Results of the Lebanese Parliamentary Elections (partial)
Monday, May 16, 2022
The Lebanese Parliamentary Elections.. Announcing the winning candidates in 12 constituencies
The representatives were distributed among their parties so far, according to the following:
Hezbollah and Amal Movement: 32 deputies
Free Patriotic Movement: 20 deputies
Lebanese Forces Party: 18 deputies
The Kataeb Party: 5 MPs
Tashnak Party: 2
Marada party: 2
Independents: 14 deputies
Civil society: 11 deputies
The Minister of Interior and Municipalities of Lebanon held a press conference at eleven at night in which he announced the preliminary and non-final percentages of the parliamentary elections that took place in the 15 constituencies on all Lebanese territories. And the Lebanese National News Agency reported that the minister said, in an on-screen explanation, that "the percentages are estimates and are not final, and they are issued by the operations room in the General Directorate of the Internal Security Forces after the officers communicated with the heads of the regions in all regions. There are 60 unfinished positions remaining. Some have been handed over. The heads of the centers, the registration committees, the records of the pens, according to what we received from the directorate, and he said: "They are discretionary percentages, and they become final after looking into all the objections submitted by the candidates or the candidates' representatives, and we will follow up on the final result little by little."
Minister Mawlawi read out the estimated voting percentages after closing the polls, with the exception of 60 polling stations, which are as follows:
Beirut First District: 28.50%
Beirut Second District: 38.33%
Mount Lebanon First District (Byblos - Kesrouane): 55.93%
Mount Lebanon Second District (Matn): 42.70%
Mount Lebanon Third District (Baabda): 43.44%
Mount Lebanon Fourth District (Chouf - Aley): 44.49%
South District One (Sidon - Jezzine): 42.30%
Second South District (Sidon Villages - Tyre): 42.77%
South District Three: (Hasbaya - Marjeyoun - Nabatiyeh - Bint Jbeil): 41.76%
North District One (Akkar): 40.73%
Second North District (Minya - Denniye - Tripoli): 30.60%
North Third District (Zgharta - Bcharre - Koura - Batroun): 38.45%
Bekaa District One (Zahle): 43.02%
Second Bekaa Constituency (Rashaya - West Bekaa): 34.20%
Bekaa Third District (Baalbek-Hermel): 48.90%
Total in all of Lebanon: 41.04%
Parliamentary elections are held in Lebanon every 4 years, according to the distribution adopted since the Taif Agreement in 1989, with 128 seats divided equally between Muslims and Christians throughout the country.
The 128 seats are distributed as follows: 28 for Sunnis, 28 for Shiites, 8 for Druze, 34 for Maronites, 14 for Orthodox, 8 for Catholics, 5 for Armenians, two seats for Alawites, and one seat for minorities within the Christian community.
Some details:
According to Mawlawi, the voter turnout in the second district of Mount Lebanon (Northern Matn) reached 49.43%, and the winners are:
Two seats for the Free Patriotic Movement: Ibrahim Kanaan and Elias Bou Saab.
Two seats for the Lebanese Forces party: Melhem Riachy and Razi al-Hajj.
Two seats for the Lebanese Kataeb Party: Sami Gemayel and Elias Hankash.
A seat for the Tashnaq party: Hagop Pakradounian.
Independent seat: Michel Murr.
As for the fourth district of Mount Lebanon (Chouf - Aley), the voter turnout reached 48.6%, and the winners are:
5 seats for the Progressive Socialist Party: Taymour Jumblatt, Marwan Hamadeh, Akram Chehayeb, Bilal Abdullah and Raji Al-Saad.
3 seats for the Free Patriotic Movement: Farid Al-Bustani, Cesar Abi Khalil and Ghassan Atallah.
3 independent seats: Najat Khattar Aoun, Halima Kaqour and Mark Daou.
Two seats for the Lebanese Forces party: George Adwan and Nazih Matta.
In the third district of the North (Bcharre - Batroun - Zgharta - Koura), the voter turnout was 44.20%. The winners are:
Two seats for the Lebanese Forces party: Sethrida Geagea and Ghiath Yazbek.
