Monday, February 27, 2023

From the humanitarian gate, Egypt moved towards raising the level of its relationship with Syria

    Monday, February 27, 2023   No comments

In a development that opens a new chapter in Syrian-Egyptian relations, the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry, was a guest in Damascus, where he met with his Syrian counterpart, Faisal Al-Miqdad, and President Bashar Al-Assad, in a visit that is the first of its kind for a high-ranking Egyptian diplomatic official to Syria. Since 2011. The visit, which Shoukry tried to humanize, by confirming more than once that he came to announce his country’s solidarity with Syria against the background of the devastating earthquake that struck the country on the sixth of last February, coincides with an Arab movement on several levels, in which both The UAE and the Sultanate of Oman played a prominent role in converging points of view and reaching a suitable formula for all parties through which Damascus would return to playing its strategic role, especially after the crisis reached a state of intractability resulting from the failure of all attempts to change the regime in Syria.

During his meeting with al-Assad, the Egyptian minister conveyed a message from President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, in which the latter affirmed Egypt's solidarity with Syria, its willingness to continue supporting the Syrians in facing the effects of the earthquake, his pride in the historical relations between the two countries, and Cairo's keenness to strengthen these relations and develop joint cooperation. Al-Assad responded by thanking the Egyptian guest, and expressing Syria's keenness on relations with Egypt "within the natural and historical context," considering that "work to improve relations between Arab countries on a bilateral basis is the basis for improving the Arab situation in general." The visit of Ras Haram, the Egyptian diplomat, to Damascus comes to revive historical ties between the two countries, after a rupture that began in 2011, and reached its climax during the assumption of the “Muslim Brotherhood” to rule Egypt under the leadership of the late Mohamed Morsi, who announced in June 2013 that his country had officially cut ties with Damascus. And joining the anti-Syrian government coalition, embracing the activity of a section of the Syrian opposition, and calling for an air embargo on Syria. Several Egyptian sources narrate that the position of the Egyptian army, which was led at that time by Sisi, who held the position of Minister of Defense at the time, remained opposed to Morsi’s position, which was confirmed by the late Egyptian writer, Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, during a television interview, during which he stated that the Egyptian army rejected the policy of The late president, but the latter continued it.

After the collapse of the “Brotherhood” government, and the rise of Sisi to power, relations partially restored between the two countries, which was explicitly announced by the Egyptian president during a visit he made shortly after assuming power to the United States in 2014, where he referred to the strength of the ties that unite the armies of the two countries, and stressed that the unity of Syria It is considered part of the Egyptian national security. However, the ties did not rise to high levels, but rather were limited to the scope of security meetings, before the meeting that brought together the Syrian Foreign Minister, Faisal Al-Miqdad, with his Egyptian counterpart in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting in 2021, which constituted a milestone. In addition to close security and military cooperation, Syrian investors who transferred their investments from Syria to Egypt during the war played a prominent role in strengthening relations between the two countries, after the volume of those investments amounted to about $23 billion.

Syria has expressed, many times, during statements made by Al-Assad and Al-Miqdad, its understanding of the position of some countries that communicate with Syria in private due to Western and American pressures. Big "opening" steps. However, these circumstances seem to have begun to transform during the past few months, in light of several Arab initiatives led by Jordan, the Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman to break the political stalemate. The catastrophic repercussions of the earthquake provided an opportunity to move forward and open the door for Egypt, whose president, immediately after the disaster, initiated contact. Assad, and instructed to send aid by air and sea. At a time when there is talk in some Arab political circles of the existence of Saudi-Egyptian differences that could have constituted an additional motive for Cairo to take its broad step towards Damascus, the Arab moves indicate that the Egyptian openness falls within the framework of a broad Arab activity that does not exclude Riyadh, which the minister announced. Its foreign minister, Faisal bin Farhan, changed his country's position on Syria, stressing the need to communicate with Damascus, which he is expected to visit in the coming days.

Despite the continuous openness of Arab capitals to Damascus, whether before or after the earthquake, these steps face many obstacles and difficult tests, most notably the US position rejecting this normalization, and the threat of unilateral US sanctions imposed on Syria, in addition to Washington's possession of many pressure cards that may initiate use during the next period.

Media Review: Military Watch: A “terrifying” Chinese weapon located in Algeria destroys “NATO” tanks if delivered to Russia

    Monday, February 27, 2023   No comments

A magazine specialized in weapons and military equipment published a lengthy article about one of the effective Chinese weapons against tanks, stressing that this simple weapon may destroy the various Western tanks that NATO recently sent to Ukraine.

Military Watch magazine indicated that Western countries pledged tens of billions of dollars worth of new weapons to support the Ukrainian forces, at a time when Washington and European sources claimed that “the Russian army could receive support from China.”

The magazine considered that “this proposition and speculation contradicts Beijing’s neutral position, which is in line with the position of the majority of non-Western countries on the Ukrainian crisis,” but noted that “the wide range of weapons that China can provide, from guided missile artillery to missiles, could change the balance of Powers..although there is a great danger for China through the seizure of its weapons systems and its study by Ukraine and its Western supporters.

And the magazine noted that "if China decides to provide weapons, which is unlikely as it seems, one of the weapons with the greatest impact that it can provide is the simplest in terms of size and back."

However, the magazine considered that the simple Chinese anti-tank type “HJ-12” could cause a major problem for Western tanks supplied from NATO.

