Sunday, December 10, 2023

Media review: US, Israel isolated in the world, face internal and external pressure to stop the killing

    Sunday, December 10, 2023   No comments

Le Monde: Israel has transformed the right of self-defense into the right to destroy everything

Le Monde newspaper said that the isolated United States, by rejecting the draft United Nations Security Council resolution in favor of an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” on December 8, guaranteed the continuation of the punishment imposed by Israel on an entire people, so that the horrific routine in Gaza continues, with more Of dead, wounded and devastated with no hope of seeing the end.

The newspaper pointed out in an editorial that the right to self-defense has become the right to destroy everything, since Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant announced that Israel is facing “human animals” and that it will “act on this basis.”

The results of the strategy aimed at eliminating the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) have now turned, according to the newspaper, into death everywhere, hospitals being bombed, destitution and starvation for hundreds of thousands of people.

In her editorial, which she chose as the title: “Israel Lost in the Gaza Massacre,” she said that the Palestinians are being driven like cattle by Israeli orders from one part of the Gaza Strip to another, and the cries of the heads of the United Nations agencies who, despite Israeli disdain, are making impressive efforts, even if they resonate in Void.

Le Monde believed that this unprecedented massacre is not justified because the results obtained so far are still far from the declared goal of eliminating Hamas, noting that Israel’s loss in this war is not a surprise, because it is a reflection of its deviation before October 7. The first, since it tore itself apart on the basis of its social contract instead of the law, in light of the attacks of the extremist movement that has been ravaging it for more than half a century, especially since the United States does not protect Israel from itself.

The newspaper concluded by justifying the US representative at the United Nations for their use of veto power against the ceasefire, saying that such a truce “will sow the seeds of a future war,” asking whether Washington believes that the continued bombings supplied by Israel to fall on Gaza without protecting civilians could result in Other than the hatred that does not extinguish on this bloody land?

Media Part: Israel seeks to kill journalists so that they do not document its crimes

The Media Part website said that the head of the Palestinian Journalists Union, Nasser Abu Bakr, spoke in Paris about the importance of the work of his fellow journalists in informing the world about the situation in the Gaza Strip, and described the hell they live in and the danger to which they expose themselves in order to overcome the media siege that Israel imposes on them. It is committing its information crime in Gaza.

The French website explained - in a report written by Younes Abzouz - that Nasser Abu Bakr, who is on a European tour to alert international public opinion to the tragic situation that journalists are experiencing in Gaza and the West Bank, stated that “Gaza had 200 journalists before October 7, and today There are almost none of them, as 63 journalists and media workers were killed, 56 of them in Gaza.

“He is regularly threatened with death and arrest, and receives anonymous calls and messages,” said photo reporter Moataz Azaizeh, who documents every day on Instagram the horrific lives of civilians trapped in Gaza, just as Palestinian journalists working in the West Bank are threatened by settlers and members of the Israeli security forces.

Biden's arming of Israel provokes violent reactions due to the high casualties in Gaza

The Washington Post revealed that the administration of US President Joe Biden is facing increasing pressure due to its supply of powerful weapons to Israel, with the death toll rising in the Gaza Strip and raising questions about whether the United States is making more efforts to ensure the safety of civilians, as the main military supporter of Tel Aviv. .

Human rights groups, along with a growing bloc within Biden's Democratic Party, are intensifying their work to scrutinize arms flows to Israel, which have included tens of thousands of bombs since the Hamas attack on October 7.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Sunday that the time remaining for the battle in Khan Yunis is shortening and the fighting is becoming more critical and complex.

The time remaining for the battle in Khan Yunis is shortening, and the fighting has become more critical and complex

The newspaper said that the Israeli "army" is finding it difficult to advance in areas of the incursion into the Gaza Strip.

The newspaper pointed out that "there is a tension between the goals of the war and the time allocated to achieve them."

She added that the Israeli divisions are now fighting three battles at the same time, and in each of them they face stronger resistance than in the past.

According to the newspaper, “The Israeli army hopes to end most of its operations in the northern Gaza Strip within a week, but after that the battle in Khan Yunis will become more critical.”

These developments, according to the newspaper, “make the fighting in the coming weeks more complex.”

She said, "It is better not to be drawn into the atmosphere in the television studios, in some of which chants of victory have already been heard in recent days."

She stressed that "the Israeli army does not have a complete intelligence picture of the locations where Hamas hides prisoners, and there is no doubt that the continuation of the fighting puts their lives in danger."

Earlier today, Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper published on its front page a report under the title, “The fighting is difficult and slow, and it will take a long time for the Israeli army to accomplish its tasks.”

In this context, the Israeli Channel 7 said that estimates in Israel are that the war will continue at high intensity for at least two months.

They also estimate in "Israel", according to the Israeli media, which quoted sources, that "there will be attempts to advance additional deals to liberate prisoners in the near future."

Yesterday, Israeli media confirmed that the death toll from the Israeli occupation army had risen to 102 since the beginning of the ground incursion into the Gaza Strip.

Israeli media reported on Sunday that the heat in the arenas in Yemen and Iraq poses a real dilemma for the United States of America.

The Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" expressed its fear of the Yemeni threats, saying that "the Yemeni threat to prevent any ship from heading to Israel has been raised to the level of a strategic threat."

The Israeli newspaper confirmed that "these threats may ignite an international military confrontation in the Red Sea."

She added that the American and Israeli presence in the Red Sea appears to be “not succeeding in deterring them,” noting that “the matter may require a major show of force in the near future.”

The Israeli newspaper quoted "Reuters" and "Bloomberg" as saying, "Saudi Arabia is now pressuring the administration in Washington to exercise restraint in its responses to Yemen, in order to allow the completion of the peace agreement between Saudi Arabia and the Yemenis."

Another Saudi fear, according to Haaretz, is that “an American attack on the Yemenis may harm relations between Riyadh and Tehran, at a time when the two countries are slowly restoring relations after resuming them last March.”

From Saudi Arabia's al-sharq alawsat:

The Western political culture, which many of us have had the opportunity to live and enjoy its good deeds, is not at all as ideal as we thought out of our admiration - and sometimes - our fascination with it. If under normal circumstances it appears civilized, sophisticated, and tolerant. When problems become severe and hostility escalates, it strips off all the garments of civilization, sophistication, and tolerance. This is exactly what we see today, not only in the atrocities committed against civilians, hospitals, schools, and places of worship in the occupied Palestinian territories, but also appears shocking and shocking in the government’s restrictions on freedom of expression in American universities and the British media, and the blackmail of the advertising boycott practiced shamelessly in order to... Gagging mouths and stifling voices of objection.


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