Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Media review: Western warning against use of the term “Gaza genocide” despite the continued killing and displacement of people

    Tuesday, December 26, 2023   No comments

The New York Times: There is no food or water... Two million displaced people are living in a difficult crisis in southern Gaza

The American newspaper "The New York Times" revealed that the residents of the Gaza Strip are suffering from a lack of food or water, as well as from a lack of sanitation, with the Israeli aggression and siege continuing for the 81st day, noting that the humanitarian crisis has worsened since the end of the temporary truce, and because the occupation forced the population to evacuate some Regions.

The newspaper explained that more than 1.7 million displaced people were registered in shelters in the southern regions, including several hundred thousand people who cannot be accommodated within their walls, and who sleep along roads and in open spaces.

According to analysis of satellite images, damage caused by Israeli air strikes was identified in the vicinity of almost every shelter in the southern areas of Gaza, and in some cases the shelters were directly bombed, doubling the suffering of the displaced.

The newspaper confirmed that the Israeli bombing, especially which “was relentless during the first 6 weeks of the war,” also affected the areas “to which the occupation asked the residents of Gaza to move.”

She indicated that Rafah is the area most crowded with displaced people in the Strip, as data indicates that the United Nations shelters in Rafah host, on average, more than 15,000 registered people each, although most shelters are designed to accommodate only 2,000 people.

On the other hand, officials of relief organizations said that the region is not equipped to provide basic services to the displaced, noting that its 3 hospitals are only partially functioning, and people in shelters and camps live in difficult conditions with little food or water, and approximately 500 people share a toilet. One.

According to the World Food Programme, 93% of Gaza's population currently suffers from "severe food insecurity," and the UN Security Council issued a resolution calling for "large-scale" humanitarian aid to be delivered to the Gaza Strip.

"Haaretz": We must acknowledge the loss... We will not win in Gaza

The Israeli newspaper "Haaretz in Arabic" published an article by Hillel Shokin, the son of the founder of the newspaper "Haaretz," in which he spoke about Israel's failure in the current battle in Gaza, stressing that "Israel" must acknowledge its loss.

 We will not win. Not even together. This current battle in Gaza has been lost since October 7th. Every additional day in the ground maneuver deepens the failure further. When this terrible battle ends, as expected, within a few weeks as a result of international pressure, Israel will be in a more difficult situation than the one it entered as a result of the attack carried out by Hamas. Is it possible that something good can grow out of failure? The end of the conflict, perhaps?

Israeli media confirmed, on Thursday evening, that the Golani Brigade had withdrawn part of its soldiers from the Gaza Strip, after suffering heavy losses in equipment and equipment during the war on Gaza, claiming that the withdrawal was “to rest and regroup.”

The Israeli Channel 12 revealed that the Israeli occupation army decided to withdraw the Golani 13 Battalion from the Gaza Strip after 60 days of fighting.

The order to withdraw the "Golani 13" battalion came after it suffered heavy losses in the Strip, especially in the Shuja'iya neighborhood east of Gaza City, as the commander of the "Golani 13" battalion, Tomer Greenberg, and 8 other officers and fighters were killed in the neighborhood earlier.

In the details, the channel said that the soldiers of the “Golani 13” battalion withdrew from Gaza, knowing that these soldiers had not returned to their homes since the beginning of the war, and they fought in Gaza for 21 consecutive days without interruption, and during the battles they lost many of their colleagues.

The French newspaper Le Monde, in turn, expects that about half of Gaza's population will be in the "risk" stage, which indicates an increase in acute malnutrition and a high death rate, by next February 7.

She added that "at least one in every 4 families", which is equivalent to more than half a million people, will face "Phase 5", which means catastrophic conditions represented by "severe food shortages that may lead to famine."

Haaretz newspaper quoted retired Israeli General Yitzhak Brik as saying that the information he received from soldiers and officers fighting in Gaza since the start of the war refutes the allegations and information presented by the Israeli occupation army spokesman and circulated by analysts on television.

He added that "the number of deaths of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) is much lower," noting that "most of the war does not take place face-to-face and that most of the Israeli deaths and injuries were caused by Hamas rockets and bombs."

The Israeli newspaper "Jerusalem Post" reported what investigations revealed that the killing of 3 Israeli prisoners by Israeli army gunfire in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza, was the result of orders given to soldiers to shoot all men of fighting age without discrimination.

Investigations indicated that "the orders were issued that morning, following attacks carried out by Hamas fighters in civilian clothing against Israeli soldiers."