According to the report published by Military Watch, the Chinese company (China North Industries Corporation) developed this weapon in 2014, and obtained only one export contract to the Algerian army.

The HJ-12 is widely considered the most capable missile system of its kind in the world, competing with the US Javelin and the French NNB.

The simple shape of the Chinese weapon “HJ-12” allows for launching operations from inside buildings and targeting targets tightly before they are targeted.

The Chinese weapon allows the elements to carry out the targeting process and then to hide directly after firing, and gives them time to re-stock in order to engage a second target, considering that the Chinese weapon is the “most terrifying” for the Ukrainian army.

The magazine considered that the Chinese anti-tank “HJ-12” would be very dangerous for the new categories of tanks supplied to Ukraine, such as “Leopard 2”, “Leopard 1”, “Abrams” and others.

“China has worked on developing the HJ-12 anti-tank with the aim of improving its ability to penetrate and detonate reactive armor, in addition to its very long range of 4 kilometers, which enables it to engage less well-armoured targets at longer ranges at the expense of accuracy and penetration power.”

The missile system combines highly advanced capabilities with extremely light weight and weighs only 22 kg, allowing ground forces to maintain high mobility and great dynamism.

“Missiles are highly maneuverable and are designed to hit enemy vehicles from above where shields are weakest.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov had commented on the allegations of supplying Chinese weapons to Russia, saying that he “does not see any point in commenting on Western reports about discussing the supply of military equipment to Russia by Beijing, as all information has been refuted by China.”

The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, had warned Beijing of the consequences of supplying Moscow with weapons. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance is concerned about the possibility of China supplying weapons to Russia.

Today, Monday, China commented on the US imposing sanctions on its companies, due to allegations of its support for Russia.

"Beijing will take firm countermeasures, and will firmly protect the interests of Chinese companies," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning, according to the Chinese state-run Global Times newspaper.

And Ning urged America to stop spreading disinformation, and to lift sanctions on Chinese companies, according to “Sputnik”.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

The History of Illegal, Unjust Wars

    Sunday, February 26, 2023   No comments

History of Illegal, Unjust Wars

Saturday, February 25, 2023

At the conclusion of the "G20"... India refuses to condemn the Russian military operation in Ukraine

    Saturday, February 25, 2023   No comments

India refused to condemn the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, and had reservations about including the condemnation in the final statement of the meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of the G20 countries, which was held yesterday and today in New Delhi.

And the Indian Ministry of Finance stated, in a statement: “Most of the members decisively condemned the war in Ukraine, and affirmed that it causes great human suffering and exacerbates imbalances in the global economy … but there are other visions and different assessments of the situation and sanctions.”

She added, "While noting that the G-20 is not a forum for resolving security issues, we realize that security issues may have significant repercussions on the global economy."

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov intends to participate in the meeting of foreign ministers of the Group of Twenty, which is scheduled to be held on March 1 and 2 in New Delhi, according to what was announced by the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, earlier this month.

Zakharova pointed out that during the event, issues of capacity-building, reform of international institutions, and strengthening the positions of developing countries in the collective decision-making process will be discussed.

She added, "It is expected that there will be a busy schedule of bilateral meetings for Lavrov, on the sidelines of a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers. Work is underway to prepare these contacts. We are talking about countries such as China and Brazil, and of course the host country."

In addition to participating in the G20 Foreign Ministers' Council, Lavrov will be in New Delhi from March 1-3, as part of a working visit during which he will hold talks with his Indian counterpart, Subramaniam Jaishankar, and after that he will participate in the international "Raisinya Dialogue" conference.

India holds the G20 presidency from last December until November 30, 2023.

The G20 summit started on February 24 in Bangalore, the technological capital of India, to agree on the challenges posed by the global economy in the atmosphere of war in Ukraine, and high inflation with the recovery after the "Covid-19" epidemic.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for reform of international institutions, including the World Bank, on the first day of the G20 financial summit in the southern Indian city of Bangalore.

The meeting takes place exactly a year after the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, and amid disagreements among the G20 participants on this issue.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Beijing submits a peace plan proposal as a public position for the conflcit between Russia and Ukraine

    Friday, February 24, 2023   No comments

Media coverage of the Chinese proposal related to the military conflict in Ukraine is different depending on the source and its connection to the political systems. Here, a fact-driven, sourced summary is presented to serious readers who wish to understand, not take side.

With increased pressure on China to stop "thinking about" providing Russia with lethal weapons, China chose instead to propose a road map for ending the conflict. There are many legitimate questions as to the timing of the proposal and the increased pressure on China and other countries to take public stance about the conflict. A summary of the Chinese proposal as explained by Chinese officials and Chinese media is provided here along with some references for context.

In a 12-point position paper dubbed "China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis," issued on Friday morning, the Chinese Foreign Ministry called for ceasing hostilities and resuming peace talks, stopping unilateral sanctions and abandoning the Cold War mentality.

It also called for respecting the sovereignty of all countries and expressed opposition to the use of nuclear weapons. 

Chinese experts said the document should be viewed as a blueprint that has made China's principles clear for resolving the crisis and pointed out the basic path to achieve it constructively.

Although the document reflects China's position as a peacemaker and negotiation facilitator, as well as China's great sincerity in global governance, experts suggested that the course of the conflict largely depends on the willingness of both sides to resolve the conflict peacefully. And the atmosphere and willingness to negotiate are seemingly still far from being mature given the US and NATO's interference. 

