Showing posts with label Chechnya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chechnya. Show all posts

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Ahmed's Chechen special forces fighting in Ukraine alongside Russia: Origins, Development, and mission

    Saturday, June 10, 2023   No comments

Chechen forces consisting of 4 battalions, named "Ahmad's forces" after the Chechen leader Akhmad Kadyrov, numbering 10,000 and carrying out several attacks in Ukrainian cities. They are considered semi-affiliated to the Russian army, although they include volunteers from outside the army.

On June 26, 2022, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov announced his intention to form 4 special Chechen military battalions, and declared their subordination to the Chechen Ministry of Defense.

It is 4 battalions (Ahmed North, Ahmed South, Ahmed East, and Ahmed West). He added that these battalions will include huge numbers of Chechen fighters exclusively, and they will join the ranks of the Russian Ministry of Defense forces.

The Chechen president gave the four battalions the name of his father Ahmed, also known as the "Akhmat" forces in a special symbolism for him, and a motivator for the Chechen soldiers, especially since Akhmad Kadyrov is considered a patriotic leader in Chechnya.

The Ukrainian media believes that Ahmed's special forces are "terrifying", as they are the only forces from outside Russia and Ukraine that participate directly in the war, while the rest of the countries other than Chechnya are satisfied with providing logistical support, especially the European countries that support Ukraine.

Ahmed's Chechen Special Forces were formed to support Russia in its war on Ukraine, and it consists of 10 thousand soldiers, and it represents part of the Chechen army, as it is headed by General Apti Alaudinov.

The brigades are armed with the latest and most powerful Russian weapons, as some newspapers indicated that they have Russian tanks and vehicles.

All Chechen Ahmed forces' vehicles bear the letter "Z" in English, which is the emblem of support for the Russian forces in Ukraine.

The "Ahmed Forces" brigades have rituals and traditions that they are keen on before all the operations that they carry out, including that a muezzin calls the call to prayer among the members, and they perform what they call the "conquest prayer" and then enter the Ukrainian cities to "liberate" them from what Ramzan Kadyrov calls "neo-Nazis."

One of the rituals of the "Ahmed Brigades" is also the takbeer, and it is a firm tradition for it, and it has a special song entitled "Akhmat Sila", whose words glorify the strength of the "Caucasus" fighters, and praise the "knights" and are proud of their cooperation and brotherhood.

On May 7, 2023, the founder of the Russian Wagner Forces, Yevgeny Prigozhin, announced his readiness to hand over the sites in the city of Artyomovsk to Ahmed's Chechen forces.

On February 13, 2023, the Chechen president announced the attempted poisoning of his aide and commander of Ahmed's special forces, Alaudinov.

And this was after Alaeddinov received, on the eighth of February, an envelope containing a letter, which later turned out to be saturated with a toxic substance.

In March, the commander of Ahmed's special forces said he had "not fully recovered yet, because it takes a long time."

In June 2023, Kadyrov announced that Akhmed's special forces were preparing to launch a new offensive in Donetsk.

He also added on his Telegram channel, "A regiment has been appointed under my command, and two other regiments, in preparation for active offensive actions," and emphasized the efficiency of Ahmed's special forces, and their ability to perform any task assigned to them.

On the part of the commander of the forces, General Alaudinov said, "If we are transferred to the Donetsk direction, I guarantee that the (Ahmed) special forces will do everything for the liberation of the Donetsk People's Republic."

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The president of the Chechen Republic reacts the election results in Turkiye

    Tuesday, May 30, 2023   No comments

The president of the Chechen Republic reacts the election results in Turkiye, posting this statement online:

In the second round of the presidential elections in Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan won, with which our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin congratulated him.


I would like to join in the congratulations and wish the President of Turkey success both in developing his own state and in strengthening long-standing mutually beneficial relations with Russia and other allied countries.


Recep Tayyip Erdogan is undoubtedly one of the brightest politicians of our time, a subtle diplomat who not only successfully leads a huge country with a large population and an impressive army, but also actively advocates for the protection of the rights of Muslims around the world.


I congratulate the politician and the entire Turkish people on their re-election as the President of Turkey, I wish prosperity, peace and stability! I am sure that Ankara will continue the course of bilateral cooperation with Russia. And may the Almighty help us in this!


Saturday, May 06, 2023

Head of Wagner asks Moscow to hand over the sites of his group in Bakhmut to Kadyrov's Chechen forces in protest of the lack of ammunition

    Saturday, May 06, 2023   No comments

The head of the Russian paramilitary Wagner Group announced on Saturday that he had asked Moscow for permission to hand over his group's sites in the city of Bakhmut, the center of the fighting in eastern Ukraine, to the forces of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, in protest of the lack of ammunition.