Two seats for the Free Patriotic Movement: Gebran Bassil and George Atallah.
Two seats for the Marada Movement: Tony Franjieh and William Tawk.
3 seats for independents: Michel Moawad, Adib Abdel Massih and Michel Douaihy.
As for the third district of the South (Bint Jbeil - Nabatiyeh - Marjayoun and Hasbaya), the winners are:
3 seats for Hezbollah: Muhammad Raad, Hassan Fadlallah and Ali Fayyad.
6 seats for the Amal Movement: Hani Qubaisi, Ali Hassan Khalil, Ayoub Hamid, Ashraf Baydoun, Nasser Jaber and Qassem Hashem.
Two seats for independents: Elias Jarada and Firas Hamdan.
Molloy had announced, earlier, the results of the following departments:
- South District One (Sidon - Jezzine), the voter turnout was 46.6%, and the winners are:
3 seats for independents: Abdel Rahman Al-Bizri, Osama Saad and Charbel Massad.
Two seats for the Lebanese Forces party: Ghada Ayoub and Saeed Al-Asmar.
In the second district of the South (Tyre - Sidon villages), the voter turnout was 48.8%, and the winners are:
5 seats for the Amal Movement: Nabih Berri, Ali Khreis, Inayat Ezzedine, Ali Oseiran and Michel Musa.
Two seats for Hezbollah: Hussein Jashi and Hassan Ezzedine.
Bekaa District One (Zahle), the voter turnout was 49.5%, and the winners are:
Two seats for the Lebanese Forces party: George Akis and Elias Stephan.
Seat of the Free Patriotic Movement: Salim Aoun.
A seat for the Tashnaq Party: George Bushekian.
A seat for Hezbollah: Rami Abu Hamdan.
Independent seat: Michel Daher.
The Second Bekaa Constituency (West Bekaa - Rashaya), the voter turnout was 42.47%, and the winners are:
A seat for the Amal movement: Qabalan Qabalan.
Seat of the Progressive Socialist Party: Wael Abu Faour.
Seat of the Free Patriotic Movement: Charbel Maroun.
3 independent seats: Hassan Murad, Yassin Yassin and Ghassan Skaf.
In the third Bekaa constituency (Baalbek-Hermel), the winners are:
Six seats for Hezbollah: Hussein Al-Hajj Hassan, Ihab Hamadeh, Ali Al-Miqdad, Ibrahim Al-Mousawi, Yall Al-Solh, and Melhem Al-Hujairi.
Seat for the Amal Movement: Ghazi Zuaiter.
Seat of the Free Patriotic Movement: Samer Al-Tom.
Seat of the Lebanese Forces: Antoine Habashi.
Seat for Independents: Jamil El-Sayed.
- Mount Lebanon First Constituency (Byblos - Kesrouan), the voter turnout was 63.4%, and the winners are:
Two seats for the Lebanese Forces party: Ziad Al-Hawat and Shawki Daccache.
Two seats for the Free Patriotic Movement: Simon Abi Ramia and Nada Al-Bustani.
Two seats for independents: Nima'a Afram and Farid Haikal El-Khazen.
Seat of the Lebanese Kataeb Party: Salim Al-Sayegh.
A seat for Hezbollah: Raed Berro.
- Mount Lebanon Third District (Baabda), the voter turnout was 47.39%, and the winners are:
Seat of the Lebanese Forces Party: Pierre Bou Assi.
Seat of the Free Patriotic Movement: Alain Aoun.
Seat of the Progressive Socialist Party: Hadi Abul-Hassan.
Seat of the National Liberal Party: Camille Chamoun.
A seat for Hezbollah: Ali Ammar.
A seat for the Amal movement: Fadi Alama.
Thus, the Ministry of Interior has announced the results of 11 constituencies, provided that the results of the remaining four constituencies (Beirut's first and second districts and the first and second districts of the North) will be announced, respectively. The voter turnout in all of Lebanon reached about 41%, noting that the voter turnout in the 2018 session was 49.68%.