Beijing called for stopping military operations in Ukraine, starting a negotiation process, and resuming direct dialogue as soon as possible.

Today, Friday, in a statement coinciding with the one-year anniversary of the start of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, the Chinese Foreign Ministry considered that "it is necessary to cease-fire and military operations," calling on "all parties to maintain rationality and restraint and avoid further aggravation of the Ukrainian crisis or even It's out of control."

The statement indicated that it was necessary to "support Russia and Ukraine in moving towards each other to resume direct dialogue as soon as possible."

The Chinese Foreign Ministry stressed that "dialogue and negotiations are the only possible way to solve the Ukrainian crisis," adding: "The international community should create conditions and provide a platform for the resumption of negotiations. China is ready to continue to play a constructive role in this regard."

China considered it important to abandon "unilateral sanctions and pressure, as it will not solve the problem and will create new problems."

The Chinese Foreign Ministry called for "reducing strategic risks" and stressed "resistance to the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons."

This statement was preceded by an announcement in which China said that it would submit a proposal this week to reach a political solution to end the war, which has been going on for nearly a year.

It is noteworthy that China has called on the United States more than once to settle the Ukrainian crisis politically instead of fueling it, and also called for an end to the war in Ukraine, and confirmed that its relationship with Russia is not against anyone.

In the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations, the head of the German Foreign Intelligence Service, Bruno Kahl, saw yesterday that Russian President Vladimir Putin is "currently interested in ending the conflict on the battlefield," while the Kremlin previously ruled out resuming talks with Kiev, especially after the latter passed a law. It stipulates that no negotiations with Russia should continue.

Likewise, the Kremlin accused Kiev of withdrawing from peace negotiations with Moscow last March on orders from Washington, and stressed at the same time that "Russia does not give up the possibility of negotiations with Ukraine, but postponing negotiations makes it difficult to agree."

Negotiations took place between Moscow and Kiev after the Russian military operation in Ukraine to end it. The foreign ministers of the two countries also met last March in Turkey without reaching substantial results. Since the negotiations faltered, the two sides exchanged accusations of causing this stalemate.

Updade (to reflect Russsia's reaction):

The Russian Foreign Ministry welcomed China's sincere desire to contribute to the settlement in Ukraine through peaceful means, and expressed Moscow's share with Beijing's vision for a settlement.

And the Russian Foreign Ministry statement said: "We share Beijing's proposal for a settlement, and we are committed to respecting the United Nations Charter, international and humanitarian law, and comprehensive security, in a way that does not enhance the security of one country at the expense of another country, or one group of countries at the expense of another."

She added, "We, along with China, see any restrictions imposed outside the scope of the UN Security Council as illegitimate, and a tool in unequal competition and economic warfare."

The Foreign Ministry affirmed that "Moscow is open to achieving the goals of the military operation through political and diplomatic means."


Thursday, February 23, 2023

Western Media Review: After the Ukraine war, the West has become more isolated

    Thursday, February 23, 2023   No comments

A year after the war in Ukraine, the West has never been more isolated, Politico reported Thursday.

The newspaper said, "The war in Ukraine accelerated the development of a post-Western world, and given current trends, it seems that this world may be more united, but also more isolated from the rest."

She added, "A year after the war in Ukraine, European and American governments defied critics with an extraordinary display of unity," asking: "But has this internal cohesion been achieved at the expense of external influence?"

This is the main question explored in a new survey by the European Council on Foreign Relations and the Europe in a Changing World project at Oxford University, which covers public opinion from 10 European countries and five from other regions of the world.

According to the results of the survey, while the war brought the West closer together, it also revealed a gap between the West's perception of Russia and the war, and the perception of other countries, and part of this gap comes from radically different perceptions of the state of the world.

Citizens from Europe and non-Western countries share the same conviction that the US-led liberal order is over, but their understanding of what kind of order will come next differs sharply, according to the survey.

He also revealed that many in the West believe, through the legacy of the Cold War, that we are entering a bipolar world dominated by the United States and China, but in other parts of the world, they do not believe this division. The fundamental reason for this is that from the perspective of those in China, Turkey or Russia, we are entering a multipolar world between many centers of power, not a bipolar one.

In other words, the citizens of these countries believe that fragmentation into different systems will determine the future. In this scenario, the entire West would be just one center of power among many others, which would not single-handedly define order and lead global democracy.

According to the newspaper, the most fundamental reason for this view is that people in non-Western major powers now tend to believe that they also represent a real democracy. % of Indians, 36% of Turks, and 20% of Russians.

The newspaper pointed out that with Western governments anticipating the return of the Cold War-type bipolarity between democracy and tyranny, they often tend to view countries such as India and Turkey as swing states that can be persuaded to take sides, pointing out that "these countries see themselves completely differently, As emerging great powers, they may side with the West on some issues, but not on everything.

She also reported that "the ability of the West to work alongside those international partners who have a different understanding of the conflict will have an important impact on the outcome of the war, as well as on the shape of geopolitics," noting that "it takes humility to see countries like India, Brazil and Turkey as partners." In shaping the future system, not as players being moved to the right side of history."

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Dmitry Medvedev: Defeating Russia will Trigger Nuclear War

    Wednesday, February 22, 2023   No comments

Known for his biting commentaries, sharp wit, and concise articulation of policy-sourced analysis, Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chair of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, unleashed an attack on US President with a chillling warning: Defeating Russia will Trigger Nuclear War. Medvedev published this ominous warning on his favorite social media platform, Telegram, with the title, About two performances. For full context of his Feb. 22 post, we provide a full translation below.