"I ask you to issue a combat order, before midnight on May 10, to transfer the positions of the Wagner Group to units of the Akhmat battalion in and around Bakhmut," Yevgeny Prigozhin said in a letter addressed to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Meanwhile, Kadyrov issued the following statement introducing the new group of Chechen troops heading to the war zone:

Another group of volunteers left Grozny for the area of the special military operation. All of them firmly decided to contribute to the fight against Ukronat Satanism, realizing that inaction is an unacceptable luxury for the true sons of the Fatherland.

Each of these warriors is fully equipped and trained. Fortunately, the Regional Public Foundation named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, together with the best instructors of the Russian University of Special Forces, took care of this in advance. Real masters of their craft trained volunteers in precisely those skills and abilities that are currently in demand on the battlefield. Thanks to this subtle approach, the effectiveness of fighters increases significantly.

At the Grozny International Airport named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, the volunteers were seen off by dear BROTHERS - Chairman of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic Magomed Daudov, Minister of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic Ruslan Alkhanov and Head of the Grozny Line Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Transport Ali Tagirov. In a parting speech, they wished the fighters success in carrying out combat missions and a speedy return to their homeland as winners.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Zelenskiy uses Islam for war purposes

    Saturday, March 25, 2023   No comments

Zelenskiy uses “Ramadan” and uses the power of “prayer” to help him “cleanse Ukraine” of the evil of the “Russian atheist.” An attempt to evoke the literature of “jihad” and incitement with the weapon of religion.

The Russian-Ukrainian war takes on a religious character in addition to its political, economic, and social dimensions, and this is evident when the Ukrainian president tried to use the month of Ramadan to serve him and his regime, and to tarnish the image of his Russian opponent.

Volodymyr Zelensky wrote on his Twitter account, a controversial tweet, taking advantage of the month of Ramadan, saying:

May the power of prayer in this holy month of Ramadan help us cleanse Ukraine of Russian godless evil, of those who truly believe in nothing, and that is why they are capable of such terror. Let the next Ramadan begin in peace and on the entire Ukrainian land free from Russia.

Zelensky is addressing the Ukrainian Muslim community, which is mainly represented by the Tatars residing in Crimea, which Russia has controlled since 2014, but according to commentators at the same time, he does not explain to the Muslims the reasons why his soldiers set out to burn the Qur’an, nor does he offer an apology or justification for them.

In his use of the description of the “Russian atheist,” Zelensky goes back to the inflammatory literature and descriptions that were used against the “atheist” Soviet Union in Afghanistan and the “jihad” against it, trying to incite Muslims against the current Russian regime, which no longer adopts atheism and communism as an approach, and embraces Muslims and their mosques. (Moscow's Grand Mosque was personally inaugurated by Putin), and he shares their religious events with them. Even the most prominent ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin is the "bearded Muslim" Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov.

Zelensky said in his tweet, which he published with a video clip: “A large part of Ukrainian society are Muslims, and we have the Crimean Tatars who are spending this blessed month in conditions of Russian persecution, and some of them are under other bombings on the fronts,” adding: “Let the month of Ramadan begin in peace and on peace... The entire Ukrainian land free of Russia.”

Activists and tweeters interacted with the Ukrainian president’s “religious” tweet, and some of them considered that the exploitation of religion in wars is no longer as effective as it was, while others found that the Kiev regime is far from caring and caring for Muslims, and a third said that the weapon of religion is imposed, regardless of the party we support.

Meanwhile, Kadyrov, visited with his troops, many of whom just returned from the frontlines in Ukraine, some will be going there soon. Here is his most recent release, a video, showing one of his elite units.


The following statement by Ramzan Kadyrov accompanied the video:

I took part in the ceremonial formation of the personnel of the 94th operational regiment of the 46th OBron of the North Caucasus Oblast of the VNG of Russia. The event was held on the occasion of the appointment of dear BROTHER Khasmagomed Magomadov to the post of unit commander. The corresponding order was signed by the Director of the Russian Guard, General of the Army, respected by us Viktor Zolotov.

I have known Khasmagomed Adikovich for many years. He showed himself excellently both while serving in the law enforcement agencies of the Chechen Republic, and in the zone of the special military operation in Ukraine. Khasmagomed has long proved in practice that he is a true warrior and patriot, for whom the interests of the Motherland are above all else.

Now, I am sure that under his competent and effective leadership, the 94th regiment will become one of the most combat-ready units of the National Guard. We will render full assistance to Khasmagomed in this task.

Being not only the head of the republic, but also the Colonel-General of the Russian Guard, I personally control the supply issues. I know perfectly well how much attention the director of the Federal Service for the National Guard Viktor Vasilyevich Zolotov pays to the issues of providing for the Russian Guards. We are deeply grateful to him for the comprehensive support of the units stationed in the Chechen Republic.

I sincerely congratulate Khasmagomed Magomadov on his appointment to the post of commander of the 94th operational regiment of the 46th OBron SKO VNG of Russia! I wish him good luck in his future service for the benefit of our great Motherland - Russia!

