Friday, March 11, 2022

Welcome To Ukrainistan

    Friday, March 11, 2022   No comments


As soon as the war in Ukraine broke, leaders of that country called on people from around the world to join their fight. There is no evidence that Ukraine ever sent its people, in such an organized fashion, to support other communities devastated by wars, many were illegal wars of aggression. Yet, here we are, Ukraine is enabling its embassies around the world to facilitate the transfer of volunteers. As expected, Russian officials appear to do the same: they will transfer volunteers from the Middle East and Africa to eastern Ukraine to join the fight there. Another proxy-war is under way.


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Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan to Western leaders: "We are not your Slaves"

    Tuesday, March 08, 2022   No comments

Ukraine Russia War: Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday responded to a joint letter by the heads of diplomatic missions of the European Union urging Pakistan to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine. In response to this joint letter, Imran said, ‘What do you think about us.. You think that we are your slaves.. That we will do whatever you say?’

Imran Khan fiercely targeted Western envoys during a rally in Islamabad on Sunday. He said that I want to ask the ambassadors of the European Union whether they have sent a similar letter to India to abstain from voting? Given that Pakistan’s arch rival had also not participated, the EU did not send the letter to India. He said that the United Nations has never condemned India for its actions in Kashmir.

Imran Khan further says, ‘We are friends with Russia, and we are also friends with America, we also have good relations with China and Europe. We are not in any camp.” Khan said Pakistan would remain “neutral” and work with those who are trying to end the war in Ukraine.

After SoS, Blinken appeared to geenlight Poland sending fighter jets to Ukraine, the Pentagon clarifies: ‘No Decisions Made’

    Tuesday, March 08, 2022   No comments

The Ukrainian government asked Western nations to supply them fighter jets or impose no-fly-zone over Ukraine. US state department appeared to support the idea of Poland providing such military support. Russia responded saying that any such move by a European nation will make them directly involved in the conflict and Russia will respond accordingly. Once that threat was issued and when Poland felt the lack of support should Russia respond, the Polish government commented on it sending fighter jets to Ukraine: "Fake News".

 On Monday, the Pentagon downplayed the chances of Poland sending Ukraine Russian-made MiG-29 fighter jets after Secretary of State Antony Blinken said such a plan would get a “green light” from the US.

Blinken said that the US was in discussions with Poland to replenish Warsaw’s fleet with US-made jets if it transfers the MiG-29s to Ukraine. But as recently as Sunday, Polish officials have characterized the idea of Poland sending warplanes to Ukraine as “fake news.”

When asked about the comments from Polish officials, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said, “no decisions have been made,” and that the decision was ultimately up to Poland.

“This will be a sovereign decision for a nation-state to make. Whether it’s Poland or anybody else, that should they want to provide aircraft to the Ukrainian Air Force, that’s a sovereign decision that they can make,” he said.


China seeks clarification from the United States on military biological activities

    Tuesday, March 08, 2022   No comments

US urged to clarify biomilitary activities, accept multilateral inspections as Ukraine found to have 30 biolabs

China has urged the US to make full clarification of its biological militarization activities at home and abroad and accept multilateral inspections, said the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Tuesday, following media reports that revealed a network of about 30 biological laboratories were formed in Ukraine at the request of the US.

The US' biological laboratories in Ukraine have aroused great concern, Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said in remarks during a press conference. Zhao cited media reports as saying that the biological laboratories store large quantities of dangerous viruses, and Russia has found during its military operations that the US is using these facilities for biomilitary projects.

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Monday, March 07, 2022

Media bias or media doing what it has always done: mainstream propaganda

    Monday, March 07, 2022   No comments

 Not every war gets the same coverage as Russia's invasion — and that has consequences

It's a fact of modern life that some wars get more attention than others. And Russia's invasion of Ukraine has captured the public's attention in the West in a way that other recent wars — like those in Yemen or Ethiopia — simply haven't.

The reason is obvious, says Christopher Blattman, an economist at the University of Chicago and the author of Why We Fight: The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace. This is more than a regional conflict. It's a potential global conflagration. Superpowers are taking sides. There are fears that it could lead to nuclear escalation.



Media coverage of Ukraine shows it's time to rethink what we know about Africa

"It's very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed." These were the words of Ukraine's Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze, during a recent BBC interview about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

It wasn't so much what he said, it was more what was implied; that not all lives have equal value. And that idea -- the belief that some races are superior to others -- is a fundamental principle of racism. It's alarming to me that Sakvarelidze was left unchallenged during his interview.
As a Black, African woman without the benefit of blue eyes or blonde hair, it's been equally emotional to see the number of racist and ignorant comments in the coverage on Ukraine that have passed unchallenged by the interviewers and media platforms that have aired them. CBS, Aljazeera, France's BFM TV and ITV have all reported the invasion in ways that illustrate deep bias, informed by a belief system that screams of an old-world, White-led, order.
ITV News correspondent Lucy Watson on ITV reporting back to the studio summed up the collective hypocrisy and underlying narrative that the Ukrainian war has exposed when she said: "The unthinkable has happened...this is not a developing, third-world nation; this is Europe!"

Sunday, February 27, 2022

How the world covers the war in Ukraine

    Sunday, February 27, 2022   No comments

 How the world covers the war in Ukraine:

When war Remind us, again, that not all human beings are created equal;

Some human beings, in some countries, could be conquered, occupied, and exploited;

When they resist, they become terrorists, uncivilized;

Other countries cannot be invaded;

When countries of this kind of people are invaded, the world must supply them with everything to resist… everything…

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Federal Supreme Court of Iraq Ruling: Oil and Gas Law is unconstitutional

    Wednesday, February 16, 2022   No comments

On Tuesday, the Federal Supreme Court of Iraq issued several rulings regarding the export of oil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq outside the approval of the federal government.

 The court decided the following:

Ruling that the Oil and Gas Law is unconstitutional and repealed it for violating the provisions of the constitutional articles.

- Obligating the region to hand over oil to the federal government, specifically the Ministry of Oil.

The plaintiff has the right to pursue the nullity of the oil contracts that the regional government concluded with foreign parties regarding oil.

- Obligating the two parties to review all contracts concluded for auditing to ensure the region’s share of the budget.

Charge the defendant with fees and expenses.

The decision was passed by a majority, with only two members dissenting.

It is noteworthy that the Federal Court held, earlier Tuesday, the hearing of the case (59 federal) regarding the export of oil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq outside the approval of the federal government.

Monday, January 24, 2022

2:31 A Week In Review: January 23, 2022 world news recap

    Monday, January 24, 2022   No comments


Sunday, January 09, 2022

Afghanistan under Taliban, replenishing the military with Taliban fighters

    Sunday, January 09, 2022   No comments

Spokesman for the Afghan Ministry of Defense, Enayatullah Khwarizmi, confirmed that so far 80% of the Afghan army has been prepared, and the number of the army is scheduled to reach 100,000 soldiers, including members of the former army, and the priority in the new Afghan army will be for the Mujahideen.

Afghan caretaker foreign minister visits Tehran, Iran

    Sunday, January 09, 2022   No comments

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, met this evening, Sunday, with the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Maulvi Amir Khan Mottaki and his accompanying delegation.

According to Afghan news sources, the Foreign Minister Maulvi Amir Khan Mottaki was quoted as saying that had discussed with Iranian officials trade, oil, transit, politics, the current situation and security issues, which would have good results.


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