1. Yesterday there was a Message from the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly, which, among other things, announced the suspension of our participation in START-3. An overdue decision, the inevitability of which I noted last year. The decision prompted by the war declared by the United States and other NATO countries to our country. A decision that will have a huge resonance in the world in general and in the United States in particular. After all, the American establishment has been thinking until now something like this: we will spoil you everywhere and in everything, we will supply gigantic volumes of weapons to the Kiev regime, we will work to defeat Russia, we will limit and destroy you, but strategic security is a separate issue. It is not connected with the general context of relations between the US and Russia. She is almost a sacred cow.

This conclusion is worse than a crime - this is a gross mistake of the Americans. An error generated by their mania grandiosa. Their sense of superiority and impunity. After all, it is obvious to all reasonable forces that if the United States wants the defeat of Russia, then we are on the verge of a world conflict. If the United States wants to defeat Russia, then we have the right to defend ourselves with any weapon, including nuclear. And as Vladimir Putin rightly said: "It is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield." It is with this that the suspension (for now) of START-3 is connected. Let the out-of-touch elites in the US think about what they have achieved. We will also observe the reaction of other nuclear powers - NATO members: France and Britain. Their strategic nuclear forces were usually not included in the balance of nuclear warheads and carriers when preparing agreements between the US and the USSR (Russia), but it is high time to do so.

2. Biden addressed the Russian people in front of a crowd of Poles. In fact, he delivered a sermon in the traditional messianic key for America, adjusted for senile insanity. Heaped high words about how important it is to defend democracy, and that the US is not going to attack Russia. It looked dishonest and ridiculous. Who is this strange grandfather, broadcasting with a bewildered look from Poland? Why does he appeal to the people of another country at a time when he is full of domestic problems? With what fright should we listen to a politician from a hostile state that exudes hatred for our Motherland? Why should the citizens of Russia trust the leader of the United States, who unleashed the most wars in the 20th and 21st centuries, but reproach us for aggressiveness? A person who directs all his weakening intellectual capabilities only to ensure that Russia suffers a “strategic defeat”.

And further. To paraphrase a famous expression, Biden said in Warsaw: “If Russia stops its invasion, it will end right now. If Ukrainians stop defending themselves, that will be the end of Ukraine.” This is a refined lie. The truth is quite different.

If Russia stops the SMO without achieving victory, Russia will not exist, it will be torn to pieces. If the US stops supplying weapons to the Kyiv regime, the war will end.

On February 24, Medvedev added this:

It's been a year since the special operation has been going on. A year since our servicemen restore order, peace and justice in our land, protect our people and destroy the roots of neo-Nazism. They are heroes.

The whole country helps them, supplying the front with everything necessary.

Victory will be achieved. We all want this to happen as soon as possible. And that day will come. We will return our territories and reliably protect our people, who have suffered during the years of genocide and shelling.

What's next?

Then there will be negotiations, which, I am sure, will become difficult and nervous. First of all, because the formal participants in the negotiations on the part of our enemy are one, and the actual leaders are completely different. And decisions for the Kiev regime will, of course, not be made by some kind of Zelensky, if he is still alive, or his clique. The decision will be made across the ocean by those in whose hands the supply of weapons to Kyiv and the allocation of money to maintain the remains of the Ukrainian economy. The motives of the main enemies of our country are obvious: to weaken Russia as much as possible, to bleed us for a long time. Therefore, they are not interested in ending the conflict. But sooner or later, according to historical laws, they will do it. And then there will be an agreement. Naturally, without fundamental agreements on real borders or on a new Helsinki Pact that ensures security in Europe. Just some kind of agreement.

Then, most likely, no less difficult time will begin. Exhausting months and years of confrontation, tantrums and rudeness on the part of those who will manage the stub that remains of Ukraine. Their fate is unenviable. They will not be able to recognize the results of the SVO without the risk of being executed on the same day. The nationalists will continue to control the powerful camarilla, because none of them have any other ideology than Bandera's neo-Nazism. Recognition of defeat for them is like death. Therefore, the ideology of “something to win” can remain for a long time.

And at some point, the new bloody boys, backed to the wall by once again unbelted Bandera, who call themselves the legal Ukrainian authorities, will again provoke a world conflict. It doesn't matter - on the eve of the elections or just on the next Maidan.

This cannot be allowed.

Therefore, it is so important to achieve all the goals of a special military operation. Push the borders of threats to our country as far as possible, even if these are the borders of Poland. Destroy neo-Nazism to the ground. In order not to waste time later on catching the remnants of Bandera gangs in the Little Russian forests. So that the world will find the long-awaited peace.


Dmitry Medvedev Bio:

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University in 1987 and completed his post-graduate studies at Leningrad State University in 1990. Holds a PhD in law and the title of associate professor.

Medvedev is a Russian politician who has been serving as the deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia since 2020. Medvedev also served as the president of Russia between 2008 and 2012 and as the prime minister of Russia between 2012 and 2020.

Putin: The relations between Russia and China are developing...and waiting for the Chinese President's visit

    Wednesday, February 22, 2023   No comments

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced today, Wednesday, that Russian-Chinese relations are developing as planned, stressing that the two countries are reaching new stages.