Friday, March 17, 2023

Chechen Republic President explains why his troops are fighting in Ukraine

    Friday, March 17, 2023   No comments

The President of the Chechen Republic has sent troops to Ukraine since the start of the military operation there. He offered many reasons for doing so—from protecting the Russian federation (fatherland), to fighting evil. With the increased number of Chechen and central Asian Muslims joining the “International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine”, the foreign armed group founded by order of the president of Ukraine, the leader of the Muslim republic found it necessary to justify his decision to send troops to fight for Russia to Muslims inside and outside Chechenia. In his most recent statement, Kadyrov showed a video that allegedly show Ukrainian government fighters burning the Quran, to recall the event of burning the Quran in Europe. He captioned the video with the following statement:

Saturday, February 04, 2023

In the strongest threat.. Medvedev: If “Crimea” is targeted, the rest of the Ukrainian lands that are still under Kyiv’s control will turn to ashes, and there will be no restrictions, and our response will be with all kinds of weapons

    Saturday, February 04, 2023   No comments

The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, announced that his country has not set restrictions for itself when responding to any attacks against its territory from Kyiv, and there will be a willingness to use all kinds of weapons to respond to that.

Medvedev added, during press statements, by saying: “Our response can be anything, and the Russian president confirmed that. We do not set ourselves any restrictions and, depending on the nature of the threats, are ready to use all kinds of weapons.”

"If Ukraine launches any attack on Crimea, there will be counter-attacks, and the rest of the Ukrainian lands that are still under Kyiv's control will turn to ashes," the deputy head of the Russian Security Council stressed.

In a related context, the adviser to the President of the Russian Republic of Crimea for media policy, Oleg Kryuchkov, described the threat of the Kyiv authorities to launch a missile attack on the peninsula as “barking” from under the sofa, according to “Sputnik”.

Earlier, the adviser to Vladimir Zelensky's office, Mikhail Podolyak, said that after agreeing with the West on the supply of tanks, Kyiv is negotiating the supply of long-range missiles and aircraft to launch strikes in Crimea.

Fighting in Crimea could impact Tatar Muslims there. Tatars are indigenous inhabitants of Crimea, Eastern European Turkic people historically formed in the Crimean Peninsula, which is on the northern coast of the Black Sea. It is estimated that 500,000 Tatar Muslims inhabied the region. Crimean Tatars are, genrally, Sunni Muslims, and they make up 15% of the Crimea population. The majority of the Crimean population adheres to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Crimean Tatars are ethnically connected to the people who live in the Republic of Tatarstan. Founded in 1005 on the banks of the Volga River, about 500 miles east of Moscow, Kazan, the capital of the republic, was a main stop along the Silk Road, the historic trade route for the exchange of not only of goods and services, but also of habits and cultures. Today, about 53% of Tatarstan's population are Muslims, the rest are mostly Russian Orthodox Christians.

Based on previous actions, and based on the use of the Chechen armed forces in conflict zones, Russian fedeation leadership is likely to rely on Chechen Republic armed forces to manage the conflict in Crimea, to make sure that contact between the Russian armed forces with local Muslims is done through other Russian Muslim officials. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Chechens and Caucasus, Albanians and Uzbeks are moving to Idlib to fight in Ukraine

    Sunday, January 15, 2023   No comments

Intersectional reports indicate that foreign fighters from extremist groups have begun to migrate from Idlib in northern Syria towards Ukraine to fight the Russian army there, and reports say that most of those who move to eastern Europe are Chechen and Caucasian battalion fighters, Uzbek and Tajik fighters, and a group of Albanian fighters, and the vast majority belong to These fighters belong to the ranks of “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham,” which was formerly “Al-Nusra Front,” linked to Al-Qaeda and led by “Abu Muhammad al-Julani.”

Accounts of activists in the areas controlled by extremist groups in northern Syria speak of the departure of dozens of foreign fighters since the beginning of this year. These fighters, according to the details of the battles in the past years in Syria, are considered the most ferocious and experienced in martial arts and street warfare.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says that more than 170 people have left the Syrian territory in batches since last October, and all of them are from the Caucasus and Chechens. They headed towards a European country based on pressure and a request by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham.

It is not known until now the mechanism for the transfer of dangerous fighters, who are classified as terrorists by the countries of the world, from Idlib in northern Syria to eastern Europe, and whether American or Western intelligence agencies are working to involve these fighters in the war against the Russian forces in an organized manner, and to repeat the model of the war in Afghanistan during the occupation Soviet. Where the American intelligence formed Al-Qaeda in partnership with Saudi and Pakistani intelligence to defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan, and after this was achieved, the states sought to eliminate the organization by launching direct attribution to the occupation of the country, and pursuing Al-Qaeda fighters, and it is also unknown whether these groups were fighting under the command of the Ukrainian army or in coordination with NATO. Their peers have already fought in Libya under the command of NATO.

