Thursday, March 09, 2023

Russia’s former president reviews news about the attack on Nord Stream as a bad movie: made people feel as if they ate pork knuckle with beer

    Thursday, March 09, 2023   No comments

Days after China made fun of Western intelligence revelation about the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines, Russia’s former president reviews news about the attack on Nord Stream as a bad movie: made people feel as if they ate pork knuckle with beer.

Here is his biting review of the event translated:

For the third day, another epic drama from Hollywood is unfolding before our eyes. The sequel to the film, which was dedicated to Saddam's chemical weapons with a demonstration of test tubes at the UN.

The world, opening its mouth and experiencing a slight gag reflex, looks at the numerous bowel movements of the Western media about “who did blow up the Nord Streams after all.” And really: who framed Roger Rabbit?


It turns out that the whole thing is in some unknown “pro-Ukrainian group”. Which (it is especially emphasized) is in no way, well, absolutely, absolutely, not a single wire and switch is connected either with Bandera Kiev, or with Europe zombified by gynecologists, or with America plunged into senile insanity, or with the other Western world that has fallen ill with Russophobic hysteria. Just lone heroes who have come to grips with the damned Muscovites! The new salvation of the world by some inglorious bastards.

It turns out so-so - the actors are mediocre. Obviously not at the level of Brad Pitt and Christoph Waltz. And the director is not the level of Quentin Tarantino. Very poor casting and camera. The script is just boring shit. Stupid American propaganda. Nobody likes it. Even the European inhabitants poisoned by it do not believe. They feel sick, as if they ate pork knuckle with beer.


As the American beacons of freedom of speech and the vassal German mass media who joined them write, the mysterious divers (no other than in black balaclavas over wetsuits) were “citizens of Ukraine or Russia.” At the same time, they have nothing to do with the Kyiv regime. Especially with the free world.

In general, from no state, here! Citizens of the world. Just fighters with Muscovy. Loners-schizophrenics, such as initiators. The layman is offered a bunch of cheap special effects. Like, six hardened saboteurs, among whom even one fatal woman, femme fatale (and how without her in the film?), Went out on a yacht into the stormy Baltic Sea. They took on board half a ton of explosives, dived beautifully. And then how two huge pipes at the bottom would blow up! And they went into the sunset. Unnoticed. At sea, full of NATO ships and international tracking systems. They also returned the yacht to the owner, cool, but law-abiding!


Here is such a frank low-rated shnyaga category B.


Actually, the film failed immediately after the premiere. Western viewers do not believe it: they ask uncomfortable questions, why did the old version about the “Russian trace” suddenly begin to turn 180 degrees (or 360, as Granny Burbock thinks?).

And why is it necessary to excuse the Kiev regime so actively, defending its innocence and innocence with foam at the mouth?

The answers are quite understandable, given the current mood of Europeans, who are less and less pleased with the prospect of paying out of pocket for ever new packages of sanctions, arms supplies to Ukraine, an energy crisis and falling living standards in once prosperous countries.

 And if the Ukrainian Nazis, and not Russia at all, blew up the gas pipelines, what is the point of supporting them with fire, sword and money transfers? To fool the brains of Europeans, it seems that this whole cheap film was created.

 I wonder if the action movie will have a sequel? With a plot like this: the same heroes, led by the Polish cannibal Duda, who escaped from a psychiatric hospital, penetrate the bunker of the brave President Ze, who has sniffed white powder. They take him hostage and then accidentally strangle him. For it is not a pity and tired. And then the zombie apocalypse begins in the manner of The last of us.

Wait, stock up on popcorn.



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