This came in a meeting with the Head of the Bureau of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Wang Yi, in which, on the Russian side, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, and the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, participated.

Putin added, during the meeting, that "Russia is waiting for Chinese President Xi Jinping on its territory," saying that "a visit like this will give impetus to the development of relations between the two countries."

And he stressed that "Russia is aware of the very important internal political developments that have taken place recently in China, which certainly contribute to the country's strength, and create the appropriate conditions for its continuous development in accordance with the plans of the Chinese Communist Party."

Speaking about the growing trade relations between Beijing and Moscow, the Russian president indicated that "the volume of trade exchange between the two countries will reach $200 billion before 2024."

"We set a goal to reach the level of 200 billion dollars in 2024. Last year it already reached 185 billion, and there is every reason to believe that we will achieve our goals in terms of trade, perhaps even earlier than planned," Putin told Wang Yi. .

Lavrov, in turn, stated that relations between Russia and China are developing dynamically despite the international turmoil, stressing that Moscow and Beijing are ready to defend each other's interests.

For his part, Wang Yi stressed during his talks with Lavrov that "Russian-Chinese relations maintain a high momentum," expressing his hope to "reach new agreements."

The Chinese official pointed out that "the Chinese-Russian relations, which are based on broad partnership and strategic cooperation in the new era, maintain a high momentum of development thanks to the strategic direction of President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin."

And the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced earlier today that Russia and China agreed to jointly confront all forms of unilateral intimidation.

"The two sides expressed their willingness to jointly practice true multilateralism, confront all forms of unilateral intimidation, and promote the democratization of international relations and multipolarity," she added.

The two sides also agreed to further strengthen multilateral cooperation, and stressed the need to maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

This came during a meeting between the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, and Wang Yi, yesterday, Tuesday, which dealt with the development of bilateral relations between Russia and China.

GT, Chinese English Daily, reported that Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi started his Russia visit on Tuesday after his trip to France, Italy, Hungary and a series of meetings with diplomats from countries including the US and Ukraine in Germany on the sideline of the Munich Security Conference, with analysts saying China is making efforts for mediation by engaging with all relevant parties involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, while the US keeps on adding fuel to the flame and exploiting the conflict to make a political show. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Secret documents reveal for the first time.. Bush and Blair were certain of Iraq's inability to develop weapons of mass destruction two years before the war

    Tuesday, February 21, 2023   No comments

Britain recently released documents to the British Cabinet that reveal information about the US-British lies that the two countries told before the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

The documents revealed that London was confident that the allegations of Iraq's possession of any ability to obtain weapons of mass destruction or long-range missiles, at least two years before its invasion, were false.

And the “BBC” considered that these documents are the first of their kind that “proves that the British Prime Minister (at the time) Tony Blair knew that Iraq was devoid of any capabilities to possess prohibited weapons in accordance with United Nations resolutions issued before and after the removal of the Iraqi army from Kuwait in February. 1991, in the aftermath of Operation Desert Storm.

Twenty years after the start of the war, the documents confirm that "the policy of containment and the strict international sanctions imposed on Iraq after the liberation of Kuwait from the occupation of its army in 1991 achieved its goal of preventing Saddam Hussein from developing weapons that were not permitted."

The documents refer mainly to the effectiveness of British military, arms and technological sanctions in the context of a review conducted by the Blair administration in 2001 of the US-British policy on Iraq, and this review was agreed upon during the first visit of the British Prime Minister to Washington after the inauguration of George Bush Jr., as US President.

The documents confirm that (at the time) Britain offered the Bush administration a new policy called “a contract with the Iraqi people” aimed at obtaining support, especially from the countries and peoples of the Arab region, for the US-British policy in dealing with Iraq.

The review clearly confirmed, according to the documents, that “without the containment policy that we follow, it was likely that Iraq would now possess a long-range missile capable of reaching Britain and Europe, as well as chemical, biological and nuclear warheads for such a weapon (the missile).”

She pointed out that the United Nations ban on Iraq manufacturing missiles with a range not exceeding 150 kilometers "is a major restriction that prevents it from developing such a missile."

The documents say that "the Blair administration sought to communicate effectively with the French to persuade them to include elements of the contract with the Iraqi people in any statements issued to promote our new approach at the United Nations."

The review suggested that “we may inform major Arab countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait about the new approach in order to issue supportive statements.”

Monday, February 20, 2023

Is China Taking Gloves Off? "U.S. has no right to lecture on possible arms supplies to Moscow"

    Monday, February 20, 2023   No comments

Media review: Global Politics

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin: 
"It is the American side, not the Chinese side, that constantly supplies weapons to the battlefield. Who calls for dialogue and peace, and who distributes knives and encourages confrontation? The United States has no right to lecture China, and we will never allow the United States to dictate or pressure Sino-Russian relations." 

Al-Assad from Muscat: The region is now more in need of the role of the Sultanate of Oman

    Monday, February 20, 2023   No comments

Today, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made a working visit to the Sultanate of Oman, where he was received at the Royal Private Airport by Sultan Haitham bin Tariq, Sultan of Oman.

Al-Assad and Bin Tariq held an official session of talks at Al-Baraka Al-Amer Palace in Muscat, in the presence of the two official delegations, where the latter renewed his condolences to President Al-Assad and the Syrian people for the victims of the devastating earthquake, stressing his country's continued support for Syria to overcome the effects of the earthquake and the repercussions of the war and the siege imposed on the Syrian people.