The dissident Salafist from Tahrir al-Sham, Ali al-Arjani, said on Telegram, “The Caucasus and Albanian group leave Idlib for Ukraine, because they found that Ukraine is more free for them than Idlib, and the battles in it are real, and it seems that they are following the old fatwa of Ayman Haroush, that going out to the country of the infidels is better.” From sitting in Idlib under the authority of Abu Muhammad al-Julani.” A video recording was published showing Abdul Hakim al-Shishani (Rustam Azif), the leader of the Caucasus Soldiers group, and his group fighting against Russian forces in the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, and Russian media published the video recording, indicating that the United States had begun using terrorist groups to support the Ukrainian army.

A state of disagreements prevailed between some of these groups, which are based on foreign fighters, and between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its leader al-Julani in northern Syria, as al-Julani tried to domesticate and control these groups in the context of the changes that occurred in al-Julani's approach in an attempt to enter the political space and satisfy Turkey on the one hand and flirt with the United States On the other hand, to ensure the consolidation of his control over Idlib and some of the northern Syrian countryside.

Sunday, January 08, 2023

About 300 fighters of the AKHMAT-1 riot police of the National Guard of the Chechen Republic left Grozny International Airport to join the war in Ukraine

    Sunday, January 08, 2023   No comments

Another video released today showing about 300 fighters of the AKHMAT-1 riot police of the National Guard of the Chechen Republic left Grozny International Airport to join the war in Ukraine.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Islam in Russia: The 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria

    Sunday, December 11, 2022   No comments

Russian leaders have been systemically integrating Islam and the Muslim communities in the Russian federation since the end of the Chechen war. The participation of the Chechen armed forces in the war in Ukraine have propelled that trend to new levels. The celebration of this pivotal Islamic event, therefore, takes special place. 

Chechen Muslims participated in the anniversary of the adoption of Islam in the region formally and informally. Officially, the Chechen government sent a delegate and the following statement from the Chechen Republic about the the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria was released:

A truly significant date was celebrated in Russia - the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria.

On the occasion of this memorable event, a solemn event was held in Moscow, which was attended by guests from all over the country, as well as authoritative political and public figures. On my instructions, dear BROTHERS, Chairman of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic Magomed Daudov and Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic - Plenipotentiary Representative of the Chechen Republic under the President of the Russian Federation Bekhan Taymaskhanov, at the head of the Chechen delegation, attended the celebration and conveyed my sincere congratulations to those present.

For all of us, this holiday is of great importance. Today Islam is an integral part of Russia. Here, side by side with other religious denominations, almost 15 million Muslims peacefully coexist. Of course, this phenomenon can be called unique, and Russia is a rare example of a true legal state.

Thanks to the competent and far-sighted policy of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the rights of every Muslim are strictly guarded and protected at all levels. At the same time, Vladimir Vladimirovich repeatedly noted the contribution of Muslims to the comprehensive development of the country, as well as to strengthening state sovereignty. It is our active civic position, true patriotism and moral principles based on the canons of Islam that earned us honor and respect among followers of other religions and nationalities.

With all my heart I congratulate dear BROTHER, President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, and all Muslims of Russia on this holiday! I sincerely wish you health, prosperity, happiness and a peaceful sky above your head!

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Why did Russian leaders Order Troops Withdrawal from Kherson City?

    Thursday, November 10, 2022   No comments

 Although the recent announcement that Russian forces will be pulling out of parts of Kherson region, mainly parts of the Oblast on the right-side banks of the Dnipro River, the move could signal a strategic adjustment. The justifications and explanations by military generals who developed the plan and those involved indirectly may shed some light about their thinking that could determine the military map of Ukraine for months or perhaps years to come.


1. Surovikin reports to Shoigu:

 ▪️ The situation in the area of   the special operation has been generally stabilized, the combat capabilities of the joint group and forces have increased significantly, the combat strength has been increased at the expense of the mobilized, reserves have been created;

▪️ Russian troops have resumed offensive operations in certain areas;

▪️ Street fighting is underway on the eastern outskirts of Artemovsk;

▪️ And the situation in the Kherson direction: we successfully resist all enemy offensive attempts;

▪️ Our losses are 7-8 times less than those of the enemy;

▪️ In the area of the Vremevsky ledge, the units pushed the enemy back and occupied the dominant heights in the depths of his defense;

▪️ The city of Kherson and adjacent settlements cannot be supplied and function; and

▪️ Everyone in the Kherson region, and this is more than 115 thousand people, left the area of   hostilities.


2. Reactions from Russia:

2.1. Kadyrov, presdient of the Muslim-majority Chechen Republic, who is a strong supporter of the operation and whose troops are active in the war front put out this statement:

Kherson is a very difficult area without the possibility of a stable regular supply of ammunition and the formation of a strong, reliable rear. In this difficult situation, the general acted wisely and farsightedly - he evacuated the civilian population and ordered a regrouping.

there is no need to talk about the "surrender" of Kherson. "Surrender" together with the fighters.  Surovikin protects the soldier and takes a more advantageous strategic position - convenient, safe. Everyone knew from the very first days of the special operation that Kherson was a difficult combat territory. The soldiers of my units also reported that it was very difficult to fight in this area. Yes, it can be kept, it is possible to organize at least some supply of ammunition, but the cost will be numerous human lives.

