would end fast. That did not. Now the Turkish economy is under stress due the war in Ukraine.

A Reuters poll showed, Monday, that "the annual inflation rate in Turkey is expected to rise to 61.5% in April, and only decrease to 52.2% by the end of the year, due to the country's impact on the crisis in Ukraine and the rise in commodity prices."

The average estimate of 17 institutions for annual inflation in April was 61.5%, with expectations ranging between 58.25% and 62.7%, and the decline of the lira and the rise in food and energy prices pushed inflation in February to its highest level in 20 years, recording 54.4% This is despite tax cuts on basic goods and government support for some electricity bills to ease the burden on household budgets.

Turkey's consumer price index has risen since last fall, with the lira weakening after the central bank in September began the 500 basis point cut cycle that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had long sought.

Economists pointed to "expectations of global consumer price inflation, in the wake of the Russian military operation, with energy prices reaching their highest levels in several years after the West imposed sanctions on Moscow," explaining that "Turkey imports almost all of its energy needs."


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