For his part, Al-Assad expressed his deep thanks to the Sultan, the government and the brotherly Omani people, for their solidarity and standing with Syria and for sending relief aid, noting that the greatest thanks is for Oman's standing by Damascus during the terrorist war against it.

The talks also dealt with the bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries, and the areas of joint cooperation, where it was agreed between the two sides to strengthen and advance bilateral cooperation in all fields, and Al-Assad indicated that Syria and Oman have relations of mutual trust and an old and deep understanding.

Al-Assad considered that Oman has always maintained its balanced policies and credibility, and that the region "now more needs the role of the Sultanate of Oman in serving the interests of its people in order to strengthen relations between Arab countries on the basis of mutual respect and non-interference in the affairs of other countries."

For his part, Bin Tariq said that Syria is a brotherly Arab country, "and we look forward to its relations with all Arab countries returning to their natural context."

The official talks session was followed by a closed session of talks, then Al-Assad and his accompanying delegation left Muscat, concluding his working visit to the sisterly Sultanate of Oman. 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

China's President Xi Jinping set to visit Iran

    Saturday, February 18, 2023   No comments

Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Iran, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced at the end of the Iranian president's three-day visit to China.

A joint statement from the two countries said Xi Jinping "gladly accepted the invitation" of his Iranian counterpart, but the date of the visit was not mentioned.

Earlier in the day, Raisi called his visit to China "extremely fruitful and successful," expressing his hope to advance cooperation with China in various fields.

In a press statement upon his arrival in Tehran, Raisi announced the signing of 20 memorandums of cooperation in the presence of the presidents of the two countries, stressing that there is a serious desire on both sides to enhance cooperation in the trade, economic, energy, scientific and technological fields.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said yesterday that Raisi's first visit to Beijing will help stability in the Middle East, and will not target any third party, but will contribute to the well-being of the Iranian and Chinese peoples.

The Iranian president met his Chinese counterpart on his eighth foreign visit during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Samarkand a few months ago. In the bilateral meeting, the Chinese president officially invited his Iranian counterpart to visit Beijing.

The 36th summit of the African Union.. What is on its agenda?

    Saturday, February 18, 2023   No comments

A number of challenges are facing the African summit, most notably considering the file of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, as well as the frozen memberships of countries, including Sudan.

There will also be closed sessions to adopt the agenda, and to hear reports on the state of peace and security, and the African Free Trade Area, in addition to other files related to the evaluation of the implementation plan for the first decade of Africa's Vision 2063, and the reform of the United Nations Security Council.

In a speech, the Chairman of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki, said, "What is required is to activate the African Free Trade Area quickly to meet the various challenges," adding that the continent's partners "impose strict conditions for financing our various projects."

Faki also called for "the necessity of reforming global governance that excludes Africa from the Security Council," noting that "some of the goals adopted by the continent have not been achieved due to the lack of political will among some."

The Chairperson of the African Union Commission warned of the expansion of terrorism in Mali, Burkina Faso and Chad, explaining the need for international solidarity with the affected countries.

For his part, the Ethiopian Prime Minister said in his speech that "Africa must be represented in the Security Council with at least one permanent seat and two non-permanent seats."

In turn, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, "The Russian-Ukrainian war has directly affected the lives of the African people, who bear the greatest challenges," he said.

Guterres considered that "Africa needs international financing to relieve the burden of debt burdened with it," calling on the other hand for the return of the democratic path in Sudan, Mali and Burkina Faso.

And the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry announced earlier that the leaders of 36 African countries confirmed their attendance at the summit, which begins with an open session that includes several speakers, most notably Senegalese President Macky Sall, head of the ending session of the Union, and President of the Comoros Ghazali Osmani, head of the next session, in addition to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

In a message to African leaders, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Saturday that he stands ready to work with leaders of African countries to build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.  Xi made the pledge in his message to the 36th African Union (AU) Summit, in which he extended congratulations to African countries and the African people on the opening of the summit, according to Chinese media reporting.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

By not calling the Syrian government with words of condolence for the dead Syrians, Erdogan may have missed his chance to rehabilitate his sectarian supremacy

    Thursday, February 16, 2023   No comments

When a government minister from Greece, a country with which Turkey is threatening with war, becomes the first among his European colleagues to visit quake-hit Turkey to survey the extent of the disaster caused by the quakes there, Erdogan’s government should have done the same with its Syrian counterpart. After all, Erdogan has played a pivotal role in the crisis in that country that destroyed the country and left nearly 20% of its territory outside the control of the government. Instead, Erdogan chose to ignore common human compassion, Islamic norms that require ta`ziya, and neighborly obligation in order to preserve his political posturing.

Politics should never supersede human decency. That is why many of the Arab rulers who wished for the overthrown of the Syrian government and invested in that project, like the King of Jordan, the Sheikh of UAE, and Egypt’s Sisi’s, all of them despite their disagreements with the Syrian government, called the Syrian president for ta`ziya and to offer help. Sixteen other Arabi governments that cut ties with the Syrian government during the crisis reached out with words of support and offers of help. But not Erdogan.

Erdogan, who reshaped Turkish society to his liking, wanted to recreate his neighborhood as well, not work with his neighbors. He used religion, nationalism, and politics to pursue an agenda of supremacy driven by the same callous Darwinian capitalism that is at the root of most of the social and environmental illnesses. His refusal to do the decent thing and pick up the phone and say to his counterpart in the neighboring country that was devastated by the same deadly and destructive earthquake, inna lillahi wa-inna ilayhi raji`un, shows that he lacks the temperament of a leader who is supposed to represent the values of his society not his personal impulses and sectarian biases.