I believe that Surovikin acted like a real military general, not afraid of criticism. Thank you, Vladimirovich, for taking care of the guys! And we will not stop hitting the enemy and we will not get tired.


2.2. The owner of PMC "Wagner", Prigozhin, who previously criticized the command of the Russian army for retreating from Liman, today supported the decision to leave Kherson. He said:

The decision to withdraw troops from the right bank of the Dnieper is not an easy one, but it speaks of the readiness of the command to take responsibility for the lives of soldiers. The withdrawal of troops with minimal losses is Surovikin’s achievement, which does not do honor to Russian weapons, but emphasizes the personal qualities of the commander, who acted like a man who is not afraid of responsibility.

3. Analysis:

The more likely strategic goals that motivated this move:

Russian leaders seem to now realize that Ukrainian military will not stop fighting and that the conflict is now hardened. It is a situation similar to the one in Syrian, which Russian military is very familiar: The two sides are determined to fight to the end, given the support of regional and world powers to opposing side, here Ukraine. Therefore, Russian leaders are building the infrastructure for a war that could last for 10 to 15 years. This means, they must use the geography to set long-term defensive positions, which will allow them to continue to degrade the capability of the other side using long distance weapons.

By moving troops across the Dnipro River, Russia may appear to have given up some territories. However, the move will free some troops and resources to regain territories on the left side of Iskil River in the northeast. The use of rivers and lakes as natural defensive lines, the Russian military will position itself for long conflict in which they must reduce the losses of human assets. The territory they lost in the south (1) will be replaced by territory in the east (2), mostly likely during  a spring offensive that will establish the two major rivers as a more defensible border in the long run.

The increased production of precision weapons and versatile drones fits in this long-term strategy, one which will cause more economic and military damage to the Ukrainian side, especially if the supply of weapons from the US and EU slows down or stops altogether.

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

How the Russian Federation is Relying on the Chechen Republic to Foster Stronger Relations with Muslim-Majority Countries

    Wednesday, November 02, 2022   No comments

Russian large Muslim population has always played a bridging role between Muslims and the Russian State. With the rebranding of the Russian Federation as the new framework designed to keep Muslim-majority areas tethered to Russia, the Chechen Republic is now integrated into the Federation system to not necessarily play a role in foreign policy, but to showcase Russian Muslims’ role in Russia’s foreign policy. 

In this video release, the head of the Chechen republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, describes Grozny’s hosting of an important economic meeting between Iran and Russia.

Grozny hosted an important state event aimed at strengthening friendly, businesslike and mutually beneficial relations between Russia and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Today, the Chechen Republic has become a kind of bridge connecting Russia and Iran, providing a platform for delegations to work in Grozny. The outcome of the 16th plenary session of the Permanent Russian-Iranian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation was the signing of documents on cooperation in various fields by the parties.

The agreements and agreements reached will have a fruitful impact on long-term relations between the two states. The Russian side, headed by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak, is doing a great job in this direction.

Over the eight months of this year, the trade turnover between Russia and Iran increased by 36.4 percent and is approaching $4 billion. And this is far from the limit.

At the end of the meeting, I had the pleasure of talking at the dinner table with Alexander Novak and with the head of the Iranian delegation, Javad Ouji.

I was pleased to hear warm comments from our Iranian friends about the beauty of Grozny, about the good-natured and hospitable Chechen people. I'm glad they all liked it. For my part, I thanked the foreign delegation for coming to the Chechen Republic.



Thursday, October 20, 2022

A first since the start of the war, Chechen women visit the frontlines in Ukraine

    Thursday, October 20, 2022   No comments

Members of the president of the Chechen Republic, led by Aishat Kadyrova, a government minister makes a visit to the frontlines in Ukraine.

This marks the first time high profile Muslim women were shown visiting the war zone in Ukraine.

Rustam Aguev, the head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Kurchaloy region of the Chechen Republic updated them about the situation on the battlefield in this region and expressed gratitude to the delegation for the visit.

The visitors included the president’s children Akhmat, Eli and Adam.


The head of the delegate reported to the president upon her return.


Sunday, October 09, 2022

Chinese firms put deeper roots in Pakistan in post-flood reconstruction; more joint efforts needed for regional recovery

    Sunday, October 09, 2022   No comments

Chinese infrastructure companies in Pakistan are playing an increasingly important role in supporting the regional economy and livelihoods as the country looks for more joint efforts from the international community to facilitate the gradual recovery from the lingering devastation of recent floods.

While Chinese companies have taken an active approach in providing constant aid, they have also beefed up efforts to maintain the smooth operation of their projects in some key areas such as power generation and housing in Pakistan, as the country, hit by unprecedented floods in September, has seen its economic recovery slowing down.