In turn, the American newspaper "The New York Times" said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is under American pressure to reduce the pace of bombing of Gaza, visited the Strip to announce the opposite.

The newspaper added that Netanyahu stressed that the war would intensify, and that military pressure alone would be enough to achieve the goals of the war, including the liberation of Israeli detainees, noting that he returned to Tel Aviv to find himself under pressure from the families of the prisoners who wanted to return them immediately.

For its part, the Washington Post newspaper saw that a new generation of American Muslims rose to support Gaza in a remarkable way. She added that protests in support of the Palestinians began to appear throughout the United States, where children of refugees from Islamic countries organized many demonstrations.

She explained that the demonstrations indicate an awakening and growing collective awareness among a new generation of young Americans who are helping to shape American public opinion.

As for the writer Ziad Majed, he focused on the French website “Orion 21” on the great caution in the West regarding the use of the term genocide in Gaza.

The writer said that the use of the term in France is still very cautious and limited, but from the perspective of international law, the importance of the term to describe the ongoing massacre in Gaza since the seventh of last October is clear.

The International Federation for Human Rights also adopted a resolution calling what Israel is doing against the Palestinians “continuing genocide.”

Fox: Is America violating its laws by sending weapons to Israel?

An American news website reported Israeli attacks that claimed the lives of 3 Israeli prisoners and two women inside a church in Gaza, and the execution of 11 unarmed Palestinians in front of their families, which raised new international concern about Israel’s continued targeting of civilians in the besieged Strip.

The Fox news website said in its report that these killings - which attracted great international attention - came within the framework of the ground invasion launched by Israel as it continued its bombing campaign on the Gaza Strip, which even its “loyal” ally, US President Joe Biden, described as “random.” .

However, - the site says - Biden has continued to press for additional and unconditional aid to Israel, despite what some foreign affairs experts say that current American laws aimed at preserving human rights should have long restricted the flow of such aid.

Yedioth Ahronoth: Israel's economy is suffocating because of the war on Gaza

An article in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper stated that the Israeli economy has already begun to feel the seriousness of the situation, after it became clear that the “exorbitant” financial cost of the war raging in the Gaza Strip is much greater than the occupation army’s estimates, without taking into account the possibility of a comprehensive confrontation with the Lebanese Hezbollah.

The Israeli writer Yossi Yeshua explained, in his analytical article, that the current debate regarding the losses and injuries suffered by the Israeli army during the Gaza war necessitated a re-evaluation of the scope of the war, the strength of the weapons used, and strategic considerations in rugged areas.

He considered that the Israeli army was now managing the “weapons economy” to ensure its readiness for any possible escalation on the northern front, according to the author of the article.

244 US cargo planes and 20 ships deliver over 10000 tons of bombs to Israel to drop on Gaza

In his article, Jeshua revealed that there is a stark reality emerging within the corridors of the Ministry of Defense, which is that the ongoing war has cost Tel Aviv heavy expenses amounting to $18 billion, an amount that exceeds the entire budget allocated to defense, without relying on American aid, which also amounts to $18 billion.

He stressed Israel's dire need for the United States, explaining that it had sent Israel 230 planes and 20 ships, all loaded with the shipments it needed of military equipment and ammunition. “It is not just aid; it is a lifeline.”

A "senior" official in the defense establishment - whose identity was not revealed - was quoted as saying that before the war, the Israeli army made extensive use of its ammunition reserves and succeeded in replenishing its stockpiles of them, ensuring its readiness for a possible comprehensive conflict with the Lebanese Hezbollah.

He expressed his belief that the ammunition shortage was not limited to Israel; It is a “global dilemma” that the war in Ukraine contributed to exacerbating, which ignited a furious race for munitions around the world, with the result that basic combat resources were exhausted. This, in his opinion, prompted Israel to draw an important lesson from these developments.

In a subsequent step, many Israeli companies were forced to cancel contracts with foreign countries to supply them with ammunition and weapons, to give priority to supplying them to the Israeli army, which will affect their position and credibility in the arms market.

On Sunday, Dec. 24, the Israeli media described the death toll of its “army” during the past 24 hours, which reached 13 dead, as “the biggest tragedy since the Israeli ground incursion” into the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli media said, “What happened this morning with the announcement of the army dead is one of the most horrific things during the war. This is not a good morning.”

Under the “permitted to publish” clause, the occupation media announced the names of the “army” dead, revealed their ranks and the units and formations within which they worked, stressing that all eight dead who fell during the past few hours were officers.

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