We say secterian bias because it is clear thzt Erdogan is willing to make peace with all former enemies, yet he resists making peace with the Syrian government and the only reason we see is because Assad is not a Sunni Muslim, he is seen by sectarian leader as a person who belongs to an inferior sect ruling over the majority-Sunni country. That is why only another sectarian nation-state, Qatar refuses to deal with the Syrian government, prompting a renouned journalist to write a public letter to the emir, we share it here because it highlights the same issues addressed in this editorial.

His Highness Sheikh “Tamim bin Hamad,” this is an open letter to public opinion and before God Almighty, from a crushed and overpowering Arab citizen to Your Highness. Perhaps you will hear these words emanating from a heart squeezed by grief and pain over a nation that is being written off from the map of influence, and is living in the worst stages of an era of deterioration.

Your Highness: Syria, which was hit by a devastating earthquake that left thousands of victims and tens of thousands of afflicted, displaced and wounded, is living the tragedy of the century, and its people are groaning under the weight of a double catastrophe after years of war and siege. Millions in Syria are below the poverty line, ravaged by poverty, hunger, destitution and cold.. Children, women, the elderly and decent families Mastoura has become homeless or breadwinner. You may be aware of this through reports that are supposed to reach you.

Many countries of the world, led by Arab and Islamic countries, have come to the aid and relief with the commendable capabilities they can, and the countries of Qatar have lagged behind in that. I know that you are helping our brothers in Turkey, and this is a humanitarian work that you bear witness to. And you help our brothers in northern Syria where the Syrian government has no control, and this is a blessed act, but excluding areas such as Aleppo, Latakia, Jableh and Hama because they are located in the areas of the Syrian government or the “regime” as you call it from relief, and withholding any sympathy for them or conveying their suffering, or even condolence with them . Allow me to say that this approach is wrong, and it harms the State of Qatar, its reputation and its future, more than it harms the Syrians at a painful but fleeting moment in the course of history.

  The human tendency does not differentiate between one person and another on the basis of where he resides. Arab brotherhood, Arab blood, magnanimity, originality, and Arab honor necessitate transcendence over political differences and fear to save simple people, brothers, and human beings anywhere, regardless of the political dispute with the government or the difference in orientations. The State of Qatar must help the brothers and the Syrian people in Aleppo, Lattakia, Jableh and Hama, just like its donation to help the Syrian people in Idlib, Jandiris and other regions of the north.

If there is a political disagreement and a rift between you and the Syrian leadership, then let it not be, and no one will ask you to change your political orientations according to what you see as serving the interests of your country. But at the same time, there is no political dispute between the Syrian and Qatari peoples. It is a common sympathy and pain, and I am confident that your Qatari people are in pain for every Syrian and do not differentiate between those who sit in the open in Aleppo or those who sleep in the cold in Idlib. The entire Syrian people is afflicted and needs the embrace of its Arab brothers. Syria has always been the first to extend a helping hand to all Arabs in their tribulations and misfortunes, and it has never been stingy or hesitated for a single moment in offering even lives for Arab causes.

Your Highness: Perhaps you know or have heard about the gift of the Syrians in all cities, as well as the Arabs and Muslims in all countries, to defend Qatar in the face of bullying, racism and confusion practiced by Western countries during Qatar's hosting of the World Cup. They gave you love and sympathy, and this is more valuable than all the treasures and money of the earth. Hundreds of thousands of Syrian activists in Damascus, Homs, Aleppo and other cities did not say that there is a political dispute that necessitates refraining from defending our brothers who achieve a common achievement that raises the heads of all Arabs.

The Syrian people are a dear and dignified people, full of dignity, dignity and pride. A word of sympathy and consolation. Watching the Arab brothers flock to them and their planes landing in their country is more important to them than bread, medicine, housing and money.

I know this people very well, and I know that Syria, the homeland, will not be burned or drowned. This is Syria, the mother of every Arab. The homeland is for those who have no homeland. Syria is the holy land, the kind and warm people, and the civilization steeped in history. An earthquake, war, or disaster cannot erase it.

Your Highness, deafen your ear, even for a moment, to the voices of blind hatred, the voices that filled the space around you with calls to stop and cut aid to Syria in the most difficult disaster it is going through, and sayings that the Syrian regime benefits from the disaster and that aid saves the regime from the siege. The truth is that the children of Syria are languishing under the rubble and in the open.

These voices are now insulting to Qatar and to the image of its peaceful, loving and open people. Those voices that were stripped of humanity and blinded by hatred, blackness of the heart and sickness of the mind.

Deaf ears to the calls not to help the afflicted because they are in the “regime” areas. These are shameful and disgraceful calls, and hear the voice of the Arab blood that flows in your veins. Hear the voice of the facts that indicate that there are Arabs and non-Arabs. Come to the differences, renounce hatred and break the siege for the sake of Arab and human brotherhood, from Egypt to Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Jordan, Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Mauritania, Libya, Lebanon, the Sultanate of Oman and Bahrain, while Qatar seems isolated, measuring its humanity with narrow political calculations. A victim from the opposition area, and this is a victim from the regime area.”