Industry insiders and experts said that more joint efforts, including safety guarantees for local personnel and projects of Chinese companies, are needed more than ever to ensure the smooth operation of these projects.

Read the full story...

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Chechen troops arrive in Zaporozhye region

    Thursday, September 15, 2022   No comments

Around the same time Chechen elite troops landed in the Zaporozhye region to help Russian forces regain control in the south, Russian Federation Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Timur Ivanov, arrived in the ChechenRepublic on a working visit to promote and report on development and construction projects in the Muslim Republic.

The investments in the Chechen Republic is paying off. Chechen fighters were urgently dispatched after a series of setbacks for Russian forces in the east and south of Ukraine. The detachment of fighters is under the command of the OMON "Akhmat-Grozny" of the Office of the Russian Guard in the Chechen Republic, Anzor Bisaev. The unit is tasked with stopping and clearing Ukrainian troops trying to advance southward.

Thursday, September 08, 2022

Russia’s war strategy in Ukraine and the role of the Chechen armed forces

    Thursday, September 08, 2022   No comments

The war strategy in Ukraine is now emerging: use air and missile strikes to degrade Ukrainian defensive positions and then send the infantry forces to clear and hold territories. That is what happened in the city of Mariupol during the first four months of the operation, and this is what is happening now in the south near Kharkov and in the east. In Mariupol and the Donbas region, the infantry consisted mainly of 10,000 Chechen troops. Those forces returned home in June. Since then, there appeared little progress on the ground but constant bombardment from air and from distance. 

With Ukrainian troops leaving their defensive positions in the south to execute a plan to retake Kharkov and push Russian forces east of the river, Russian forces were able to target the exposed Ukrainian troops and plan for the next phase, which appear to aim at taking more ground and increasing the buffer zone it has created around the areas that will be declared autonomous republics. This is where ground troops will be needed. Again, Chechen armed forces seem to be the go-to option. Today, Chechen officials arranged for the transport of thousands of elite fighters who will be deployed in areas “beyond the Donbas” region.

Meanwhile, today, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that its forces repelled an attack by Ukrainian forces on the Kharkov axis, inflicting losses on the attacking forces of more than 50 people.

According to the ministry, the nationalist battalion "Kraken" opened fire on the retreating, killing most of them.

The Defense Ministry also announced the downing of eight Ukrainian drones over the Kharkov and Kherson provinces, as well as the interception of two American-made AGM-88 Harm missiles over the Antonov Bridge area.

The Russian Air Defense Forces also intercepted a "Tochka-O" ballistic missile in the Bezymyanoy district of Kherson Province, and 48 missiles, including 44 "Himars" missiles, were intercepted in the "Mozikovka", "Znamenka", "Vesuloye" and "Kamenka" regions, "Darievka", "Novaya Kakhovka", "Perslav", "Dnebriani" and "Tomarino".

Simultaneously, the Ministry announced that the units of the 72nd Ukrainian Mechanized Brigade, in the Artemovsk region of the Donetsk People's Republic, refused to carry out orders and left their positions and left, due to heavy losses, low equipment, and lack of fire support.

Also, the Ukrainian forces lost another 350 personnel on the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rok axes, during the past 24 hours, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

"During the day, the Kyiv regime continued its unsuccessful attempts to conduct offensive operations on the Nikolaev-Kryvi Rok axes," the ministry said in a statement.

Video documenting Chechen armed forces deployment to Ukraine:

Monday, August 22, 2022

Who is Alexander Dugin, who is described as Putin's brain, and whose daughter Daria was killed by Car Bomb in Moscow?

    Monday, August 22, 2022   No comments

Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin is said to have great influence on Russian politicians including the current president, Vladimir Putin. His daughter killed by a car bomb. The Russian authorities announced the killing by detonating her car with an explosive device planted under the driver’s seat in a suburb of the capital, Moscow. Daria Dugin worked as a press secretary for her father, who is described as "Putin's brain", a nationalist and one of the most prominent theorists of the Kremlin's ideology who predicted the end of the era of Western liberalism.

To learn more about Dugin, we provide a summary of his ideas that he shared with Aljazeera network in an extended set of interviews (See interview1, and interview 2; Arabic) in which he talked about Russia, the West, Christianity, Islam, Chechnya, Sunnism, and other topics.

Russian identity and change

On the other hand, Dugin spoke to Al Jazeera about the Russian identity and the radical change that he said had affected it over the course of one century, as the country was an empire with its faith and perception, and after the Bolshevik Revolution, perceptions changed dramatically, and in 1991 the Russian identity changed again and Russia became part of The Western world, then Putin, changed identity again and Russia became a powerful country that defends its own conservative values, according to what the Russian philosopher says.


On Russian identity, "Putin's mind" says that his country is changing its position and "we are in a spiritual search for ourselves", and it is sensitive to changes.