Your Highness the Emir: It is not too late, and the State of Qatar can suspend the political dispute, and rush now to Syria to offer a helping hand and assistance, or at least offer condolences for the victims, just like its Arab and Muslim brothers and the free countries of the world. Your blessed efforts to help in Turkey and northern Syria remain incomplete if they do not include assistance to all those affected by the earthquake, wherever they are or reside, and whatever the circumstances and differences. Your position is not permissible humanly, morally, legally and patriotic before God and the court of history and peoples.

  One day, Arab brotherhood and one Arab blood will be victorious, so Your Highness contributed to making this day soon, and do not make sisterly Qatar a prisoner of a chorus of sick people who live on differences and are addicted to insults, grudges and provoking division.

This is the message of an Arab citizen who has no power or power and only possesses the word of truth and seeks nothing but God's approval.

Kamal Khalaf

Writer and Journalist

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Chinese and Iranian presidents agree to deepen the strategic partnership between the two countries

    Tuesday, February 14, 2023   No comments

 The importance of Iran's president visit to China can be assessed not only by the deals signed between the two leaders, but by how the official Chinese media covers it. 

A case in point is Chinese daily global media, GT, editorialized about the event.

The Chinese newspaper "Global Times" reported today, Tuesday, that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi agreed with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, during their meeting today in Beijing, to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Iran.

"The two sides are expected to increase coordination within the framework of multilateral platforms, such as the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and to inject positive energy for peace, regionally and globally," the newspaper said.

According to the newspaper, Chinese experts said that Raisi's three-day visit to Beijing, the first since he assumed office in August 2021, would accelerate the implementation of a 25-year agreement between the two countries.

Experts pointed out that this meeting between the two presidents will direct bilateral cooperation to a higher level, which confirms the deep mutual trust between the two countries.

After the meeting, the two presidents witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of agriculture, trade, tourism, environmental protection, health, disaster relief, culture and sports, according to the Chinese news agency Xinhua.

For his part, the Iranian president said, during his meeting with his Chinese counterpart, that the implementation of the comprehensive document of the strategic partnership between Iran and China is an important measure to achieve stability and peace in the region.

Raisi added, "Despite the opposition of the enemies of Iran and China to the consolidation and expansion of relations between the two countries, these relations have made great strides under the good management of the two parties."

He pointed out that "Iran and China are friends in difficult times," stressing that "the consolidation of these relations and friendships is effective in the security of the region and the world."

The Iranian president expressed his appreciation for China's positive and constructive role in the nuclear talks, noting that "the Westerners have once again fallen into a miscalculation with regard to Iran, not realizing that Iran and its people are determined, more than ever, to follow the path of development and progress." .

Raisi made it clear that Iran is ready to implement the Belt and Road project.

In turn, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that his country supports the Iranian side in protecting its "legitimate rights" and "encourages a speedy and appropriate solution to the Iranian nuclear issue."

"China will continue to constructively participate in the negotiations on the resumption of the Iran nuclear deal," Xi added.

Prior to his visit to Beijing, Raisi indicated, in a press statement, yesterday, Monday, that the goals and plans for his visit to China are to implement the strategic document that was signed between the two countries for 25 years, on March 27, 2022, and during this visit, economic agreements will be developed and accelerated between the two countries. .

It is noteworthy that the Iranian president had met his Chinese counterpart on his eighth foreign visit, during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Samarkand, months ago. In the bilateral meeting, the Chinese president officially invited his Iranian counterpart to visit Beijing.

This is my president's tenth foreign visit in less than a year and a half of his government's life.

During the visit, the Iranian president will participate in the joint meeting of businessmen and economic experts from Iran and China, meet with Iranians residing in China, and talk to senior intellectuals and thinkers in China, according to local Iranian media.

China is Iran's largest trading partner. According to Iranian customs statistics, China is the main export destination for Iran, which imports from it exceeded 12 billion and 600 million US dollars.

China: Iranian President's visit helps stability in the Middle East

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the first visit by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Beijing will help stability in the Middle East and does not target any third party.

"The visit will contribute to the well-being of the Iranian and Chinese people," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin, according to the Chinese government newspaper, the Global Times.

On Tuesday afternoon, Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold a welcoming ceremony for his Iranian counterpart in the Great Hall of the People. After the ceremony, the two presidents will hold a closed meeting.

Last Sunday, China announced that the Iranian president would visit Beijing for 3 days, from 14 to 16 February.

Sino-Iranian relations have recently witnessed tension, following what Iran described as the positions raised during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Saudi Arabia.

Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz and the Chinese President signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between the two countries, on the sidelines of the Chinese President's visit to the Kingdom.

At the time, the Iranian president said, "Some of the positions that were raised during the Chinese president's recent visit to the region caused dissatisfaction and discontent with the people and government in Iran."

Iran summoned the Chinese ambassador to Tehran to the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to express its strong dissatisfaction with the statement of the Chinese-Gulf summit, which included "the status of the Abu Musa, Greater and Lesser Tunbs islands, and the nuclear agreement negotiations."

Last September, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani confirmed that "all allegations made in the final statement of the Gulf Cooperation Council regarding the three Iranian islands are unacceptable."

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said, "China's relations with Iran will not be affected by the current circumstances, but rather will be permanent and strategic."

On March 27, 2022, China and Iran signed a 25-year strategic cooperation agreement in Tehran, and the Iranian president stressed the need for continued cooperation between the two countries to implement the nuclear agreement.


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