However, Dugin confirms - in the first part of his meeting in the episode (14/11/2021) of the "The Interview" program - that Western tendency is still largely present within Russia, and there is a liberal elite and strong resistance to President Putin's reforms on the part of liberal intellectuals, and that This Western tendency hinders the special orientation of Russia.


He also believes that other civilizations have the right to rely on their own political teachings that are based on their own values, not on Western values.


He indicated in the context of his review of his identical vision with his president's on the Chechen issue, which he said Putin had found a solution for, as well as with regard to Georgia and Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimea in 2014.


Fourth political theory

The Russian thinker Alexander Dugin focused in the second part of his interview with the "The Interview" program on the fourth political theory, which he said is an anti-capitalist tendency, and talked about his vision of terrorism and its relations with Iran and Turkey.


Dugin described the fourth political theory as the theory of revolution and decolonization for Russian society, and it defends the originality of Russian civilization and human rights, but not according to Western values, which he said are not totalitarian and are unacceptable neither in Russia, nor in the Islamic world, nor in China.


Definition of terrorism

In the interview, Ali Al-Dhafiri's guest linked the issue of defining terrorism to the interests of states, and gave an example of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said that he supported Washington's position after the September 11, 2001 attacks, and in return was waiting for the US administration to classify those he called the Chechen separatists in the category of Terrorists, which did not happen, and the Russian thinker says that Putin understood at that time the meaning of geopolitical considerations.


In another context, Dugin - one of the most prominent political theorists in Russia - saw that Iran is an ally of Russia and is one of the opponents of globalization and American leadership, and that radical Sunni Islam in the Arab world had supported the American strategy in the MiddleEast, but the new generation of leaders - continues the speaker - In SaudiArabia, Qatar and Egypt, he is looking for a new approach to Arab Sunni Islam, and he believes that staying in the orbit of American policy is bad for the Islamic world.


He also talked about his ideas, and said that he is a supporter of Islamic traditional values ​​in Iran, but nevertheless he has strong relations with Turkey, noting in his touch on Russia's future that Russia is Putin and he determines everything in politics, to conclude his speech by saying that in his country "the law does not something and rule everything."


It is noteworthy that after Putin took power in Russia, a new phase began in Dugin's political activity when he moved from the radical opposition camp to the pro-power camp.


Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Turkish media: Erdogan and Assad may hold talks at the suggestion of Putin; US Media: Turkey builds "Bayraktar" aircraft factory in Ukraine

    Tuesday, August 09, 2022   No comments

The Kremlin announced today, Tuesday, that Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, discussed the situation in Syria.

Turkish media revealed that President Erdogan and his Syrian counterpart, Bashar al-Assad, may hold a phone call, during the coming period, at the suggestion of Putin.

And the newspaper "Turkey" published a report, in which it was based on private sources, that Erdogan, who recently visited Sochi, Russia, exchanged views on Syria with President Putin, and the Russian President suggested that he meet Assad and Erdogan, in order to solve the problem of terrorism in Syria.

But Ankara made it clear that it is "too early" for a meeting between the two presidents, while a phone call is still possible.

The newspaper pointed out that there are diplomatic contacts from a Gulf country and an African one with Syria and Turkey, in order to arrange a meeting between Presidents Assad and Erdogan.

During their bilateral summit in Sochi, Putin and Erdogan confirmed their support for preserving the unity of Syria. 

During this meeting in Sochi, Putin was accompanied by the president of the Chechen Republic, R. Kadyrov, who might be called upon to nudge Turkey further in the direction of Russia.

Erdogan announced, earlier, that his country intends to launch a military operation inside Syrian territory to combat “terrorism” and establish what he described as a “safe zone,” noting that his country “will not ask permission before launching a military operation in Syria.”

While Ankara says that its military presence in Syria aims to prevent the threat from the Kurdish factions, Damascus considers the Turkish military presence in the country an occupation and a threat to regional and international peace.

In a letter sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to both United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the Security Council, Syria protested Turkey's intention to launch a military operation inside its territory.

Last May, an official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates confirmed that "Syria's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity will not be the object of blackmail or bargaining by the Turkish regime."

Reacting to the latest media report about possible talks between the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is Syrian sources, off the record, rejected the the idea of such event happening, characterizing it as "totally incorrect."


Meanwhile, US media sources highlight another aspect of Turkish involment in matters of concern to Russia.

The American "Newsweek" magazine said today, Tuesday, that the Turkish company "Baykar", which produces the "Bayraktar" unmanned combat aircraft, is currently building a factory on Ukrainian soil.

The magazine quoted Ukraine's ambassador to Turkey, Vasyl Bodnar, as saying that the Turkish company had already purchased a plot of land in Ukraine and developed the station project. Bodnar added that "Baykar" intends to build the plant in fulfillment of the personal commitment of the company's owners to make this production in Ukraine.

The magazine pointed out that the Bayraktar TB2 drones were considered one of the most valuable weapons for Ukraine in the first months of the war, especially before the arrival of the American "HIMARS" missiles.

She noted that Ukraine had more than 20 unmanned aircraft produced by the "Baykar" company when the war began, and acquired them during the past two years.

Because Kyiv currently has a limited supply of these planes, and given that Russia has learned a lesson from weakness during the first phase of the war, it is unlikely that Ukrainian forces would risk losing their TB2s from unmanned aerial vehicles, by pushing them forward in areas where Russian air defenses could easily fall."

She added that "a TP2 aircraft factory can fundamentally change the situation in Ukraine," noting that the time required for the construction of the factory is still unclear.


Editors' Note: This story was updated to include the Syrian government's rection to the news about the phone call between the two presidents.

Friday, August 05, 2022

Putin and Erdogan agreed to buy Turkey part of Russia's gas in rubles; Kadyrov to visit Turkey

    Friday, August 05, 2022   No comments

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan have agreed to sell part of Russian gas to Turkey in rubles.

"Gas supplies to Turkey were discussed, which is supplied in fairly large quantities: 26 billion cubic meters annually. During the negotiations, the two presidents agreed that part of the gas supplies would be paid for in rubles," Novak said.

"We are talking about a gradual transition to national currencies, and in the first stage, part of the supplies will be paid in Russian rubles," he added.

Earlier in the day, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced the end of talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in the Russian city of Sochi, after they lasted for four hours. Putin and Erdogan discussed several files, most notably the files of Syria, Libya, Ukraine and energy.

It is worth mentioning here that the Russian President issued his instructions to transfer all payments for gas supplies to Europe into the national currency, stressing that "it makes no sense to supply Russian goods to the European Union or the United States of America and to receive payments in euros and dollars."

There were reports that the president of Chechnya, Ramazan Kadyrov attended the meetings in Sochi. Perhaps responding to such reports, Kadyrov released the following statement:

During the face-to-face talks between Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, I personally met Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and head of the Turkish national intelligence organization Hakan Fidan. We had an informal rich and productive conversation, during which we came to a common opinion on the need to establish close cooperation between Turkey and the Chechen Republic on various issues.

Historically, our peoples are connected by a lot, especially since a fairly large number of ethnic Chechens currently live in Turkey. Mevlut Cavusoglu expressed hope that this informal meeting would be the beginning of further development of relations and establishing contacts. I agreed with the Turkish Foreign Minister and also noted that both sides would benefit from joint undertakings.

At the end of the meeting, the distinguished guests invited me to visit Turkey, during which we could discuss a wide range of cooperation issues, including economic ones. Of course, I accepted the invitation.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

The president of the Chechen Republic, Kadyrov, addresses Kyiv authorities: Our fighters will come to you soon

    Thursday, July 28, 2022   No comments

A 10-minute video clip, which was published today, Thursday, on Kadyrov's channel in the "Telegram" website, shows the line-up of fighters and on their repulsion written in black and white "To Kyiv", as well as armored and special equipment on the parade ground bearing the same inscription.

Addressing the Ukrainian authorities, the Chechen presidentwrote: “The Kyiv elite, sitting on warm chairs in their golden offices, should know that soon the warriors will knock on their doors, those whose hearts are filled with anger because of your criminal orders. You will suffer the consequences of what you have been doing for eight long years. This you cannot doubt."

Moreover, Kadyrov stressed that Chechen fighters are ready to storm any residential area, stressing that “by order of Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin, all these fighters are ready to storm any area. If there is an order, there will be a result. This is an irrefutable fact. We With Russia, for a world free of extreme nationalism.

Here is his full statement that accompanied the video posted on Kadyrov's channel:

No matter what threats the enemies throw, the employees of the Chechen special forces will not be embarrassed in any way. There have been many attempts to sow a seed of fear in the hearts of the warriors of vast Russia throughout its centuries-old history, but the enemies only incur their wrath. Anger, which erases enemies into dust along with their insidious plans.


There are no impossible tasks for our warriors, they have proven this more than once. Courageous warriors, as if by choice, despise nationalism and those who are loyal to this vile idea with all their hearts. The abomination that the West presents as the true values ​​of modern society will be stopped here. And those people whose true intentions are hidden under a thick layer of hypocrisy will find their doom.


The sacred duty of everyone is to protect the land that she nurtured and raised. And our dedicated guys know this like no one else. Long years of struggle against international terrorism have forged real heroes out of them, who will go even into an unequal battle, because the security of the country and the citizens of the fraternal republics is at stake.

The Kyiv elite, seated in warm armchairs in their golden offices, must know that soon warriors will knock on their doors, whose hearts are filled with rage because of your criminal orders. The consequences of what you have done for eight long years will overtake you. You can be sure of this.

On the first order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin, all these fighters are ready to storm any settlement. There will be a team - there will be a result. This is an irrefutable fact. We are for Russia, for a world cleansed of nationalism! AKHMAT-POWER! ALLAH AKBAR!




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